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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend Night 1 RP Board
Batman vs. Alfred: Manbat of Institutionalization
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Guppy Parsh Offline
Person Against The Rape Of Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

12-09-2016, 07:01 AM

~Act VII~

The scene opens to Alfred walking through the front door of Parsh Manor dragging a mannequin behind him and carrying a bag from the grocery store; the contents most likely being coconut milk and a balaclava that he bought elsewhere. It could also have eggs, but nothing in the previous promos lead me to believe that; it's just a possibility.

Stevella, Guppy's wife who opened the door for Alfred, notices he seems to be carrying a lot, "Do you need help with any of that?"

"No, I got it. It's my job to get it. Don't worry."
Alfred is clearly struggling.

"There's no shame in asking for help in this household, Alfred,"
Stevella grabs the grocery store bag from his hands and takes it into the BatKitchen, "You'll need two hands to carry that...mannequin that is just as tall as me and has curves in all the same places."

"I bet you're interested in what I'm going to do with this mannequin. Aren't you Stevella?"

I have the perfect fake story planned.


"I'm going to pull an epic prank on G-,"

"I said no."


Stevella starts unpacking the contents of the grocery store bag. She puts the coconut milk in the refrigerator. There are eggs, cool; she puts the eggs in the refrigerator. Then she stumbles upon a balaclava.

"Alfred! You shouldn't have!"

Alfred sets the mannequin down in the butler's quarters and enters the BatKitchen.

"What did I do?"

"How did you know I needed a new mask?"

Alfred sees the balaclava in her hands, then looks into her eyes which are behind the eye holes of her mask. Somehow he can see it in her eyes that giving this mask to her as an early Christmas gift would totally make that whole trying to rape her thing water under the bridge. For a hot, throbbing second he tries to justify not going through with his evil plan after all to spare Stevella of the misery of divorce. Then maybe if he works hard enough at it he could get in those sweet walls the new age way, with consent.

That second lasts only a second. Reality returns. He has already put so many resources into this plan and there's already enough waste in the world. No, he has to finish what he set out to do. Maybe he could just let her keep this one and improvise a little? It does seem to make her happy.

No way, if I let Stevella keep that mask then I'd have to go and buy another mask. That would be such a hassle.

"I didn't know. That mask isn't for you. It's for that epic prank I would've told you all about if you weren't so rude to me."

Stevella hands the mask back to Alfred.

"Thanks for putting away the groceries."

"Don't mention it. I'm sorry I assumed the mask was a gift. I guess I'm just really getting into the Christmas spirit, can you believe it's already December?"

Guppy is getting you divorce papers this year, cunt.

"Yes, time sure flies. What a great year."

"Did you hear that Donald Trump is Time's Person of the Year?"

"So was I in 2006."

"Oh you."

Stevella and Alfred share a weird fake laugh as the scene fades away.

~Act VIII~

[2 Hours Later]
[Image: WIN_20161208_215809_2.jpg]

Stevella is dressed comfortably in her brown robe and "Black Olives Matter" night shirt with a bowl of pixelated popcorn in her hands. And yes, that's a picture of Stevella, not the next rapist that Guppy kills. She just kind of looks like a fat rapist from this angle, but that's because her boobs are so big. That wasn't a picture of some virgin wearing a mask, alright. It's the beautiful Stevella; Guppy's wife is super hot even if she is just a mannequin.

Anyway, she's eating popcorn while watching the first of Guppy's promos. Alfred and Guppy are talking, such great dialogue, and wow you can cut the tension with a knife. Very good promo. Stevella is about to applaud, then she sees Alfred rubbing his hands together, wickedly, once Guppy turns his back to him. Then Alfred says something ominous under his breath.

There may be more to this Alfred guy than we know. I think he might be evil. Evil enough to be up to something....evil.

In the very next scene Alfred tries to hit on Stevella, but in a forceful way like he knows his cock is going in there and there's nothing that she can do to stop him. Stevella skips that part of the promo because she lived it so she doesn't need to see it again.

Oh right, I already knew Alfred was up to something because of that awkward interaction we had where he tried to rape me, so I threatened to slash his eyes out. Maybe I should warn Guppy about him.

Stevella puts down her bowl of pixelated popcorn and picks up her cellular phone. She puts it on speaker phone because she heard that putting it up to your ear can give you cancer. Then she calls Batman.

"Hi Stevella!"

"Hi Guppy."

"I'm killing rapists, what are you doing?"

"I just finished watching your first promo for your big match tomorrow."

"Did you like it?"

"Sure, it's better than anything your partners put out, or your opponents I guess."

"They may not be helping me win the artistic high-ground, but they can still help me win the match. Unless they don't feel like it, then you and Alfred could probably replace them via the FreeLizard Rule. I'll probably see them at the Lizard Day party. I bought them awesome gifts, maybe they'll want to do an unboxing promo!"

Stevella stopped listening as soon as he said the word 'Alfred'.

"Funny that you mention Alfred; I think he's up to something."

"What do you mean? That's pretty vague."

"So far he's been pretty vague. After you went to tuck in Lagena, he rubbed his hands together and said something ominous."

"That's suspicious."

"I know right! Even I could tell and I'm not even a detective."

"Maybe you should watch the other two promos and tell me if he does anything else suspicious, since you're so good at it."

Stevella considers that idea for a second, then she shakes her head.

"I would but I have so many other things to do. I've got to paint my nails and watch this bootleg copy of Moana at some point. I want to binge My Little Pony later tonight too."

"Yeah, you have a lot on your plate."

"I do have an idea though. You usually tell Alfred when you're on your way home right?"


"Okay, then the next time you come home don't tell him then maybe you'll catch him doing something he shouldn't be doing."

"Alright, has he done anything else suspicious?"

Stevella considers telling Guppy about the time Alfred almost raped her, but she retroactively consented to that so it would be pretty lame of her to mention that. There was also that epic prank that involves a mannequin with measurements that matched hers exactly and a balaclava that she mistook for a Christmas gift, but if she told Guppy about that then it would ruin the surprise.

Pranks are lame when the prankee knows what's going to happen.

"Not that I've seen,"

"Okay, I'll let you get to your television show for children. I'm going to kill a few more rapists and then I'll call it a night. Bye Stevella."


Stevella goes back to sitting still, or whatever mannequins do when no one is looking, as the scene fades away.

~Act IX~

[December 10th 2016, 2:45 am]

Alfred adjusts the camera so it's pointing at his bed, then he puts the balaclava on the mannequin's head. Alfred takes a step back to review his masterpiece.

It looks just like her. Guppy is so dumb! He won't notice anything!

Alfred positions the mannequin so it's on all fours, then he strips naked and mounts it from behind. The camera is positioned so that Alfred's head is out of frame. Before he starts humping it, he takes a moment to grab the mannequin by the pussy, and he notices that it feels exactly the same as Stevella's vaginal crease.

That's strange.

Then he shrugs his shoulders and starts fucking it. Does it look like he's actually fucking Stevella? I don't know, but he hopes that Guppy thinks it does.

After like two minutes of dry humping a mannequin the butler's quarters door creaks open and Alfred turns to see Batman staring at him.

"Um, you didn't call, so me and Stevella were just having consensual sex while you were gone. She said it'd be fine since you're a cuck. If you're not you'll just have to work it out with her I guess."

"I didn't consent to this,"
says Guppy in his Stevella voice, "I didn't consent to any of this"

"Is that true Stevella?"
he says, asking himself I guess.

Alfred cums on the mannequin's back.

"It's true!"

Guppy presses a button on his BatGlove and a set of chainsaw nun-chucks drop from the ceiling and into his hands.

"Wait! Guppy, this isn't Stevella! It's just a mannequin! It's just my fetish to dress up mannequins like bank robbers and bang them! It doesn't hurt anybody!"

"Talking mannequins don't exist, Alfred."

"It didn't talk! You said that!"

Guppy starts spinning the chainsaw nun-chucks and walking toward Alfred. No more talking was necessary. The rapist had to be eliminated. Alfred's attempts at reasoning with him were no use. He'd have to play along.

"Okay fine, it is Stevella. But she's lying again like she did before. She gave consent, but now she's pretending she didn't because I did a bad job. I didn't rape her she just forgot that old men aren't as good at sex as they used to be! This never would have happened if you just cut her tongue out. You can still rectify that mistake."

" deserve this and I'm not sorry."

Guppy swings the chainsaw nun-chucks and cuts off both of Alfred's arms at the same time. While Alfred screams out in agony Guppy grabs the mannequin and drags it with him to the master bedroom.

"I'll get you to some clothes Stevella, you'll be okay."

"It was horrible, Guppy; he pulled me out of the shower and told me 'I'm going to rape you so bad, bitch' and there weren't any knives around so I was defenseless. This is so much more interesting than anything you'll see in a John Black promo."

"We'll have to hire someone to clean that bloody room."

"I never want to go back in there again."

"I understand. Maybe we should move. I never went back to Castle after what happened to me."

Guppy opens the door to the master bedroom to find another Stevella asleep on the bed. At first he's surprised Alfred's screaming didn't wake her up, then he's surprised that there are two Stevellas.

"Two Stevellas? Does this mean what I think it means?"

"It does, Alfred cloned the original Stevella. I'm just a copy. Then he threw mud all over me and told me that now I was black like John Black's mom. I ran away and took a shower, and then he raped me."

"He'll be dead soon. Wear this." Guppy hands the mannequin a plain black shirt since Stevella's other shirts would probably get ruined if they had rapist cum or rapist blood on them. If all her shirts are as cool as that "Black Olives Matter" shirt then I can see why that's a priority.

"I'll be strong, like the rape victim in Kill Bill."

"You'll need to be twice as strong. She only got pretend raped."

Guppy puts the shirt on the mannequin and then he kisses it.

"We'll explain what happened to my wife in the morning; you should get some rest. I'll take care of Alfred." Guppy puts the mannequin in his bed next to his other mannequin, then he returns to the butler's quarters where Alfred has passed out from blood loss. Guppy picks him up and carries him to the bathroom where the trapdoor to his basement is. He drops Alfred head-first through the trap door and he splats on the floor. Alfred dies.

"Keep your friends close, but keep your rapists in the basement," Batman slams the trap door shut.

Guppy fin.

[Image: H1oMImx.jpg]

XWF Top 50 of All-Time (#22 on 2015 and 2017 editions, #26 on 2021 edition)
1x RTX/Ruler of the Road to Extreme Xtreme WORLD Champion
2x Trio Tag Champion (1x as Tri Bute /w Ms. Diaz, Ms. Snow Pharaoh, and Mr. Supernova) (1x /w Benito Angelo and Jervis Cottonbelly)
1x Ark of The Covenant Champion
Winner of Gaybe Lincoln's XWF Tag Team Tournament /w Scully
Leader of the PAT-RO-oL's Anti-Rapist Division

Shoutout to Graves for the banner

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