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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
What I Do For Enemies
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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

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05-30-2017, 09:08 AM

May29th,2017. Somewhere In Sothern Kentucky

Mezian gets out of his car and walks to the trunk. He opens the trunk and grabs Micheal Davids and pull him out.They walk down a dirt road towards an abandoned barn. Micheal is still gagged and is still bound by the hands.
They enter the barn and Micheal sees a chair next to a whole similar to a grave.Mezain sits him in the chair and takes the gag out of his mouth, allowing him to speak.

Now tell me what I want to hear or I gut you like a fish and push you into the hole.

Micheal stared at Mezian. He knew that the man wasn't kidding. He knew that this may be the place where he dies.But he did not know what his former friend meant by the question.

Pat, buddy, I have no idea what you 're talking about.What do you need me to tell you?I can tell you anything, I Just need to know what I'm supposed to say.

I know you know what I mean Micheal.I want to know the reason why after all the stuff we have been through why you found it necessary to lie to me. You lied to me about the job in London. You lied to me about the Job in Germany.
You lied to me about what happened at the bar I had you clean up.I have done nothing but trust you. I have done nothing but forgive you for the shit you have done.But I am not doing it anymore and I'm not kidding anymore. Either you tell me what I want to know or I will kill you and burn this barn down to the ground.

I told you why I lied to you about the London Job, And I wasn't Lying to you about the Germany job.i was honest with you Abby is the one that lied to you.And the Bar thing wasn't that big of a deal they were just random guys.They had no connection to us.It was an easy mark. They didn't know what was coming.

Mezian balled his fist and began to punch Micheal in the face.He began to scream as he heard the bones crunch in his face.


Mezian stopped punching Micheal so he could answer. Micheal began to lose consciousness. Mezian cracked smelling salts and stuffed it in Micheals broken nose.Micheal screamed from the pain. Then he began to scream for help. Through the pain and missing teeth and a swollen jaw.

Scream all you want Micheal. I bought this barn and the 100 acres that surround it.That is how I found out I was missing 45,000 dollars. I also saw that is was moved to an account in London.Then I thought to myself who was in London that we know....

A face of sheer terror comes to Micheal's face.He went pale from the thought of the things Mezian could have done to Abby.He began to cry for his friend and lover.

Oh, My God ...Abby.

Oh your god Abby what?

Did you kill Abby for my fuck up?

No Micheal why would I do that? What I did do was report her location to the English government.Did you know she was a Deserter? That is an offense that you can be hung for. So no I didn't kill her, I'm gonna let the good people
of England decide her fate.

Micheal began to sob at the thought of his Abigail dying alone.He couldn't believe what kind of monster Patrick had become.

What the fuck is wrong with you Patrick?Why are you doing this to me?What did I do to you to deserve this?

Are you seriously asking me those questions? You lied to me, you had me kill people who didn't deserve it, you had me leave my family to go finish what you couldn't, and then you fucking stole from me.You should be glad I didn't kill you earlier, like in London. I gave you a chance to redeem yourself. but you couldn't get past your selfish ways.

All you think about it is you. I have a family to think about, I have a career to worry about the last thing I need is some selfish fuck head stealing from me.You of all people should know I am not the one to fuck with when it comes to my family
and my money. So what I'm going to do now is call our offshore bank and have to transfer all the money in your account to mine.Do we have an understanding?

Micheal still sobbing over what Mezian had done nods his head in agreement.He knew his fate was sealed and there was nothing to do but accept his death.Mezain pulls out his phone and calls his bank...the phone begins to ring

Thank you for calling the International Bank of Barbados. If you know the extension of the party you are trying to reach enter it now.

Mezian presses and few numbers and the phone connects to someone else.Mezain places the phone next to Micheals' head.A pleasant female voice answers the phone.

Hello, This Mister White, Account Number5436951212, Access Code: Zulu, Whiskey, Nevada, Oscar, Tango.Security Answer: As blue as the Ravens my brother.

Hello Mister White what can I do for you?

Id like to set up an account withdraw and transfer my account.

Of course, Mr.White, How much would like to transfer?

All of it, every penny

Okay, who will you be receiving the money?

Mr.Green, he will be receiving the transfer.

Okay is he there can I speak to him.

Mezian pulls the phone to his ear and speaks

Hello, this is Mr.Grenn, Account Number5436591213, Access Code: Foxtrot, Ultra, Charlie, Kilo, Security Answer: Fate whispers your name.

Okay, Thank you Mister Green please give a moment for the transfer and we will send you a text message to confirm.

Thank you, That is all need for the day. I'll call back if I don't get the notification.

Mezain Hangs up the phone and waits for the notification.His phone vibrates, and he opens the text.


The amount of 5,378,890,.00
has been deposited into account ending
in xx1213.

Thank you, Micheal, I really do appreciate what you just did. I also thought the Resivoir Dogs reference was awesome.But that was then this is now.the question is what do I do with you. I have taken your money, your love, and everything you had. Do I kill you?No that would be too easy. I think ill have some fun with you.

Why don't you just kill me, man?Like you said you have everything I had.What could you possibly want from me?I don't know what else you can do to me.everything I have gotten my hands dirty wth you has been just as dirty.
There is nothing you can pin on me man.So just kill me.

No Micheal that is where you are wrong.All of the things you have gotten your hands dirty with you did.I didn't exist for any of that. Remember, I did nothing to catch someone's attention.You even made sure to keep me quiet from
Blackwater.Now with Abby in prison and probably hanging by her neck by now. You're the only one that knows the truth.And there is nothing you can do to change it. So I have reported you to the police for the murder and the arson in

Your crazy man you were there. The cameras inside would have seen you there. They would have seen you beat up those guys. They would have seen you call me to clean up your mess man. You can't pin this all on me man. You'll get caught, I'll make sure of it.

Will you Micheal?I am a ghost man.There is nothing that pins me to the fire or the murders.I was never there the police only know you killed those people, you burned that place down.What proof does have that I was there?Our phone calls, you know I can make all of that go away. You know I have connections everywhere Micheal.Now we have nothing left to speak about you are going to jail and walking away from here with all of your money.

I will always win these games Micheal you have never been the smartest man. I am better at this and I always will be.But I'm running out of time, so ill be going now.Also, I'm gonna need you to fall into the hole now.But first I'm gonna cut you free.

Mezian cuts Micheal free and then pushes him into the hole.

Micheal while you're down there maybe you can figure out how to blame this on me. Or you can use the gun I left down there. You have two options, kill me and go to jail anyway or kill yourself and meet with your saviors.Either way, I
win. So I'm gonna leave now the cops are almost here.

The sounds of police cars echo through the woods surrounding the barn. Mezian leaves out a back door.Walks out to the woods behind the barn and watches it all go down.The police reach the door right as he hears a shot echoes and breaks the silence. He knew that he had lost a friend but that wasn't something to worry about right now he needed to get home to get ready for the match on Wednesday.

Once Mezian gets home he realizes he can still get one promo in. he turns on the camera that is in the basement and begins to record the promo.Mezian sits in the chair he had Micheal in and begins...

It seems I have lost my way. I have strayed away from the original reason for coming here to the Xwf.But not anymore I have found my purpose again.and unfortunately for The Ultimate Outlaws they are next in a long line of victims.

I have made it my goal to dismantle every group that seeks to obtain power through teams.The Current situation aside I feel like these teams are a blight upon the XWF and shall be left broken among the shattered remains of the division.
Those who seek to control the outcome of the division will be the first to go.Power hungry ego maniacs who know nothing but selfishness. And do not placate me with the notion of"teamwork".

Even the best teams are falling apart now.Blood is int he water with High stakes on the horizon. No one is safe and no one will be protected from betrayal.the seeds of doubt are planted and now all that is left is water them with rumors,
and let them bask in the sunlight that is deceit and backstage politics.

All will fall and the Outlaws will know first hand the power that I have.So let this be my final acknowledgment to the Outlaws.There is a war coming and there will be casualties. Just count yourselves as 1 and 2 of the casualties.

The apocalypse is now.....YOUR END IS NIGH!!!!!

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

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