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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Azurine Hallelujah
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Azurine Hallelujah Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-22-2017, 11:44 PM


Name: Azurine Hallelujah

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Oh he's definitely new around here

Wrestler Date of Birth: Feb 23rd, the same day he got his XWF contract. More on that in upcoming roleplay Smile

Height: Something around 6 foot 3 inches

Weight: Whatever makes sense for a 6'3" guy who is in good shape, nicely toned but not a steroid abuser or anything crazy like that. Let's go with 220 lbs.

Hometown: Georgia, and he never gets more specific than that. He might not mean the state. He might not mean the country. He might not mean the woman.

Personality: To be developed as we go

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face when you consider the role of that which he hunts

Looks Description: Scruffy and unkempt on many occasions while sometimes cleaning up rather nicely if he has a good reason

Ethnicity: Sometimes he claims to be French and sometimes he claims to be Sicilian, however, it's worth noting that several people believe both to be lies


Strengths: Feels very little or no pain due to enduring what he describes as years of physical torture and abuse in his younger years - a path in his life he is most grateful for and wouldn't trade for the world.

Weaknesses: Bright lights, beautiful women, cocaine

Entrance Theme Music: Strangers in the Night, Frank Sinatra

Special Entrance (if any): The lights go completely black as Strangers in the Night by Frank Sinatra begins playing. A dull spotlight drops down and reveals Azurine's cold, piercing eyes scanning left to right as if he can see through the darkness. He waves his hand as if brushing the spotlight off of him and it begins to trail ahead of him, leaving him behind in the darkness as he slowly follows to the ring with the flashing of fans taking pictures sporadically illuminating him.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
+Every punch he throws specifically targets the jaw
+Every kick specifically targets the jaw
+Every knee targets the nose
+Every headbutt targets the nose
+Sleeper hold
+Standing dragon sleeper
+Kneeling dragon sleeper
+Grounded body scissors dragon sleeper
+Dragon sleeper with opponent draped over the top rope
+Standing high angle guillotine lock/choke
+Body scissors guillotine lock/choke
+Standing guillotine lock/choke for five seconds, transitioned into an unreleased DDT which is brought right back up into a standing guillotine lock/choke and then repeated several more times
+Standing dragon sleeper for five seconds, transitioned into a reverse DDT which is held into a grounded dragon sleeper for five more seconds, then pulled up into a standing dragon sleeper for five more seconds, then finished off with a lifting/driving reverse brainbuster
+DDT off top turnbuckle
+DDT off top turnbuckle to the outside
+DDT off the rafters into the crowd
+DDT off the roof of the arena into and through the top of a waiting ambulance
+DDT off the moon into the waiting flames of hell
+DDT off Pluto into a wormhole that teleports them at lightning speed down into and through the ring canvas, causing an explosion so great everyone in attendance is burned alive

Trademark Move(s): Harlem Sidekick + spinaroonie; and Blockbuster
Description(s): Booker T's Harlem Sidekick complete with spinaroonie, and Buff Bagwell's Blockbuster off the top rope

Finishing Move: Serenity's Warm Embrace
Description: Underhook screwdriver facecrusher:

Finishing Move #2: TranquilEyes
Description: Not yet unveiled

Favorite Hardcore Attack: Pulls a lighter out of his pocket. Takes the metal guard piece off the lighter so he can modify it to have a much higher flame. Grabs a can of hair spray from a fan. Walks up to the opponent's face. Lights the lighter. Sprays the hairspray. Laughs as the opponent's face is torched. He doesn't realize the lighter he's still holding is actually on fire too now. It burns his hand. He says "goddammit!" and whips the lighter to the side as it flies into the crowd and explodes in a fan's face. He then returns the can of hairspray to the fan he got it from, but only after signing it with a black Sharpie. Acts surprised when the ref scolds him for his actions. Asks the ref if he wants an autograph too.

Additional notes:

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