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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Twisted Tides
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

05-08-2013, 09:24 AM

Ominous winds of change gently crashed upon the gloomy sea front. Rain softly fell on-to my cold face and my scarred hands. How did I even get those scars? I was immune to its dampness as I was prepared for the rough weather. Satan’s mighty soldiers were battling God’s battalions at sea. A beam of light shone upon the ocean illuminating the struggle like a theater stage; I was the only audience. An eerie darkness filled the rest of the sky.

The tangy taste of salt lingered onto my lips bringing the sea fresh scent of seaweed into my nostrils. Neptune’s warriors crashed beautifully yet brutally on shore sending up a salvo of foam as they landed. My blood was curdling as thoughts flew through my mind.

Forlorn, forsaken, desolate...isolated.

Allured by the enchanting moonlight I strolled towards it with great caution. It was instinctive. My brain drifted into tantalization whilst a rhythmic harmony of evil angels captured my ears and soul.

Shaking my head and body, I snapped out of a mesmerized state of mind. Silence... The oceans stood still like World War One on Christmas Day. Perhaps I had gone deaf. I clicked my fingers to check. I was as normal as ever.

Each merciful rain drop had turned into sadness. Stepping away from the murderous ocean I turned to see two little boys playing in the sea. The happy sight became evil rapidly. I was forced to witness a child step towards the other boy, place both hands on the other’s neck and attempt to drown his victim. A hero of a father emerged to prevent the gruesome murder just in time. I closed my eyes for a second then re-opened them. They had gone. My mind told me that they were still there though. They would always be there, no matter what. Suddenly, I turned towards the grand woodland that towered over the destitute beach. The winds whistled.

Someone was there. I’m sure of it. The drummer in my heart began to beat harder and faster. Trudging along the mud-like sand my high-tops slightly sunk into the swallowing beach as if I was being dragged to hell by the devil. My uncertainty of the dissertation of this coastline grew stronger rapidly like bamboo.

I created a prophecy in my mind which told the forthcoming of a familiar force. The elephantine forest still towered over the lonely beach. I entered a trance as my mind entered all sorts of wonder. Pixels in the back of my eyelids started to form twisted memories of a childhood that were not mine. Images of a boy beating his brother entered my suddenly warped imagination. It was the children that I thought were reality earlier in the day. My insanity started to show images of the boy stabbing his brother in the hand with a pencil that had been sharpened to perfection. A man's voice begin to echo loudly.

Blaine Davids
"Wake up Steve, wake up! It's time to get ready."

It was my uncles drained voice that awoke me from the mysterious dream. How could I ever believe that I was alone? It was the morning of the most important match of my career so far. An image of KnightMask suddenly appeared in my head and a frown suddenly filled my face like as sudden as gun shot. Wearing nothing other than white Calvin Klein boxers I rolled out of bed.

"Come on son, hop in the shower or something."

Mark Collins
"And would it hurt to shave that vile beard every now and again?"

What the hell was he doing here? I love the man but for the love of god I don't need two security guards while I sleep. I am the Psycho Sensation.

"You know I will never shave this beard. Anyway what on earth are you doing here my friend?"

Mark Collins
"Well I thought I would pop over early. Today's the big day, it's nine AM and we have plenty of preparation to do. Now, do as your uncle said, get in the shower whilst Lacey and I make you some breakfast."

I turned to my left, assuming that Lacey would be there, but she walked in wearing my white tee shirt and a black thong. She had clearly already woke and made herself some breakfast and coffee. It was strange how she seemed to look dazzling even at such an early hour. The other two men were suited up for the day ahead, and here I lay looking as rough as a hooker yet as strong as an ox. Lacey pecked me on my way to the bathroom as I headed to the shower...

Whilst in the shower, thoughts rushed off of me as did the water. There was too much to think about. Tonight I needed to be as brutal as a wolf and as fierce as a lion. Of course, that came naturally to me.

The words of Sebastian Duke echoed through me though.... 'I'm the United States Champion.... Fact.' Fire filled my eyes and cheeks as I heard his demonic voice. And what the heck was that dream about? I want to discuss it with someone but I feel as though my deluded image need not be developed any further to my friends. They support me, and I would not want to do anything to hinder the relationship I have with those three people. It was sad that this was my life now. Keeping those three people in my life whilst destroying everything else in my path. I made the impossible possible though; or so I like to tell myself.

These tantalizing thoughts turned to the man I would face tonight. Perhaps one of the greatest technical wrestlers alive. Yet a man filled with lies. It pleased me to know that the harsh truths I had pointed out in the week had hit him where it hurt. The false man was beginning to become true… It is strange that despite this I know the fans will cheer him. They will celebrate with him if he wins and they will weep with him if he loses. They will boo me if I win and they will jeer me if I lose. I am a human being. No one wants these feelings hurled at them but I had grown immunity to the hurt now. The pains that I had been through were far superior to anything that anyone could do to me now.

The thoughts ended. I wrapped a towel around me and brushed my teeth. I was drying whilst cleaning my teeth….Who said that men can’t multitask? Finishing off, I sprayed myself with deodorant and walked openly to my bedroom; for a moment I didn’t have a care in the world.

“Come on Steve, your eggs will get cold.”

Was it strange that I began to sing ‘how do you like your eggs in the morning in my head as I began to attire myself for the long tough day ahead?

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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