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03-17-2017, 09:38 PM

Wake up!

Random reminds motionless in a hospital bed, Gary and Pisspants are gathered around him waiting for a response.

Pisspants: How can he get up for a match one minute then come back here and go right back into a coma.

Gary: I don't know Piss mystery of life I guess. We need to get him out of here though he has a match soon.

Pisspants: How are we going to do that. He stuck as Miley Cyrus and we have spent the majority of the day fighting off fans of hers.

Gary: Who is Miley Cyrus?

Pisspants: You know "Hannah Montana". It's a show for tweenies.

Gary: I fucked a Hannah in Montana does that count?

Pisspants: No, no it doesn't.

Gary: Well I am not going to stand here and wait around for him to die. You distract the nurses and I will get him out of here.

Pisspants: How you would like me to do that?

BANG! Gary fires a gun from his pocket hitting Pisspants in the stomach.


Nurse: What happened in here?

Gary: Bobby Blackcoat just came in here and shot Random's trainer.

Nurse: We need to get this man to surgery now!

The nursing team prep Pisspants to be taken up to surgery.

Pisspants: WHY GARY?! WHY?!

Gary: I don't know son, I don't know why Bobby would shoot you.

Gary grabs Random's limp body and heads out the door. Heading down the street in a back alleyway Gary spots a man attempting to rob an elderly woman of her purse.

Gary: Hey stop that now!

Gary runs towards the robber knocking him to the ground and the purse out of his hand, the elderly woman runs away screaming for the police. Gary and the robber struggled on the ground until the robber gets mounted upon Gary now holding a gun to his head.

Robber: Any last words before I blow your head off, old man?

Gary: What did you honestly think of Point Break?

Robber: Uh it was mediocre, to be honest with you. Now it's time to die.

Before the robber can pull the trigger his head slides clean off his body and upon the ground.

Random: Cut! That's a wrap! Other movie lingo!

Gary: Random you're awake! And you saved me!

Random: No one calls that movie mediocre. Now let's go home Gary and bring him with us I am hungry and I feel like I haven't eaten in days.

Random and Gary head back to their compound but the camera crew isn't allowed in, hours pass and Random and Gary reemerge carrying a heavy plate wrapped in plastic wrap containing what looks like meat.

Random: We are headed over to the hospital to see our friend Pisspants care to join us?

Everyone piles into the car and heads over to the hospital, once they arrive in the room of Pisspants he smiles as Random walks in but trembles and screams in fear as Gary follows behind.

Pisspants: Get him away from me!

Random: What's wrong?

Pisspants: He shot me!

Gary: Oh quit being such a baby I have had STD's worst than that.

Random: Well here this might cheer you up we brought you some food.

Random hands the plate to Pisspants who starts to dig in.

Pisspants: Oh my, what is this, it's amazing.

Random: I call it robber meat.

A confused looks comes over the face of Pisspants.

Pisspants: What's robber meat?

Random looks at Gary.

Random: I think his name is Jim I am not sure though he looked like a Jim.

Pisspants: Jim?

Gary: Yeah he was this guy trying to rob some poor old woman.

Pisspants: Oh ok, wait....

It finally dawns on him what is happening, his jaw opens up allowing the food in his mouth to fall onto the plate. He starts in horror at Random and Gary as if to say please no tell me this isn't true, Random slowly shakes his head yes with a smirk on his face. Immediately Pisspants throws up all over the ground and starts screaming and crying. In total shock and disgust, he has no idea what to do, he tries ripping out his tongue, he tries watching his mouth out with soap, it's as if he walked in on his parents fucking really really hard and his dad turns around a with a Paul Rudd face says "Slappa da bass" as he pats his mom's clitoris with vigor. All of that times ten right now for this poor guy.

Pisspants: I was eating a person!

Random: Oh god no!

Pisspants: Oh thank god.

Random: People who steal are the lowest scum on this planet. You were eating scum.

Pisspants: Oh my god no! Get it out of me! Help me, someone! Get me away from these's two! I didn't sign up for this.

Pisspants runs out of the room looking for help. Random turns towards the camera.

Random: Well folks there you have it. I got him to quit. Now some of you are probably wondering what I have to say to Blackcock and the Man in the Iron Mask. I will tell you I have nothing to say, I am so confident in my abilities I am going to beat them and then I am going to go to war with Jimmy Dean The Lumberjack Machine and win me a shiny new title. I predict in this match we have later today fellows I am going to pin the both of you at the same time. I am going to beat you so badly that you will be unconscious and I will leave you in the ring tied together with whoever has the biggest dick shoved in the others asshole. And sweeties I always have the little blue pill on me so don't worry about disappointing the other. Until then I am going to take a nap, I am beat I will see you two shit excuses for wrestlers in the ring. Let's go, Gary!

Gary and Random leave the room and the camera crew shuts down.

[Image: iR3bFnl.jpg]

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