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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-27-2017, 04:28 PM

25th February, Saturday Night

The scene opens backstage at Saturday Night Savage, moments after Trax had attacked Peter Gilmour as he got set to face Robbie Bourbon for the Hart Championship leaving the King of Xtreme prone and vulnerable for the Hart Champion. Trax watches on a monitor as Bourbon enters the ring and goes to set up a glass table to end the match quickly but Gilmour counters with a low blow and both men go down. Trax snorts and folds his arms as he watches the two men get to their feet and the match progresses, with Robbie Bourbon eventually putting Gilmour through a glass table and getting the win, Trax looks rather unimpressed at the sight of Bourbon holding his championship on the monitor as XWF interviewer Steve Sayors approaches him.

Trax, care to explain your actions out there tonight, what was the meaning of your assisting Bourbon?

Weren't you listening Sayors? It was simple, I need my Lethal Lottery partner fit and healthy for our match, nothing against Peter, but I can hardly rely on Bourbon if he's got glass shards sticking out his back looking like some kinda fucked up porcupine

While that may be true you gotta presume Gilmour is going to try and gain some retribution for what happened tonight, are you prepared for that?

Retribution? Gilmour was probably going to lose tonight anyway lets just be honest, that's what Gilmour does. I just quickened the process, but if he wants to try and blame me for something that was almost certainly going to happen regardless, then whatever, I've already dealt with him twice, I'm gonna be at Warfare next week and so will he, if he wants to settle shit then well there's the opportune time and place, I have no trouble whooping his ass again before or after I beat Doc and Trump, furthermore-

Trax is about to continue until he sees Bourbon storm round the corner, he makes a beeline for Trax damn near barging Sayors out the way as the two men and future Lethal Lottery partners stand nose to nose, Trax with a shit eating grin on his face as Bourbon looks far from amused

Ah, sup partner, nice win out there, no need to thank me, you seem riled up, got something to say?

Sayors tries to nudge the microphone between both men hoping to pick up a soundbite of what is happening.

Take a walk, Steve.

Robbie, impressive win out there, once again defending...

Robbie steps back from Trax and looks at Steve Sayors.

I said take a walk.

Steve Sayors walks away, his years of experience letting him know this is the wrong place and the wrong time to be around.

Thank you. There, I said it. Peter has had ties to Trump in the past, who knows what kind of bullshit they might have been planning tonight. We're facing two of the most ruthless men in the fight game, not to say also two of the most ruthless men in the planet. You were out there to watch my ass and make sure I walked away tonight with a chance of standing at Warfare. You have my gratitude, does that make you feel better? Does it make you feel better knowing I put Peter through the damned table and walk away the Hart Champion? Nah, you could give a shit less about that, but hey, I fucking did it and would have even if you weren't out there. I don't need a helping hand making this...

Robbie holds the Hart Championship belt up right in Trax's face.

...mean something again. I don't need help defending my title. What I do need help with is taking down Doc D'Ville when he's got the backing of that loathsome and disgusting piece of garbage Trump. I don't fear D'Ville, I've danced with the devil and walked away to tell about it. I don't fear Trump, I used to smack him around like a stubborn piñata at my niece's birthday. As much as I hate to admit, we need each other this Wednesday, just because the invisible hands of fate say so. To be honest, though, since I'm a real champion, and I hope Louis is paying close attention, because saying you don't have the Universal Title makes you less of a competitor just the same as him not having the Universal Title makes him less of a competitor, I am going back out there and defending this title again, tonight, because that's what champions do. I have defended my title more times than D'Ville has had total matches this year, and tonight I'm walking out as champion. This time, though, stay in the back and keep a look out for any more of Trump's lackeys or Unknown Soldier, because as far as I'm concerned, D'Ville wouldn't even have a chance if Soldier was his partner at Warfare. I know I'ma wreck a motherfucker, I know damn well you want to wreck a motherfucker, and we both know...

Robbie slings the Hart Title over his shoulder.

It's strictly fucking business, we're going to work because it's our fucking job to win matches. See you ringside, I got a title to fucking defend...again.

Robbie turns and starts to walk away as Trax is left stone-faced. Robbie glances back over his shoulder as he walks.

Seriously, good looking out back there. Keep it up and round three maybe we can hash some other business out. That good?

Trax's stone face slowly transitions back into a shit eating smile

Yeah... we good.


Trax nods and walks off in the opposite direction as the scene comes to a fade.

The Next Day.

Trax baby look, oh my God, there's more of them!


Trax and Jackie peek through the curtains in their living room looking outside the window, a group of protesters are stood outside the front gates with pickets signs, some with messages such as "Mr FN' Menace", "Trax is Wack", "Not Our Next President" and Trax's personal favourite "Silly Rabbit, Trax is for kids". It had been a couple of days since Trax announced that he would be running for President in 2020 looking to overthrow the current President and one of his upcoming opponents at Lethal Lottery, Donald Trump. The announcement got met with praise by many, with #VoteMrDominance2020 and #NotMyDoctor both trending worldwide hours after Trax's announcement, however of course Trax as he suspected also received backlash from naysayers, such as the protesters currently outside his house, the first couple of protesters arrived in the early morning and every couple hours more and more would join the protest congregation .There was now at least 30 protestors outside Trax's house chanting and waving their signs around, mostly middle aged white men but a few women too, Trax looks at Jackie and shakes his head.

I'mma go talk to them.

Baby are you sure? Its like a lynch mob out there, literally.

Ha, I've dealt with worse then this, I'll make it quick.

Trax walks away from the curtains and, after taking a couple minutes to fetch a jacket and pair of trainers to put on, opens the front door and makes his way down the pathway towards the front gates where the angry mob wait beyond. As he makes his way down the protestors begin to point at him and talk amongst each other as Trax casually opens the gates and walks through holding his hands up.

Now, now, what's the meaning of this?

You know what this is about! A woman screams You demean our great President Trump and say YOU are going to run for Presidency in 2020! Over our dead body!!!

There are a collective shouts of "Yeah!" among the protesters, and then several people begin shouting all at once.

You're nothing but a thug!

You can't run this country!

Who the Hell do you think you are!?

Trump and that fake doctor are gonna kick your ass!

The protestors jeer and wave their signs around aggressively as Trax who is standing just a few feet away from them simply smirks, suddenly a man in a "Make America Great Again" cap shoves his way to the front of the mob, its the trucker who Trax beat to a pulp after he backhanded Trax's fiancé Jackie several days ago, his face still swollen and bruised. Trax doesn't notice the man at first, he also doesn't notice the brick in his hand, which the man throws at Trax's head with surprising strength and accuracy, Trax drops to the floor and Jackie who is watching the whole thing from the living room window screams and runs to the front door opening it and running down the path as the man approaches Trax with balled up fists.

That's for laying your filthy hands on me, monkey! You're not capable of running this country!

The man runs forward and goes to hit Trax who is on his knees holding his head with one hand, but without even looking, Trax hits the man with an energy blast with his free hand that sends the man flying up an over the crowd and landing hard several feet away from them as the crowd stagger backwards in shock and horror as Trax gets to his feet, a giant gash on his forehead where the brick hit him, his eyes glowing and teeth bared.

You have no idea what I'm capable of, NONE of you ALL of you..GET AWAY FROM MY HOUSE!!!!

The protesters scream and run away, several of them dropping their Anti-Trax/Pro Trump picket signs. Trax turns around as Jackie reaches him and places her hands on his shoulders.

Baby, are you OK!?

Yeah...I'm fine.

Traxs eyes continue to glow as he uses his powers to heal the gash on his forehead, the wound seals up, and Trax, good as new, blinks several times as his eyes lose their amber glow before he shakes his heads.

Fucking morons, I'm far from perfect but even I would be a better President than Trump, I'd actually try to HELP people and have the POWER to do so, can't they see that?

I guess they don't baby, guess you're going to have to show them.

Trax and Jackie walk back up the path way back towards the house front doors. Trax then stops halfway and rubs his stubble, causing Jackie to narrow her eyes.

I know that look, what you thinking?

What you just said, show them, I'm thinking...I'm thinking that's a GOOD idea

Trax smirks and continues to walk back to the house as Jackie looks confused.

Trax, what you mean?

Trax turns to look at Jackie still smiling.

When I got these powers, I said I'd use them for good, well.. sure I've stopped the odd crime here and there, but its mostly been here in America, maybe its time to take it a much larger scale, maybe its time to go global.


Trax doesn't answer, he simply continues to smirk as the two re enter the house with Jackie closing the door behind them as the scene fades.

Few hours later.

Trax stands on top of a New York skyscraper, eyes closed and focusing, focusing his energy, feeling the energy signatures around him, one of the underutilized powers Trax had gained when his body bio structure was re-written at a molecular level was the ability to sense and ultimately "see" peoples energy's signatures, the "auras" they gave off, essentially... giving him a radar like sense. Trax has never really bothered to regularly use this power or tests its limits, until now, standing on top of this New York skyscraper, Trax concentrated with all his might, before finally opening his eyes to see...lights, thousands of glowing amber lights, auras, below him and all around, allowing him to "see" everyone around him, feel their energy signatures, each one different and distinct, the radius the energy sense stretched out to only being a few miles at first, but then as he focused more, the radius got bigger and bigger, until Trax was eventually feeling the presence of everyone in the city, being able to "see" millions of people, all at once. The feeling was almost overwhelming at first, and Trax who was standing at the edge of the building rooftop had to back away in fear of almost toppling over, but as Trax's brain seemed to open up and process this incredible and previously barely explored power, Trax's thoughts and body eased up, until...Trax began to smile as he whispered to himself.

Lets do this.

Chicago, few hours later.

Abdul Bi is standing behind the counter desk in his convenience store, its empty and nearing closing time, the aging man reads a newspaper when the door to the store opens and a man wearing a black hoody and cap with the brim lowered down concealing his face walks in and throws an empty duffel bag onto the counter on top of the newspaper and pulls a gun out waving it in the old mans face screaming at him to throw the money from the cashier into the bag. Abdul freezes up in fear and the hooded man puts his finger on the guns trigger, Abdul closes his eyes just as a flash of light appears in front of him, but not a flash from the gun...another flash.... of amber light... Abdul ducks and cowers behind the desk as he hears the man cry out in pain and then there's a loud thud as a body hits the floor, Abdul peers over the counter desk to see a man standing there, but not the one that came into the store to rob the place, no... that man is currently knocked unconscious, laying on the floor as this other man, whose back is to the camera and looking down at the would-be robber, quickly looks in Abduls direction before disappearing in a flash of light...

London, UK

Holly Louise is walking through the town centre in the early morning after a night out, intoxicated and no idea where her friends are to boot. She stumbles through the streets and as she passes an alleyway a man lurking within the shadows pulls her into the alleyway and presses her against a wall, she attempts to scream but the man places a hand around her mouth and forces her to the ground, he then grabs her and carries her deeper into the alleyway behind one of the buildings and pushes her to the ground once again before forcing himself on top of her hiking up her skirt and pulling her knickers down as he breathes heavily on her, the stench of alcohol invading her nostrils, she closes her eyes preparing for what's next....but what's next isn't what she expects...a flash of light and the terrified girl can no longer feel the mans body on top of her, she then hears yelling coming from nearby, she stands up and pulls her knickers up and her short dress down staggering back out the alleyway to see the man that tried to force himself on her hanging by his boxers off a lamppost sobbing and begging for help, underneath the lamppost, a man looks up at the drunk vagrant before looking at the girl so she can get a good look at his face before disappearing in another flash.

Syria, undisclosed location.

Mark Denton was in serious trouble, his squadron's convoy had been ambushed in the Syrian Desert just miles from their set up base near the city of Raqqa, after intel had picked up possible boogies in the area, Denton and some of the boys went hunting, going against given orders and paid the price dearly for it, a RPG missile from an unseen location had struck their convoy flipping the vehicle over, Denton had crawled out of the overturned vehicle, bloodied and hurt...but alive, the only one in his squad to of survived, before being able to radio back to base however, he was surrounded by Islamic State Soldiers and knocked unconscious thanks to an AK-47 handle to the head. When he woke up, he awoke in a dark room, gagged and tied to a chair, with one ISIS solider whose faced was concealed holding a machete to his throat while another whose face was also hidden with cloth spoke in Arabic in front of a set up camera, Marks ears were still ringing from the RPG explosion so he couldn't even hear what his captor was saying, not that he'd be able to understand anyway. Whatever it was they were saying Mark knew it didn't bode well for him though, as the one holding the machete to his throat pressed it even harder as the other spoke, drawing blood and causing Mark to wince in pain. Suddenly the sound of gun fire and shouting could be heard outside the room, the two soldiers in the room look at each other confused before the one with the machete grabs an AK rested on a table and runs out the room to see what all the commotion is, more shouting, more gun fire, then after several minutes things go silent. The lone ISIS solider pulls out a hand gun from his holster and shakily points it at the door which is ajar. He screams in Arabic as someone appears opens the door and stands in the doorway but before he can let a shot off an energy blast sends him flying back into the recording camera, knocking it off its stand, and into the wall behind, the solider slumps to the floor as Denton's eyes widen and the man who sent his captor flying steps out of the shadows revealing themselves to the captured solider...

Present Day

The worldwide media was buzzing, all over the planet similar reports of crimes, from petty thefts to full scale gang warfare, being prevented by a "mysterious force", a man that would appear in a flash of light and disappear as fast as he came leaving wrong doers incapacitated and witnesses stumped, with various news sources reporting the global phenomenon.

"The girl claimed their saviour was a tall dark skinned ma-"


" Federal Police in Mexico are baffled to find that several members of the drug cartel were found in the safe house beaten an-"


* Mark Denton, US solider who was believed to of been captured by the terrorist group ISIS went on to say this about the ma-"




Hello everyone.

We see a close up of Trax's face grinning, despite his eyes being red from lack of sleep, behind him, Jackie and Paul Hunter can be seen in the background, sitting on his office desk.

Excuse the bags under my eyes, its been a busy last 24 or so hours, you see I've been doing what the current President of the United States can't do, making a difference, saving lives, being a beacon for hope and justice. You see I'm blessed with gifts, and with these gifts, I've been going all over the world aiding those that need it, and stopping those that need to be stopped. You'd think that Donald Trump, being without question the most POWERFUL man on the planet taking into account his given position, would be the one making positive differences in peoples lives, you would think that he would be that beacon of hope, justice, but instead he has been the symbol for greed, dividedness, deceit, ignorance, and hate. He seeks to build walls, when we should be knocking them down, he seeks to alienate people from one another, when we should be coming together. He is a tyrant, but the thing about tyrants, they can be capsized, they can be beaten and toppled, and that's exactly what I'm going to do, to him, and those that stand by him, unfortunately for the equally corrupted soul that will be standing besides him Wednesday, they did not CHOOSE to stand beside him but due to the luck of the draw, or lack of luck I should say, they too are going to fall with Trump all the same. My name is Trax, MR DOMINANCE, aka the next Lethal Lottery winner aka the future President of the United States, don't vote against me.

Trax laughs as the screen goes static once more.

[Image: tumblr_luxorfV3gA1qztmnoo1_500.gif]

The scene opens back in Trax's office a sort time after the broadcast, he is alone, sitting behind his desk.

"Don't vote against me."

Wednesday Warfare, I team with Robbie Bourbon against the team of Doctor D'Ville and Donald Trump, and simply put, Mr FN' Dominance and The Wednesday Wrecker are going to dominate and wreck the fuck out of the pair of not-so-Goldie Oldies and move onto the third round.

Don't vote against US.

I'm sure you all saw what happened on Saturday Night Savage, with me coming out and softening up Petey for Bourbon, now I'm not going to pretend I did that because I cared if Bourbon retained his little Hart title or not. I did it simply because I didn't want him sustaining an injury and coming into this match less then 100% or not at all because as good as I am, two against one and one of the two men being Doctor D'Ville aren't odds I'm particularly fond of, as "egotistical" as I apparently am, at least I can admit that and have no shame in doing so either, Trump is no threat by himself but he can still pose as a slight distraction and Doc knows that of course and would use that to his advantage so if I went into this match by myself because Bourbon side-lined himself competing in a ridiculous glass tables match, that wouldn't bode well for me now would it? I'm not as egotistical as you try to paint me as Doc, in fact, I'm quite the realist and tell it how it is if I do say so myself.

But speaking more of egos, me and Bourbon spoke after his first match with Gilmour Saturday and we both essentially agreed to keep ours in check and focus our attention fully on our common enemy, which means Doc's strategy is basically out the window because what Bourbon said in his promo is absolutely correct, Doc IS trying to bruise my ego, calling me worthless, saying that he favours Bourbon over me, all tactics to try and bruise my apparent massive ego, get me riled up, second guess myself even. However, that tactic was D.O.A anyway because one, I do not give a singular fuck if ANYONE in XWF likes me, much less Doctor D'Ville and two I knew that was going to be his strategy the second I saw the round 2 match ups in the first place, of course Doc was going to try and hurt my ego going into this and gain the mental advantage, that's the only strategy he could go for considering he's severally outmatched on the physical prowess side of things right? Lets face it. That's how Doc wins MOST of his matches people, mentally, most of the time he's beaten his opponent before the match has even begun, what happens after is just the after effect from the mental fuckery he executed prior, but this time, mental fuckery avoided, you haven't hurt my ego, you haven't gotten into my head, so that's the ONLY possible chance you had of winning this match gone.

Come on Doc like I said, I've studied you, I KNOW your tricks but ha...did you...did you think me saying that meant I've only studied YOU when I first showed up here? Silly old man, when I first showed up in XWF, I straight up asked the peeps backstage who the big dogs were and they gave me a bunch of names, you, Lane, Game Girl, Morbid Angel, Duke etc, and I studied them all because...that's what any intelligible person would do? Be aware of your surroundings, and the biggest sharks in the waters you find yourself in, hate to bruise YOUR ego D'Ville but you're not that special, you're good, and you've had some great matches, but I didn't sign up to be a "fan" I signed up to beat up the fan favourites, are YOU picking up what I'M putting down? Ugh, I cringed like Hell when you said that by the way... you're like that awkward uncle at the family party that tries to sound cool and stick with the times, but whatever, your times up and for you, the party's over.

Lets talk about "egos" some more shall we, since its something you like to bring up, I find it hilarious how much you've shot yourself in the foot saying you could beat me and Bourbon by yourself, no partner required. Granted, you can beat Bourbon one on one, and yes, although I know I'm capable of beating you one on one I'm not going to act like you can't beat me, anything can happen in XWF, I've lost to worse people than you, you've lost to worse then me, even if you won't admit it, its not ME with the ego here. However, with that said, you think you can beat a former Universal Champion, Xtreme Champion, Intercontinental and World Tag Team Champion and the CURRENT Hart Champion and former Tag Team champion? Between us, me and Bourbon have held every major title in XWF save the TV title and you think you can beat a tandem like that by yourself when we're on the same page which, for now, we are? Not happening. But remember, when you lose, just remember what you said, it doesn't matter who your partner is for this match, so don't blame Trump for you not making it to the third round man, even if it was him and not you that got pinned or submitted, you are acting like you're in this match by yourself so WHEN you lose, its all down to YOU and you have nobody else to blame but yourself.



But yes for the millionth time, you are a staple and you won't be forgotten about, that's something I can't take away from you so at least you have that to keep you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside when I take away your chance to secure the 24/7 briefcase. That and that precious World Tag Team Championship of yours, the same championship I relinquished because I realized any long term tag partner will just drag you down in the end, so keep wearing that strap with honour champ, I never DID formally congratulate you for quite literally picking up my hand me down did I? Congratulations! Funnily enough this is the first formidable tag team you've gone against since WINNING the strap but luckily for you your tag team title isn't on the line, which reminds me, how is Unknown Solider by the way? Does he think dropping out the tournament the way he did was worth it? Such lack of dignity. Have you even SPOKE to him about it? You probably haven't because he's in a gutter somewhere right now not even sure who he is anymore. That meth fiend comrade of yours is on a downwards spiral and he's only going to take you down with him Doc, if I was you I'd convince him to drop his half of the championship and let you pick a new partner, maybe Bobby Blackcoat? That dude is creepy as fuck, you'd make a good couple. While we're on the topic of new guys that have creeped onto the roster, all this talk of newcomers passing me by is ridiculous, yes Chaos won in the chamber, but Bourbon had to almost kill us both just to pin my shoulders for three seconds and apparently I'm shit now, Gabe Reno threw the rule book out the window and had to resort to every dirty trick imaginable, his win was a dirty as your underwear is gonna be when you shit the bed and lose this match and apparently Reno beating me in that screwy fashion means I've lost it, despite the fact my Lethal Lottery partner for this round beat the current Universal Champion in a similar fashion not too long ago but yeah that never happened. Listen Doc, staple or not, King or not, you're in the way of me and my goal of winning the strap, this might be my last chance in a while, you're right, regardless of how its happened I HAVE failed to capitalize on chances to win the Universal title a couple times now recently so I'll be damned if I let it happen again, especially by your hands, and if people don't care to see me with the strap again well that's too bad, that's a reality they're going to have to face because this is IT now, nothing is stopping me. Not you. Not anyone. Wednesday the Doctor gets a taste of his own medicine, oh and I almost forgot, as for TRUMP, well...Trump may look to divide people, but people of all backgrounds, ages, sexualities and races are going to be UNIFIED in cheering on me and Bourbon kicking his and your ass from pillar to post, and then? I'm gonna kick his ass out the White House, believe it. This might be Trumps America for NOW but soon enough XWF will belong to ME, and no matter what walk of life someone comes from, I dream of an XWF where all the people in the crowd join hands united and chant in beautiful harmony " Do what you must to try and outlast, but you should never...EVER...CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX!. Peace.


[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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