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Standing my ground
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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02-26-2017, 02:21 PM

August 1987

It was my freshmen year in high school. I'm not going to lie, I had no right making it through middle school to get here in the first place. I was what one would call a bad kid. That's not to say that I thought that I was bad, but ask any teacher or principal that had the privilege of dealing with me back then, and they'll all tell you the same thing. That boy's nothing but trouble. I used to get into fights, lots of fights. I never started them, but I also never backed away from them either. “I'm not raising a !” are words that I heard often from my mother. The first time she said that to me was when I fell off my bike and skinned my knee. I was 10, hurt and embarrassed, I called out to her thinking that I would receive motherly love, motherly care. What I received was an ass beating the likes of which a child should never have to endure. My mother didn't want me to act “prissy”. Maybe it was because her own brother had turned out to be a homosexual, and she couldn't bare the thought that her son might turn out the same way.

It's highschool now, and I've already had it explained to me that my free ride is over. If I can't get my grades up, and stay out of fights, I'm gone. There is no second chances here, and if I get expelled from school, I can only imagine the beating that my mother would lay upon me.

So it's the first day of school, and wouldn't you know it, there's an older kid sitting behind me who just can't seem to help but pick on me. I never had many friends, but I always seemed to attract bullies, hence all of the fights in middle school.

This kid decides that it will be a good idea to poke me in the back of the neck with a pencil. I turned to see what his problem was, but he just looked away and pretended to not know what I was talking about. A few minutes later there was another poke, and again this kid acted like I was imagining things. At this point I'm getting hot. Everything in my being wants to stand up and knock this fucker out of his chair, but I don't. I'm afraid of getting kicked out of school, I'm afraid of my mother, and what she would do to me if that happened. So the pokes continue throughout the class period. Each one getting a little harder, hurting a little more.

At some point I had enough of this kid. I still have the wherewithal to not kick the shit out of him, but I did reach back, take that fuckers pencil and break it before throwing it across the room. Words were exchanged between us, but I honestly don't remember what they were. I'm sure it was a eloquent exchange of “fuck you” and “”, we were just high school kids after all. My mild act of aggression only lead to a much harder attack from my bully. He stood over my desk and demanded that I got and retrieve his pencil. Fuck you I thought, I'm not scared of you. I let him know as much too. His response was tipping my desk, and in turn me to the floor.

The sounds of laughter filled the classroom. Our quiet exchange had become not so quiet, and now all eyes were on us. Mr. Ware, our teacher in this class had been in the back of the room helping another student while all of this was transpiring. Only now did he realize that anything was going down, but he didn't have time to react .

I was on my feet and seconds later, this kid was on the floor. I dove on top of him, placed him in a headlock and proceeded to pummel the ever loving shit out of him. The fight probably only lasted a matter of seconds, but it felt like an eternity before Mr. Ware rushed in to pull us apart. At the end of it all he was bloody and beaten. I'm pretty sure that I broke his nose. I couldn't tell you for sure though, I never saw this kid again. He had been expelled from school for this incident. Me on the other hand, suspended for a week.

All in all, totally worth it.

After this incident I no longer cared about my mother, or what punishment that she would bring down on me. I made a resolution to always stand my ground. Consequences be damned.

Present day

It's about an hour before Savage and I'm feeling pretty good about my chances in my upcoming match with Chris Chaos. I may have just taken a holiday at Disneyland yesterday, but make no mistake, I've trained long and hard to get here today. It's not often that a man can return to this sport after over a decade away, and not only prove to be as good as he used to be, but even better than he ever was. That's what I plan on doing tonight when I face Chris Chaos. Chris thought that I was a washout and he didn't take me seriously at first. Eventually Chris came to realize that I have a drive and desire to succeed that's rarely seen. Robert Main thinks that I'm a legend, but the truth is that I was always an underachiever. I spent far too much of my time being feuding with my twin brother Sean, or doing Jonathyn Brown's dirty work, or being somebodies WEAPON. Championships were never a priority. I fell into a few title shots, and I won every title that I had the opportunity to challenge for. At the time, I didn't think that titles really mattered. I figured that I would go down in the history books as a legend based off of the bloody brawls and utter chaos that I caused. Turns out I was wrong...

Championships do matter. They matter more than you know. It doesn't matter who you beat in this business. It doesn't matter how many must see feuds that you're involved in. If you can't win THE championship, then you will likely be forgotten. Look at the XWF top 50 for example. It's filled with 49 former Universal Champions. Only one man on that list didn't win the XWFs top prize. That man isn't me. So tonight I challenge for that title. Tonight I take the first step in leaving behind a legacy that I can be proud of and hopefully tonight I find that my training, desire, and determination are all enough to topple Chris Chaos.

But I didn't put all of my eggs in one basket. I'm also entered in the Lethal Lottery tournament. It's my second chance at Chaos, my second chance at becoming the Universal champion. Round one was easy. Doc or no Doc, Nate Higgers and his unreliable mystery partner would prove to not be a challenge at all. This round however, I stand across the ring from Robert Main and Justin Sayn. My partner for this match, Peter F'N Gilmore.

Yeah, I think we've got this.

Backstage at Savage. We find Micheal Graves sitting in his locker room, wrapping a roll of black support tape around his wrist. There's a knock at the door.

”Come in!”

The handle turns, the door opens, and in walks...

Darren Zirado!

Darren is decked out in his wrestling gear. It's a shiny black vinyl singlet with red barbwire designs wrapping around it.

”You're kidding right now?”

”Listen son, I just wanted to come talk to ya before I go out to that ring tonight. I wanted to let ya know that I didn't appreciate them words you said yesterday during lunch. I know that I'm not always the perfect Christian, but I really don't need for you to be throwing my mistakes in my face like that. Especially when Cadryn is around.”

Micheal tears the tape off of the roll and stands up face to face with Zirado.

”Listen Darren, I didn't hire you to sit around an belittle Cadryn. You're not here to handle his money. You're not here to play his father. You're not here to instruct him how to act in public. You're here for one reason, to train him so that he can take care of himself.”

Micheal stands there staring at Zirado as he stands there looking at his feet like a scolded child.

”With that said, I'm sorry for being an asshole.”

Darren perks up a little as he stares at Graves, shocked by the sudden apology.

”I never should have thrown that girl in your face the way that I did, and I felt awful when I realized that I had hurt your feelings.”

Micheal is of course talking about the girl that Darren Zirado had sex with on the floor of the men's room back at Garden of the Gods. Darren places a hand on Micheal's shoulder, comforting him.

”I appreciate that son, I really do. We are all sinners in the eye's of the Lord. It's about realizing that you are a sinner, and asking the good Lord above for forgiveness.”

There is a sudden knock at the door, a nicely dressed man wearing a bulky headset peaks in through the door.

“Mr. Zirado, we need you in the gorilla position.”

With that the man slips away, probably to take care of the million other task that he has to do in order to keep Savage running smoothly.

”Well son, here goes nothing.”

”Good luck Darren, I'm sure you'll do fine.”

Darren smiles slightly as he nods his head to Graves. Darren is about to team with Snow in what will be his first match in almost 15 years. It's funny how Micheal Graves makes a return to the XWF, and then Suddenly old names begin to pop up again. Names that nobody has seen our heard from in ages. Killjoy and Darren Zirado don't seem like they are going to have any real impact in the new era of the XWF. They're just familiar names that were signed because they are veterans who can help work with younger talent, and maybe teach them a thing or two. It seemed that a lot of people had written Micheal off as such a return, but then this match with Chaos came to be. Now everyone is wondering if Micheal really has a shot. Now guys like Robert Main are mistaking Micheal Graves for a legend. Micheal has a chance to do something big here. He has the opportunity to take this new found interest in himself, and revitalize his career. Micheal could very well walk out of the Stub Hub Center as our new Universal Champion, but there is also a chance that he doesn't. If he can't win the gold tonight, he will have even more pressure to move on the the next round of LL. You can only lose so many big fights before the words that Chris Chaos was spitting become truth.

Tonight is about the Universal title, but tonight, win or lose, it isn't the end of the road for me. Wednesday I'm teaming with Peter Gilmore in round two of Lethal Lottery. Together, we are facing off against Robert Main, a man who helped do impossible last week and knock Chaos and Reno out of the first round. His partner is Justin Sane... No... Wait... I'm sorry, his partner is Justin Sayn, the one who spells it with a Y. Over the last week I have spent the majority of my time and energy in preparing for my match with Chaos, and going to Disneyland for a day. That doesn't mean that I haven't been keeping tabs on my opponents for Warfare.

Robert Main has classified me as a legend. He talked about how I've underestimated and undervalued him like he claims everyone does. He went on to talk about how my and Gilmore's time is up here in the XWF, and how he is going to move on with Justin Sayn to the next round of Lethal Lottery.

Robert, you're wrong on all accounts buddy. First of all, while I do appreciate the kind words, I'm no legend. That's a classification that I don't feel that I've earned, and it's also a classification that is generally reserved for guys who are at the end of their careers. Make no mistake about it Robert, this career is far from over. I didn't return to the XWF for some trip down memory lane, reliving out the highlights of a career that is at its end. I returned to prove that I'm better than I ever was before. Tonight I'm teaching that lesson to Chris Chaos, and at Warfare I'm going to bring that lesson to you.

Secondly, I totally gave you props for taking out Reno and Chaos. I made it a point to say that you are a man that warrants my attention and that I see you as a threat, but you are the only threat in this match. Also, let's be honest Robert. Your performance against Chaos and Reno was impressive, but how much of that victory has to do with the fact that Chris and Gabe aren't exactly good bedfellows? I don't have a problem with Peter Gilmore, and judging from the conversations that we've had with each other, it doesn't seem that Peter has a problem with me. If you're hoping that the two of us are going to come into this match at odds with each other like Chaos and Reno did, then you are setting yourself up to be let down. The fact is that Peter and I both share a singular goal in moving on to round 3. We aren't friends, but we're not enemies either, and unlike you and Sayn, we are an evenly matched team.

You seem to have a lot of confidence that Justin Sayn will be able to bring something positive to your team. The fact is that he can't. The guy isn't a wrestler, he possesses no skill in that ring, shit dude, he can barely stumble his way through an awkward promo. Not only does he add nothing to your team, he actually works out to be a handicap. The guy is a bumbling moron. He came into the XWF to extract some sort of revenge on Cadryn, and failed. After that he's just kinda been aimlessly wandering around the XWF with no real goal.

You may think that he has some sort of dirt on me that you two can use in this match, but he doesn't I assure you. I went to his (psychiatric) office one time, spent 5 minutes with the man, and figured him out for the quack that he is. Besides, my history with mental health isn't exactly a secret. Pretty much everyone already knows about my problems, so I don't know what you think I'd be confining in him that you couldn't already find out about watching XWF TV.

Here's the facts about this match. Justin Sayn and Robert Main are NOT moving on to round 3. Robert Main is NOT good enough to carry Justin Sayn against the likes of Graves and Gilmore, and after tonight, Universal title or not, I'm winning this whole damn show!
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(02-27-2017), JimCaedus (02-26-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (02-26-2017), Random (02-26-2017), The Monster of Htaed (02-27-2017)

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