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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Bored in Texas
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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02-10-2017, 09:19 AM

El Paso Texas, that's right mother fuckers, Micheal Graves, or at least the demon that has taken over Micheal’s body, has made it to Texas. The scene opens in the hotel lounge of the Radisson. Micheal is sitting at the bar with a glass of whiskey in hand and a lit cigarette hanging out if his mouth. Micheal removed the cigarette from his lips with his free hand and exhales a cloud of smoke through his nose as he downs the glass of whiskey. Micheal taps the empty glass on the counter, and the barkeep quickly refills the glass. Micheal turns his attention to the television that is mounted on the wall behind the bar. There is a story running about a group of Mexicans stealing a vehicle after trying to sexually assault a woman in a trailer park somewhere up north. Micheal smirks as he downs the next glass of whiskey and takes a long drag off of his cigarette. Micheal continues to watch the news report as they air a statement from the man that Micheal robbed. Micheal motions for the barkeep and asked him to turn up the volume.

“There was at least six of 'em. I don't know, I didn't get a good look, but dey assaulted me from behind and threatened sweet Bobby Joe. Luckily I managed to fight’em all off before they could toucher’.”

Micheal takes a final drag off of his cigarette before stubbing it out. He taps his glass on the bar once more and again the bartender refills it. Micheal grabs the glass and walks over to the jukebox that's hidden in the back corner of the bar. Micheal stands there, looking through the list of available songs, all while thinking about how lucky he is. There was no guarantee that guy would like to the police. Sure, Micheal threatened him, but we're talking about a good ole boy here. Usually, they aren't so easily intimidated. Sure, it's less because they are exceptionally brave, and more because they're just dumb as shit, but I digress. Micheal continues to flip through the selection of songs for a moment or two, before finding one that is to his liking. He presses the key combination to select the song and suddenly “Ain't As Good As I Once Was” by Toby Keith echoes through the bar. Fitting, because both Micheal Graves and his demonic alter ego have realized that they are not quite the “Warrior” they once were. Losing to both Thaddeus Duke and Robbie Bourbon has gone a long way towards cementing the fact that the Micheal Graves of 2017 is a far cry from the guy who was tearing up the scene over a decade ago.

Micheal turns around and surveys the lounge as he takes a sip of his whiskey. There are 3 other patrons in the bar with him. A short Japanese businessman sits at a table just ahead of him and an older man and young woman are sitting at the bar together. Micheal watches for a moment, taking another sip of his drink. The businessman is shifting through a newspaper, his beer mostly full and warm. The older man looks to be in his 50’s if I had to guess, the woman is somewhere around late 20’s early 30’s. The older guy seems to be drinking the night away while this young vixen tries to put the moves on him. Micheal gulps down the rest of his whiskey as he starts walking towards the businessman's table. The man glances up at him, but hasn’t time to react before Micheal smashes the empty glass into his forehead! The man jumps up out of his chair and covers his face with both hands. Micheal grabs him up and flips him over, onto the table with force. The table collapses under the businessman's weight and wood fragments and splinters explode from underneath him. If the breaking glass didn’t draw their attention, the shattering table did. The couple sitting at the bar both turn, almost in unison to see what the commotion is. Micheal bends down and picks up the beer bottle that was on the table that just exploded. Micheal begins walking towards the couple at a brisk pace. The younger woman screams ecstatically, while the older gentleman kicks his stool away from the bar, and turns to face Micheal. Micheal tosses the beer bottle with the speed and accuracy of a Major league baseball pitcher. It connects with to the man's face and shatters. He falls back into the bar, already out cold. The younger woman screams again, as she tries to get up and flee, but Micheal is right up on her now and grabs her by the arm before she can escape. She looks Micheal in the eyes terrified, she begins to nod her head no and beg please, please, please. Micheal grabs her by the back of the head with his free hand. He clinches his grip tightly around the small of her neck. Micheal leans in to forcefully kiss this woman when suddenly a bottle breaks over the back of Micheals' head. To his credit, Micheal completely no sells the shit out of this attack and slowly turns his head to peer at the barkeep who is now standing behind the bar with his hands up, an oh fuck look on his face, and nodding his head no slowly. Micheal throws the girl to the ground, and in a single bound he manages to clear the counter. The barkeep backs up as far as he can, bumping into the shelving system holding all of the various battles of liquor, causing them to wobble and a few fall to the floor. ”Stop” says a faint voice in Micheals head. Suddenly Micheals demeanor changes from the blank cold expression that has been on his face this entire time, to a look of concern. He knows what this means, it means that Micheal Graves is trying to fight his way back into control of this shared vessel.

Micheal jumps back over the counter and makes a break for his room. This demon was just looking to have some fun. He had planned on killing everyone in that bar, ensuring that there would be nobody left to call the police on him, but in his current startled state, he wasn’t thinking about consequences. Micheal rushed into an elevator and punched the button for the 2nd floor, where his room was.

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”This can’t be happening. I’m stronger than you, I’ve claimed this vessel as my own!”

Micheal stands there awaiting some sort of response, but he is left wanting. The elevator door opens with a ding, and Micheal steps out. Making his way down the hall and to his room. Micheal scans the keycard to open the door, and rushes inside, closing the door and leaning against it with an utter look of fear on his face. It’s like he somehow thinks that by keeping that door shut, he’ll keep the real Micheal Graves from invading his mind. Just then, Micheal notices a shuffling sound coming from the closed bathroom door. Micheal quickly forgets about what just happened, and is now 100% focused on who has snuck into his room. Micheal carefully approaches the bathroom door, his hand outreached to turn the knob. Right before his fingers can grip the doorknob, it turns. The door opening to revel…

Stephanie Graves!

Micheal Graves wife, and mother to his children. Ever since Micheal snapped leading into his match with Robbie Bourbon, he has had no contact with his wife or children. That’s now been almost two weeks. Micheal did attempt to call her about a week ago while tripping on some acid, and for the first time in a while thinking clearly, without the interference of this demon Graves. However, she was mad at him and hung up the phone before he could explain his situation. So if she wouldn’t talk to him then, why is she here now? She looks up to him, without a second's hesitation, she smacks him across the face with all her might. Not satisfied, she does it a second time, before walking past him towards the living space.

Stephanie Graves - ”I hope that you don’t mind, I had the hotel manager let me in.”

Micheal turns around, watching his wife as she walks over and takes a seat on the beige chair across from his bed.

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”Why are you here?”

She stares off at the opposite wall making it a point to not make eye contact with Micheal.

Stephanie Graves - ”Why haven’t you came home, or even called for that matter.”

This Micheal Graves could care less for this woman. He has no intention of being the husband that she longs for, but at the same time, Micheal is trying to conceal the fact that the demon Gehenna is in control. Worried that they would lock him away for being a nut job… Micheal Graves has always been crazy, with various levels of success concealing his problems from the outside world.

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”I tried to call last week, but you hung up before I could speak.”

She replies in a cold tone.

Stephanie Graves - ”I know what’s going on Micheal. We’ve been together for too long for you to hide it from me.”

Micheal takes a few slow steps in her direction before stopping.

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”There is nothing going on with me my dear. I have a career to focus on, and I lost track of the days.”

Again, in a cold tone, she responds.

Stephanie Graves - ”I went by the old house...”

Oh no, the house that his father left to him when he passes away. Micheal couldn’t bring himself to sell it, but also hasn’t been able to afford repairs on it in years. It’s run-down and dirty, probably should be condemned. It’s also where Micheal had kept Cadryn hostage, and were the decomposing body of Franchise Graves was being stored.

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”Did you find anything interesting?”

She turns her head, looking him in the eyes for the first time. Tears are streaming down her cheeks.

Stephanie Graves - ”I found what was in the closet Micheal!”

She knows...

Stephanie Graves - ”I warned you that this would happen. I told you it was a bad idea for you to get involved with this world again!”

Did she tell the police?

She sits there sobbing, waiting for a response from Micheal, any response. He doesn't give her one, though, instead, his mind is racing, trying to decide what the best course of action is to get out of all of this.

Stephanie Graves - ”Well, aren’t you going to say something!?”

Micheal takes another step towards her before answering.

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”Who have you told this to?”

Stephanie Graves - ”What?”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”WHO HAVE YOU TOLD!?”

She stands up and marches to him, getting right up in his face.

Stephanie Graves - ”I haven’t told anyone, but it’s not going to matter, eventually they will figure out that you killed that man!”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”They won’t trace it back to me, not if you keep your mouth shut.”

She looks to him with a look of utter disbelief.

Stephanie Graves - ”Do you hear yourself right now Micheal? Who have a body rotting in your dad’s house!”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”And Cadryns fingerprints are all over it.”

Her jaw drops as she disbelievingly shakes her head.

Stephanie Graves - ”So you’re going to frame the cereal guy?”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”It’s as good a plan as any.”

She takes a few steps back, knowing this isn’t the man that she loves. This is one of his other, more sinister personalities.

Stephanie Graves - ”You need help Micheal...”

She continues to back up, trying to get to her purse that’s sitting beside the chair, but unwilling to take her eyes off of Micheal.

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves - ”The only ones that need help are the XWF roster, and you if you touch that phone.”

With that, she makes a mad dash for her purse. In almost an instant Micheal is on top of her, though, he pulls her up from the ground and grabs her tightly by the throat.

Stephanie Graves - ”Urgughhhh”

Micheal rears his hand back, his fist balled tightly. Micheal throws the punch, but something stops him. Just inches away from her face, Micheal’s fist is frozen in place. He looks to his disobeying hand with a look of disbelief before a different voice than his own creeps out of his mouth.

Dark Warrior: Micheal Graves - ”Stephanie, Get out of here!”

His grip around her neck loosens, and she falls to the floor.

Dark Warrior: Micheal Graves - ”I don’t know how long I can hold him! You have to go!”

Stephanie quickly collects herself and makes a mad dash for the front door. She figures that she can call someone to help her husband later, right now she needs to find shelter from him, or at least from the thing controlling him. She turns the knob, and wildly swings the door open. In what can only be described as a huge coincidence, there are two uniformed police officers standing on the other side of the door. They were just about to knock when she flung the door open. One officer pulls her out of the room to safety while the other one draws his firearm and points it at Micheal.

Officer 1 - ”Get on your knees!”

The other officer comes into the room behind the first. He draws his weapon and aims it at Micheal as well.

Officer 2 - ”Sir, you are under arrest, place your hands behind your head and get down on your knees.”

Micheal turns to face the cops, a sinister look on his face as he looks past them to his wife Stephanie. Graves has lost his grip, and the demon as taken over again. However, even the demon realizes that he is in a no-win situation right now. So he raises his hands, locking his fingers behind his head as he drops to his knees. One of the officers places handcuffs on Michael's right hand, and swings it down behind his back, locking in the left hand as well. The scene fades as the officers lead Micheal out of the room.

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