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A Beautiful Morning
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Dolly Waters Offline

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-05-2017, 10:02 AM

Tuesday, April 4th, 2017
Pikeville, Kentucky, U.S.A
...Dolly’s Apartment...

The scene opens and we find a distraught and shaky Dolly Waters having just returned to her musty apartment for the first time in months. The place had been wrecked by the asshole sheriffs and DEA agents who executed their search warrant for the PEDS that were allegedly in her residence. The place was a total wreck; refrigerator door swung open, reeking of spoiled milk and rotten eggs, her modest little room completely turned upside down with her mattress and pillows split open, feathers and stuffing slung all about the place.

”Aw, fuck!”

There was even a big pile of dried dogshit right in the middle of the floor from what we assume was the police K-9 that Dolly just stepped in. All of this was too much for her to process right now, not even mentioning that Dolly was still reeling from her loss at Lethal Lottery, the doleful doll had just found out the tragic news about her one and only friend in this world. The only thing she could think to do was grab a shower, she still hadn’t bathed since North Korea and was smelling a mite expired. But just as she went to stand from her tearful little indian-styled slumber on the floor of her bedroom, there’s a ring from her doorbell.

”Oh fuck me running… who could this be?”

Initially Dolly thought that it must have been the old lady from across the hallway that was always bothering her. She must have seen, Dolly come in, and being the nosey old hag that she was, she was going to want a long, trite explanation as to where Dolly had been all this time. But Dolly was going to give her something else entirely… a piece of her mind.

After what seems like an eternity for Micheal Graves. The door finally swings open aggressively as the chain lock makes a loud thud stopping it at about six inches. Dolly peaks through the opening to see Graves who is oddly still decked out in his wrestling gear from the other night, and has seemingly not even taken a shower considering the dried patches of blood all over his face and body; that at least gave these two unfamiliar, totally juxtaposed partners SOMETHING in common. Graves smiles a creepy and insincere smile as he throws his hand up in the air and waves and he slumps down slightly to be more at Dolly’s level.

“Hiya partner, can I come in?”

To say that Dolly was giving Graves an incredulous look would be an understatement.

”Uh? Excuse the fuck out of me! How in the hell do you know where I live?”

Micheal stares into Dolly’s eyes as a nervous look falls over his face. Michael's eyes shift up as he recalls the events that have led to him standing here at the door of a thirteen year old girl's apartment. Luckily for the viewer, those events were previously recorded, and spliced into this promo.

Earlier that day…

The scene fades into the inside of what appears to be a school. The camera is following closely behind Micheal Graves, who of course is still in his wrestling gear, and still covered in blood. Keep in mind, this shit is a flashback. Micheal gets odd looks from every student and teacher that he passes in the hall. Can you blame them? Them man looks like a certifiable nutcase. Micheal swings open a big brown door, and struts into the front office. The commotion from his entrance causes the small staff of three women working to look up, their reactions to this talk brooding, shirtless, bloodsoaked man? Priceless. The woman closest to the door screams and flies backwards in her roller chair, unable to take her eyes off of Graves. The woman furthest in the back looks up and screams as well, before throwing her stack of papers into the air and running out of the room via a back door. The other lady, who is an elderly sort who looks like she is on her last leg not only as a school employee, but just life in general. She is the most unphased by Micheal’s odd appearance. She looks up from her desk and noticing that Micheal hasn’t been attended to, she calmly stands up and walks over to the counter.

“Can I help you sir?”

”Yessuh Ma'am, ah believe thet yo' kin. ah jest need t'git some info'mashun.”

Oh no… no, no, no… What is Micheal doing? That is the worst redneck impression that I’ve ever heard. It would seem that this lady agrees as she finally shows a reaction to Micheal. It’s not a reaction to his horror movie looks though, just an unimpressed look with a raised eyebrow. She waits a moment, allowing the awkward situation to linger before she responds.

“What is it exactly that you need sir?”

”Wal yo' see, ah's Dolly Waters Uncle, an' ah knows thet she hain't been attendin' skoo fo' a quite some time now. ah jest need t'git her address so thet ah can hoof it an' try t'talk some sense into th' gal.”

The elderly lady releases a long breathed sigh before continuing.

“Sir, I appreciate the fact that you want your “niece” to attend her classes, but we are unable to release any personal information about our students to anyone except for parents and legal guardians. Are you Ms. Waters legal guardian?”

”Um, well, no, but let me tell yo', her Pappy is th' biggest deadbeat son of a bitch thet ah know. I've been tryin' t'git him t'go talk t'her fo' weeks. Set her back on th' right path t'git her learnin', but he don't give a rats ass. Thet's why' ah need her address. ah's this gals last hope.”

“I’m sorry sir, but there is nothing that I can do to help you.”

Micheal, irritated at the fact that he isn’t getting what he wants, slams the palms of his hands down on the counter. The action makes a loud POP that echos through the office and causes that other lady to run out of the room as well. The old woman seems unfazed however, as she just stands there staring at Micheal with that same unimpressed look from earlier. Frustrated, Micheal turns and walks away, only to about face and charge back towards the counter, leaning in close, almost nose to nose with this old lady.

”Listen bitch, Truth be told, Dolly is my partner! I just need to know where she lives so that I can pay her a visit!”

“What do you mean by partner? Sir are you admitting to a federal employee that you are follin’ around with an underage girl?”

Micheal jumps back, shocked by the accusation. He begins shaking his head and waving his hands back and forth.

”No, no, noooo… We are both wrestlers, and I’m teaming with her this Saturday night, THAT’S ALL!”

“Well regardless of your story, like I said, I’m not allowed to release that information.”

”Come on lady… isn’t there anything that I can do to get you to break that stupid rule?”

The old woman looks up, and smiles as she removes her glasses and attempts to look sexy.

“I’m sure we can figure out something.”

An undisclosed amount of time passes.

The door to the supply closet creeks open as the old woman walks out glowing, with a satisfied smile from ear to ear. Micheal Graves comes walking out behind her, wiping his mouth and making a disgusted face. The lady sits down at her computer and types a few lines in, then jots down an address on a post it note, handing it to Micheal.

“Here you go sweetie, just don’t do anything illegal with that girl.”

Micheal snatches the paper from her hands and walks off, muttering to himself.

”Trust me, that’s not happening…”

The scene fades out as we cut back to the present.


”Oh… um, it doesn’t matter.”

Dolly ponders that incredibly, totally unintentionally ingenious statement for a moment: Graves was right, It didn’t matter. Just look at her life as of late: from everything that went down with the doping allegations, to her failure at Lethal Lottery, to finding out about Rhoda, her father still nowhere to be found- Graves could be a psychotic loon here to kill her and it wouldn’t make for much more of a fucked up narrative in her mind. She had thought about giving up wrestling entirely, now how stupid is that? She’s carrying around the second most important championship in the business and she’s still not satisfied- talk about zealous.

”Um, hello, EARTH TO DOLLY! You still with me kid?”

Dolly snaps out of her daze and looks to Graves, but still doesn’t speak up. Micheal can tell that she isn’t exactly in a good place right now. He’s been there before. Heart crushing defeats, like the one that he suffered at the hands of Chris Chaos can really take a toll on a person. Micheal thinks back to how he felt coming out of that match, and how he even considered hanging it up afterwards before moving on the LL to defeat Robert Main’s team and go to the next round. Micheal also knows what it’s like to try and drag a dead weight partner in that tournament. Hell, that’s the entire reason that Graves was so eager to offer his services as Dolly’s partner to begin with. Because his so called best friend screwed her over in the final round by trying to use a bullshit hand injury as an excuse to back out of the match.

”Listen, I know that Cadryn fucked you hard…

Dolly’s face twists with disgust, as she almost gags a bit,

“...and it was a HUUUGE let down, but now you’ve got Gravy, baby, and we can totally destroy Gabe Reno and Chris Chaos at Savage!”

But as Graves mentions those names: Chaos and Reno, her eyes widen a bit. Perhaps she’s forgotten who exactly was on the Savage card. She looks up at Graves, his innocent yet insane smile stretching a mile wide across his dirtied face- she slams the door. Graves frowns and goes to turn away, but he’s halted by the sound of the chain lock sliding and the door reopening,

“Hey, Mikey…”

Graves turns around slowly, that grin reappearing with a gleam in his eye,

”I’m game for anything involving kicking the shit out of those two.”

Graves smile widens as he claps his hands together and lets out a loud Ric Flair style WOOOOO! With that the door across the hall swings open as the old lady that lives their peaks her head out. She gets one look at Graves and quickly darts back in, slamming the door and turning the deadbolt. Dolly can’t help but find a little amusement out of that.

”That’s the spirit! Let’s kick the shit out of those two ! Oh… and by the way, for all of the shit that I’ve had to listen to over the last few months about Cadryn and myself, how come nobody EVER seems to point out how “Iconocast” it just a couple of jealous lovers who can’t seem to satisfy one another? All they do is suck each others dicks, then turn around and bitch and moan. It’s ridiculous, yet I’m the one that gets saddled with the gay jokes just because Cadryn is a little… off.

”Uh? What the fuck is Iconocast? Just uttering that nonsense makes me feel like I’ve caught a brush of whatever makes dumbass self-aggrandizing podcasters, and no-life snarky bloggers tick.”

”I imagine that Iconocast is what you get when you take two talented, yet overcompensating douchebags who both have egos the size of Texas, and throw them together in a blender. What comes out is this hot mess of prima donna HORSE PUSSY that can’t accomplish dick all, because they are always more concerned with if the other one is looking prettier than them. Honestly, All we really have to do in this match is survive long enough for them two fuck-wits to dissolve and start pounding on each other. Reno just took Chris’s belt at LL, and Chaos is all kinds of salty over it. Does anyone really think that those two buffoons are going to be able to work as a cohesive unit? The last time they tried to team up, it ended with Reno smashing a steel chair over Chaos’s head and costing them the first round of LL, and that was BEFORE they cum swapped at the pay per view… wait, I meant title swapped. Well… Probably both huh? Point is, seperate, yeah they’re both good, but together, they some straight cheese dick. Oh… and if you don’t know what cheese dick is, it’s apparently when you beat your meat with cheetos fingers, and then have trouble getting the dust off. I faced Chaos a couple of months ago, and trust me, that’s one cheesy fuck. I’m still trying to wash the stain of his bullshit off after all of this time.”

”Oh yeah, I think I remember hearing that you took him to the limit under less than fair circumstances, and he was uploading Wikipedia and drivel during y’alls build up-”

Dolly giggles at the thought,

”- what an idiot. I’ll tell ya’ what, it won’t matter how much filler bullshit Chaos tries using, or how hard Reno tries overcompensating with his expensive production teams like he’s the gay Spielberg of wrestling-”

”Pssh, more like Michael Bay. All flash and zero substance!

”Well, SOME substance… he did after all win the title I have right now, only to lose it a day later, and he DID win the Universal Title- which he’ll probably lose this weekend when that freak Jim Caedus cashes in the case. But even those wins have to be marred with asteroid sized asterisks: picking up a win in a random Shove It Rumble where no one was really trying aside from him, or being the first person to finally catch Chaos- which either way, was GOING to happen sooner or later. So all in all, dude, I haven’t a worry in the world about this match…”

”...And you shouldn’t, because let me tell ya. I’ve taken on Chris Chaos, and he’s not the dominating force that he claims to be. I had that fucker dead to rights, and by all rights I should have taken that belt before Reno even had a chance to get his grubby paws on it! What I did learn in that match though, is that Chaos is all flash, and if you have the heart to take him to task, he panics. In that panic he’s beatable. For a guy who runs around trying to be this generation's Edge, he’s actually kinda a puss. I’m really not surprised that Gabe beat him for the belt, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that Gabe is worth a fuck either. That guy has been ducking me for over a month now. Like I’m some Goddamned mythical Super Saiyan or something. He’s already made it clear that I’m not getting a title shot if he has anything to say about it. What the fuck does that say about the guy, huh? And then there’s the fact that Chaos sure as fuck didn’t get a clean win over me the last time we met in the ring, yet he has made zero effort to come anywhere near me since. If I were him, I’d be foaming at the mouth to get a rematch and prove my dominance, but then again, I know I can win. These two idiots have to be hating the fact that Kato booked us against them. It’s been all radio silence on their part so far. Of course they could just be distracted by all of the make up sex.

”Yeah, and I’d say that Chaos is legit pissed at Reno, too fucking stupid to realize that these “promos” no matter how laced up with seizure inducing strobe lights and arbitrary pictures have nothing to do with winning a match. Sure, maybe you can use that shit to get into someone’s head if you’re good enough, but Chaos lost because he was too stupid not to get his block knocked off by Vincent Lane’s half crippled ass. Fuck, my very first match here was against Chris, back then he was so stupid he allowed himself to be double pinned by Kitt Kennedy…”


”Exactly. I’m sure he’ll use that result as some petty way to spin this fabricated idea that I never beat him, while going off and reminding everyone that he did pick up a win against me that no one remembers while I was taking a shit in the midsts of all of this…

Dolly opens the door to the wreckage of her apartment,

”Yeah, it’s pretty obvious you were preoccupied during that time.”

”No kidding. But hey, where are my manners?”

Dolly reaches behind the door for something for a moment, reappearing with a broom and dustpan and handing them to Graves,

”How about we get some practice cleaning up some asshole’s messes? I’m sure we’ll be doing it a fuck ton over the next few days listening to Chaos and Reno.”

Micheal takes the broom and dustpan and looks down to his hands confused for a moment. He then looks back up to Dolly who is giving him an sweet and innocent smile.

”Not exactly what I had in mind when I came over, but sure, I’ll help ya clean up, but first, do you have any toothpaste? I have had this awful taste in my mouth all morning.

”Oh, uh… sure, I guess. It should be in the bathroom, come on in.

Micheal walks into the apartment and sits the broom and dustpan down just inside of the door. As he walks back towards the bathroom, he realizes that his phone is going off, sending him a text notification. Micheal reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone as he closes the bathroom door behind him. It’s a text from Cadryn, and it reads:

"I know where you are…"

Micheal shakes his head and deletes the text. He doesn’t have time to deal with that bullshit right now. Him and Dolly have an apartment, and a ring to clean up over the next few days.

To be continued...
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(04-05-2017), (04-05-2017), JimCaedus (04-05-2017), Mr Killjoy (04-05-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-05-2017), The Monster of Htaed (04-05-2017)

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