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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Glorification of Evil
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Thomas Nixon Offline
Saving the Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

05-12-2017, 09:33 PM

I've been searching for the daughter of the Devil himself
I've been searching for an Angel in white
I've been waiting for a woman who's a little of both
And I can feel her but she's nowhere in sight

Headlights pierce through the darkness on the interstate, as Thomas Nixon passes the state line into Michigan. Although it is nearly forty degrees, the Ford Mustang has its top down leaving the XWF superstar exposed to the cool air. The sleek exterior of the car blends in smoothly with the night, but the music and the loud motor sounds sharply contrast with the silence of the empty roads.

Wearing a light jacket, he maintains a bit of warmth, and his hair is uncharacteristically messy. He opted not to slick it back, instead the wind blows it this way and that.

Nixon always liked these night time drives. They are simply an escape from reality; actually, they aren’t much of an escape at all. His mind wanders and delves into the world, probably deeper than he would normally. Nixon doesn’t escape his daily events; he just looks at them differently, more abstractedly.

Nixon glances down at the radio, which features the text “One of These Nights//Eagles” sliding across the screen.

“I always liked this song. There’s something amazing about the lyrics and the smooth guitar riff. I just can’t get sick of this song. But I’m honestly sitting here listening to this piece of music for probably the thousandth time and I thought of something brand new. I haven’t noticed a simple undertone that this song reveals, and I kind of feel like an idiot.

I always loved this line right here. “I’ve been searching for the daughter of the Devil himself”. That was always a line that made me grin because I felt like I could relate to it. And the thing is, a lot of guys out there can relate to that.

But when they sing that lyric, they’re glorifying evil. In its most simplistic essence, that line is acting like something evil and bad should be sought after like a prize. It’s snuck into the song, and you don’t even notice it! Usually, stuff like this, the absolute glorification of evil and horror isn’t subtle at all.

As a wrestler in the XWF, I know first-hand that some of our fans are in attendance to see blood and violence. They want to see the sickest, cruelest motherfuckers beat each other within an inch of their lives, and they don’t care what kind of sadistic fuck they are watching. But I don’t think that’s right.

You can want violence and entertainment, but that’s a slippery slope to enabling the psychopaths that we see within this company. Take, for example, Michael Graves, he’s a sick guy that has an obsessive urge to fiddle with little girls, specifically Dolly Waters. When we cheer for brutality and violence, guys like Graves are getting applause for beating the absolute piss out a little girl. The real problem is, we’re letting his mental issues go unchecked because ‘it’s wrestling, settle it in the ring’. But the man needs help!

It’s not Michael Graves’ fault that our industry enables that dark behavior and that our society breeds people to want to see that shit, but someone has to take the responsibility to stop that harmful behavior.

This gets me to my main concern, you see, I just listened to Mezian’s parting thoughts leading up to our match, and I’m absolutely worried. I’m worried that Vincent Lane and the XWF Management Team are going to let a madman ruin his own life. Because after I heard him talk about shamans and his split personality and his theory on being chosen, I’m genuinely concerned that this man needs to talk to a professional about his childhood traumas.

Unfortunately, when he breaks down and transitions into ‘Mezian’, he is a violent motherfucker. The kind of violent man that XWF can leverage for ratings and controversy. He’s a maniac and he’s disturbed; that’s not even a controversial opinion. Watch the footage, and tell me that you disagree with my conclusion because I guarantee you’ll see my point. He needs to be rehabilitated, but instead he is being taken advantage of by the owners of this very company.

Before, I thought of Mezian as an outrageous, ignorant wrestler, but after his latest segment, I’ve been thrown for a loop. I feel bad for the guy. The parallel is right there in front of us. He’s being mistreated, and he needs help to get by in the society that we created. The institutions that are prominent in his life, the XWF and the celebration of violence and delusion in our culture, are keeping him from becoming a real person again.

Someone decided not to sign off on the slip that would send Mezian to a nice therapy session because they don’t care about what the guy does if he produces. They’ll let him babble about his super powers and his incredible ‘healing’, but they won’t offer services to resolve his delusions. His struggles remind me of the mistreatment that I’ve watched since the day I was born, the mistreatment of the lizard people.

That’s a conflicted feeling. As I cross the border into Michigan where I will defend my championship, I’m looking at an opponent that I actually sympathize with. He’s going through a struggle that I can’t relate to, and nobody is offering guidance. And I’m expected to fight this guy? I have to try and put down this nutcase for a three count?

It isn’t going to be satisfying to beat him and watch him stick around in the XWF. There’s no pleasure in watching a sick man only get further and further afflicted by his own mental issues. And he’s already so far gone. The way he talks about himself is so detailed; he’s insistent that he isn’t some kind of lunatic. But instead of showing us, he’s telling us. It’s like an alcoholic yelling on the phone to his wife that he hasn’t been drinking, it’s sad.

But I’m going to do exactly what I have to do. Although the lizards I fight for are oppressed and abused similar to how Mezian is used by the XWF, I have to pick my own battles. The lizard people are a larger group that poor Mezian, and it is my duty and obligation to represent my cause the best that I can. Even if I want to try and help a struggling man retain his senses, I can’t take a risk.

So I’m going to treat him like anybody else in the locker room. I know that a man like him has his advantages, and I’m fully prepared to watch him completely snap during our match. If I have to throw a knee at his jaw and drop him on his neck, so be it. I’ll do it, even if I don’t like to. There are necessary evils in this world, and I’m willing to beat the daylights out of Mezian if it means promoting my agenda.

But someday in the near future, I hope that Mezian can accept my words at face value. Maybe he can consider the treatment that he dearly needs, and maybe I can change his life too. I’m on a crusade for more than just the lizard people. I’m fighting for more than simply ending the ignorance in this company. I want to help all people that are struggling get back on their feet, and I will not enable a demented, mentally ill man for the purpose of entertainment.

I won’t pull a damn punch on Saturday night, but I sure as hell wish you the best of luck, Mezian. Not just in our match but finding people that will treat you better and save you from your vices. Once and for all, we should end the glorification of evil, and this will be the first of many small steps.”

Nixon continues on the interstate and into the night hoping that he might be able to save the son of the Devil himself come Saturday night.

Ambassador of the Lizard People
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JackCain (05-13-2017), JimCaedus (05-14-2017), Theo Pryce (05-13-2017), Vincent Lane (05-13-2017)

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