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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Frost will Burn, van Dam will fall, mess with the Vyper, he'll take you to school
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MrVyper Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

05-13-2013, 09:08 AM

The Vypers Pit: Edition #1
# roleplay two against; Frost & Salman van Dam.

#' The X-Tron bursts into a beacon of light as the sound of screaming and screeching of lead guitar from Metallica's "Master of Puppets" roars onto the sound system. A swarm of lights dance and chase each other around the arena as the camera pans around the thousands of fans packed into the Norfolk Scope, Virginia. #

# Zayne Vyper steps from behind the curtain onto the stage where he is met with a chorus of boos and jeers. He claps his arm's together forming a 'V' shape and raises it aloft in the air as the boos continue to ring out around the arena being slightly drowned out by the 'Lots go Vyper!' and 'Kick, Punch, Ground'n'Pound' chants slowly building power throughout the arena. Vyper pauses for a brief moment on the top of the stage before powerfully walking down the ramp through the middle of numerous fireworks of various colours on either side. He ignores most of the outstretched arms of the jumping and jiving XWF fans until shaking one boys hand who is wearing a 'High&Dry' t-shirt. His three quarter length jeans reach just below his muscular calf muscle and dangle above his expensive custom made sneakers. He also sports a 'High&Dry' t-shirt underneath a open buttoned arm length in a striped white. He ambles up the ramp squeezing each and every last moment of the situation and clambers through the second rope into the ring which has been set up for the debut of his show the 'Vypers Pit.' The ring contains two large sofas, a plasma television and white velvet carpet. Zayne stands in the middle of the ring, seemingly in awe of the audience in front of him. The Vyper raises a microphone to his mouth, which had been passed to him by a ring announcer ringside. #[/color]

[Image: WWE-Fans.jpg]
Zayne Vyper
"Hello and welcome to the Vypers Pit! With me, your host, Zayne Vyper... starring ..ME!... ZAYNE VYPER!!... C'mon do you not recognise greatness when it's standing right before you?"

# Vypers pauses are filled with hate filled taunts and low boos. Every jab and jive taken at Zayne stretches the broad grin across his face. At the back in the rafters a 'Go home Vyper' chant starts up and is echoed throughout the arena which visibly aggravates Vyper, but he contains his posture and perches his lips to speak. #

Zayne Vyper
"Haha! I thought not! You might not realise it but your lucky to even be able to watch this show, this show is so exclusive it's not even been on public television before you idiots!.. Idiots! Every single last one of you, from the cheap-ass' in the back to the snooty slime balls packing out the front row, your all idiots! And you know why?"


Zayne Vyper
"Because you adore and crown morons your World Heavyweight Champion, like that Luca Arzugatti or whatever that chumps name is!"


# The name of the Xtreme Champion fill the sell out arena and Zayne takes a step backwards and pivots on his hind leg, looking out of the masses of XWF fans holding home-made posters and sporting their favourite superstars merchandise. He clears his throat before addressing the audience again. His composure and patience clearly wearing thin now. #

Zayne Vyper
"Just like I thought! Moving on, introducing my first guest into the Vypers Pit this evening, another of you idiots favourite, Salman Van Dam!"

# Salman Van Dam appears on top of the stage, his eyes fixed on Zayne Vyper, he begins his voyage down the ramp to the squared circle. Keeping his eyes fixed on the target, he rolls under the bottom rope and raises his arms into the air, the fans erupt and the four sides of the ring burst into a large quantity of fireworks. Zayne, clearly disgruntled by the fireworks, is thrown aback as they fire and flicker off. Clearing again knocking his confidence, composure and patience, he stares down SVD, fire in his eyes. Salman smiles at Vyper, winking before raising a microphone to his own mouth.

Salman Van Dam
"You know what 'Vyperrrr', me and the rest of these awesome fans in the audience are sick of your damn whining and moaning, ever since you've got here, whine whine whine, moan moan moan. Your starting to get on SVD's nerves now bro."

# Zayne remains unmoved from the position he was in after the fireworks erupted. His eyes leering through SVD. He releases his anger with a cocky smirk which wipes the grin off SVD's face, and you can hear him saying not through the microphone "What'chu laughin' at?!" Turning his back on SVD, Zayne makes his way over to one of the large leather sofas parallel on either side of the ring and slumps down into one and sighs. #

Zayne Vyper
"Tell me.. Salman isn't it? Tell me Salman, what makes you think you can win our match tonight? Have you taken too many blows to the head or was your mom a *BLEEP*!"

[Image: WWE-Heavyweight-Champ-Edge.jpg]

# SVD leaps up off his seat on the opposite sofa almost symetrically with Zayne Vyper as the two go toe to toe, eye to eye, nose to nose. The crowd start a 'SVD' chant up, and the two exchange explicit language as the camera pulls away from the two stood confronting each other. The camera fades to a screen saying 'the Vypers Pit continues NEXT!' #

Commercial Break
Roleplay will continue...

[Image: 11038946450a12997168457l.jpg]

"The leader of the egotistical society, the prosecutor of the weak, leader of the great."
I am, "The Serpent"

Match Record
Win| Loss | Draw

5 | 2 | 0
Match Record:

Warfare: defeated Frost & SVD via High&Dry
Shove It: defeated Intemporaliter Scelestus w/ Swift Ion
High Stakes: defeated Dean Moxley via High&Dry
High Stakes: defeated by The Crimson Knights via escaping the cage.
Warfare: defeated Kristen Silver via Lights Out
Madness: defeated Danny Danger & Jonathyn Davydson via High and Dry.
Warfare: defeated by Peter Gilmour via pin-fall.
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