02-14-2017, 11:03 PM
Scene opens to a downward look of downtown El Paso, Texas.This is the same city where Lethal Lottery 4 will be held. It is slightly cool outside, but with the roaring cold wind breezing through the city. After some minutes we switch to a local neighborhood within in El Paso, where we see a gym. The camera slowly approaches as we finally make it's way inside.
Talia Areano is stands in the gym in her black sports bra and grey leggings. She lifts a weight bar loaded heavy with close to a hundred pounds. She presses it against her chest and lowers it back down with great effort. She finally racks it up and looks directly into the camera.
"Hola fans all over the global! Until this moment you thought there wouldn't be another Talia promo until after LL, right? Just like at Lethal Lottery 4 I will not disappoint all you fans that supported me since my came back. But for the lack of promos, unlike some many other people competing at LL. I have been working out in the gym, making sure I am prepared for everything thrown at me."
She moves away from the rack and sits down on a weight bench.
"Even if some people believe I don't have chance. I will make every effort possible to come out the winner, if it means spend a week or more in the gym so be it. Just letting Unknown Soldier and his whoever they partner are, come out this our match and think they will walk over me, is something I won't allow. My speed will make the difference in this match, as well my ability."
Talia stands up, picks up a nearby dumbbell and starts doing reps without really thinking about it.
"Something that did shock me was Donald Trump, the same Donald Trump that will be my partner for round 1, actually submitted another promo for this match. I didn't expect that, maybe I don't have to carry him in our match. But I won't be hoping in it though. I will stay cautions until that moment after our hands are raised as the winners. Because honestly one of us has to be cautions. Trump didn't care who we are facing, as for me I know differently. We are facing someone who has left bodies in his awake every time he steps into that ring. Then we are facing someone who could end up being a huge threat. Sure I have confidence that we will win. But until that moment we have our hands raised. I will be on my A-game from start to finish of our match."
She switches arms and starts doing reps with her left arm now.
"The moment when I checked out the latest Heyman rankings....okay, sure most of you don't care. Even at one point Heyman and I didn't see eye to eye. But when it comes to talent, he knows who has it. As it stands I am the number 3 spot for the Hart title. Even though that is all well and good and whatnot. But...."
Talia stands and politely re-racks her dumbbell.
"I want to be more, sure I might be sounding greedy. But if you don't shoot for the top what is the point on doing anything, am I right? That's why I want to win the whole Lethal Lottery and earn a briefcase. At that moment I will make history, to make it clear, whoever winnings LL and get the case. That person will be known as a future XWF World Champion. That is a status I want and will claim for myself, this will be the first step to that goal."
Talia walks over the nearest bench and takes a seat. As the look of it Talia has been working out pretty hard, due to the streams of sweat going down her somewhat peeking abs. But as well her face and arms. Talia reach down where it appears to be her duffle bag. She unzips it and pulls out a water bottle and chugs some. After some minutes Talia catches her breath.
"Winning Lethal Lottery will not be easy, I know that. But I refuse to give up, not just my friends and family and all you fans are counting me. But also some of the people in the back are supporting me as well. Some of them see me as someone that could be considered a dark horse in this event. I will not call myself a dark horse, I will call myself the woman that will be winning the whole thing. That is the mindset I have coming into this event as well as XWF. I will be a pillar in this company, someone that people will look up too. Just like I have in the past."
Talia suddenly tilts her head to the side, biting her bottom lip. After some seconds Talia begins to talk once more.
"Let me ask you Unknown Soldier, what is it I lack that you don't even address me in a promo? Sure most people will feeling pissed if their opponent released promos and didn't speak a word on who they was facing. When it comes to you, you don't even bother. Is it because you feel I am nowhere on you level? Maybe because you feel I don't belong in the main event? I am sure it is many reasons why you won't bother to cut a promo against me. Could it be you are waiting for the last seconds? That has to be it right? If so you know, you won't fool me. I will be ready to throw everything and many at you. No matter what it is, even if I have to make up something on the spot. This has been I moment I have strive for since I came back."
Talia get's a serious look on her face. Instead of doubt in her eyes, it is nothing but pure confidence.
"I was given this golden opportunity to make impact and comes this first round I am going to take the ball and run with it all the way to the hoop and slam dunk that bad boy. I can't contain my excitement for not just Lethal Lottery, but as my career going forward in XWF. No telling what will happen, some might say I am getting my hopes up high of becoming world champion. But that's the thing, if you don't strive for the top. What is the point of doing it in the first and I have to tell you. I want and will go all the way to the finals and win."
Talia raises her fist in the air.
"So all of you that have been supporting me and those who will be supporting me in the future. I will be taking you when this journey of mine to the top and beyond. Let's do this!"
Talia gets up off the bench and smiles. She goes back to training as the scene fades to black.