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Cadryn Tiberius Offline
The Essence Of Excellence

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-10-2017, 03:14 PM

2:27 pm - 05/10/2017 - Theo Pryce’ private jet - Inner Monologue

”It pains me more than I can say to leave my family behind once more. I actually believed that this week would be the week that I was able to stay at house and get to spend a little time with my dad and my wife. But, as they often do, my plans changed. And now, I find myself on a beautiful jet owned by none other than one of four Kings™ Theo Pryce. On our way to his beautiful home in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I’ve never been to Wyoming, but I can’t imagine it’s a far cry from Texas or West Virginia, the two places I call home. I’d like to tell you that I’m excited, that I am overcome with joy, but truth be told, I’m not. Percocet helps to put me in the right mindframe for what I’m about to do. It’s not an addiction, mind you. When the prescription is gone, it’s gone forever. But, as the doctor’s made it clear that I needed to take them for the pain, currently, I am happy to oblige.”

”Theo is in the front of the plane, the cockpit, I believe they call it. Conversing with the pilots, assumably about how much of an idiot I am for even taking on this gig. Truth be told, I have a lot of fun being the Jester. To most it would be demoralizing, and most just call me The Kings™ bitch, and in some ways I am. But, deep inside, that passion that I had for laughter, for stupidity, that part of The Cereal Killer still remains. I love to make people laugh, to me it’s the best medicine on earth. Many a night, Natalie and I have laid in our bed watching different stand up comedians, and just laughing ourselves sick. Those are the nights that I’ll always remember, the nights that define a marriage. My family, means the world to me, and they always will. Though my father never made it far in this business, he pushed forward, and continues to do so today. Though his accident has caused him great suffering mentally, physically, he still remains the strongest son of a bitch I’ve ever met. A southern gentleman with the strength of ten men! Heh. That’s my dad!”

The cockpit door opens and out walks a tall, slender, man. Dressed in a beautiful dark blue and gray suit, carrying himself confidently, Theo Pryce is the perfect example of what every man in the world wants to be. Loved by women, feared by men, and enough money to live his wildest dreams for the rest of his life. Theo approaches Cadryn and sits down in the seat directly in front of him.

”Pilot says it shouldn’t be but an hour or so before we arrive in Wyoming. How are you feeling?”

Cadryn looks to Theo with a subtle grin, surprised by his inquisitive nature, suddenly.

”Well, Theo, I..

Cadryn is cut off abruptly.

”You actually thought I cared how you felt? Listen. Don’t read more into this than what it is. We share a common enemy, that’s the only reason you are protected, and that lasts only until I decided otherwise, understand? As I’ve said before, you make me laugh, and that has bought you some extra time. But everyone's time runs out eventually, kid.”

Cadryn’s smile widens, unaffected by what Theo has said.

”People have been shitting on me my entire life, Theo. I’m used to it. I’m doing this for my family. As you said, it’s nothing more than a current agreement, and for that I thank you.”

Theo looks almost surprised that he didn’t offend Cadryn. A small, barely noticeable smile begins to form on Theo’s face.

”You’re an idiot. Once we get to the house, I will explain to you exactly what I need you to do. You will follow these instructions, and you will not deviate. Also, don’t touch any of my things, and try not to get too excited that you’re in the home of a King™.”

Cadryn extends his hand, a gesture of understanding and respect for Theo.

”You’ve got it, boss.”

Theo extends his hand and the two men exchange a handshake for a few moments.

”You’re not threatening, and you’re not very skilled. But, I’ll say one thing, you’ve got balls, kid. Jack Cain is one big son of a bitch, and let’s remember, we agreed to protect you from Ax3, not some generic Thomas Payne wannabe. Try not to die, that would put a damper on at least 3 more parties I have planned.”

6:03 pm - 05/10/2017 - Theo’s home - Inner Monologue

”I’ve been thinking about this since Theo said it. He looked at me and said “You’ve got balls, kid.”, the first non-douchecanoe thing Theo has ever said to me. I mean, he’s right. I will stand toe to toe with anyone, regardless of size or strength. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with losing, but there’s a lot wrong with being a coward. As I sit here in the guest bedroom of Theo’s home, the room I shall call my own for the evening, I can’t help but wonder what Jack Cain is doing in preparation of our match on Warfare. The guy is certified mental. Call it PTSD, bad genes, I don’t even know. But the guy is obviously a lunatic. You tell a great story, Jack, I’ll give you that. But unlike fairy tales, this will not be your happily ever after. First of all, lying to your dead parents, tsk tsk, shame on you Jacky boy. You stood in front of their lifeless, decaying, bodies, and you told them that I am the man that you could have been. That my friend, is a bold face lie. Regardless of your situation, whether it’s past, present, or future, you are not and never will be the man that I am.”

”It takes a hell of a lot more to be a man, than wielding weaponry, and killing those you deem “unworthy”. You make judgments on folks like you’re the Alpha and Omega, like you’re the end all, be all, of the the world that we live in. And that just isn’t the case, Jack. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the only man fit to judge me, and anyone else in this world. You have no right to decide the fate of another human beings life. Albeit, there are exceptions to every rule. But to me, you’re not just someone looking to do a little good in the world, trying to make up for past mistakes. You’re the type of guy who would gun down an old lady if she cut you off at an intersection. You sit there, and you tell your dead parents that I’m the guy you wish you could be, like it’s some kind of easy chore. Wait, my apologies, you said the guy you think they wish you could be. Which translates into what I said prior, considering they aren’t talking much nowadays, are they, Jack? You’re goddamn right you're envious of me. Every man in this world should want to be me, and to be every ounce of man that I am. But the problem is, you can’t be me, and you’ll never be like me. You act like I’m a pushover, like I waste my time doing things for all the wrong reasons. You couldn’t be more off base here, partner.”

”From the moment my eyes open at the start of the day, till the moment the close at the end, my intentions are always the same. To do what is necessary to ensure the survival and protection of my family at all costs. And yeah, maybe those are your goals too, or at least may be they are now? I don’t know. But, my wife, my father, I ain’t got kids yet, but when I do, my kids...They are my world. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about me, or what people think about my actions. My actions speak for themselves on a daily basis, especially inside the ring. I haven’t always done the right thing, Jack. It took years of making mistakes to finally be guided in the right direction, to finally make a difference in my life and the lives of others. I’m as humble as anyone in my position, as grateful as I can be that I’ve been blessed. Because, win or lose, as I’ve stated before, I am blessed. I pride myself on being a stand up guy, a role model for the less fortunate, and a man among men. And I’ll be honest, if your dad is half the man you proclaim that he is, I could definitely see us being best friends.”

”It is a shame that I have to lay waste to you on Warfare, Jack. As much as I hate to admit it, and as much as I hate the way you operate, you seem like a guy I could befriend. And you hit the nail on the head when you said that I am everything you’re not. From everything I am outside of the ring, to everything I am inside of it. I am everything you are not, and that’s the God’s honest truth. You claim your parents would hate you for “what you’re about to do” to me, but would they actually hate you? I mean, it’s obvious they know the real you, and they’ve either always loved you, or never loved you, which is it? As for beating me within an inch of my life? Well, I just can’t let that happen, Jack. As I’ve said, I have something worth living for. I have goals, I have dreams, and I refuse to let them be taken away by some overgrown, dishonorable discharge, who’s looking to make a name for himself. Everybody’s goal is to win, Jack, regardless the trial. Maybe the voices in your head keep telling you you’re a piece of shit because you are just that. I won’t sleep on you, Jack, don’t you worry. But, I won’t make this out to be some type of David vs Goliath match either. You’re stepping into that ring with a man who has done incredible things in his career here in the XWF. My only advice for you, is to not sleep on me, ask anyone.”

”And yeah, again, as I’ve said before, I do solve my problems with my fists. Using a weapon is cowardly, and I choose to avoid it if at all possible. I mean, look at my face, look what Barney Green did to me. I could have easily pulled out a gun and shot his fat ass, and it would have all been over. But, that’s not the right way to solve a problem. I’ll take 100 losses, before I take a cowardly win. So, you do what you have to do, Jack. I’ll do what I have to do about it, you can take that to the bank. I’ll drag your lifeless carcass back to the spot in which you currently stand if you test me. That’s a side of myself I never want to let out, but I’ll bury you beside your parents, because if it comes to life or death, I’ve got a family to feed. There will be no type of dismantling happening on your end, pal. I know that you think you know my weaknesses, and that you think you’ve studied enough tapes, but you don’t know the half of it. My wife, my father, they will be in attendance, as they generally are for my matches. You can talk about how you’re going to dismantle me, break my legs, beat my face into a pulp, or what have you. But, it’s simply just talk. I’m a man of action, a man that does what he intends to do. You’re obviously a man who is used to disappointing those around you, and uses words as a shield against the obvious chink in your armor. In closing, Jack, I’d just like to say best of luck. And as I’ve told every other opponent in my life, regardless of the outcome, there will always be a spot at my table for you, Jack. When it’s all said and done, I’ll shake your hand like the man that I am, and I’ll go on my way. That’s what my father has taught me, show me what your father has taught you…”

Suddenly the guest bedroom door opens, and in walks Theo. A look of excitement adorns his face as he looks to Cadryn and begins to speak.

”Hey, dicktickler, are you about ready? I’ve got a few people I want you to meet.”

Cadryn finishes zipping the zipper on his costume, adorns his magical hat, and smiles reluctantly at Theo.

”I’m about as ready as I’ll ever be, Theo. Let’s just get this over with so that I can get back to my family.”

Theo points to the door where three other men are standing. All dressed in clothes worth more than Cadryn’s entire existence. The three men begin to walk through the door one by one, as Cadryn suddenly realizes the gravity of the situation..


(To Be Continued..)

The Essence Of Excellence -The Reverend - The Messiah - The Reflection Of Pinfection - Jester™

(Updated and Reset: 3/31/23)
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0 - 1 - 0

Cadryn's Butthole (Backstage Page)

Honorary King™ For The Day!

October 2017 Star Of The Month
May 2017 Star Of The Month
2017 Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
1x XWF Tag Team Champion (Pintner: Michael Graves)
2x XWF Hart Champion
1x XWF Television Champion
2x XWF Federweight Champion
5x XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion
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