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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
If I were a fish
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Z Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-18-2016, 07:22 PM

Little fishies in de row, swimming in circles lost in demselfs.Swim little fishy, swim.

The fire that doesn't burn is a fire lacking hunger. Water that doesn't flow remains trapped in it's own grave. A cloudy morning hides the dawn as thunder echoes. The day begins with the waking of a man, crawling from under a pile of newspapers and soggy boxes.scurrying about searching for his pail.He ventures forth through the worn down streets, searching for a meal. Unlike most, his hunger doesn't lie festering in a dumpster or fresh of a griddle somewhere. Lightning strike, marking the beginning of a grand storm as sirens scream to life. Howling winds and sharp gusts bend trees, slamming into homes.

Oh my god!
Are we safe?
It's coming closer.
What is that?
Danny, get in the tub now.
Jolene, the basement door is jammed!
It's here.
Did is more like it. De storm bring wit it da shadow of fear and sorrow. Did will be a most bowntiful harvest for de Baron's stew. De Loa are please wit me to have granted me dis day. Z thank de Baron for his hospitality. De storm still lives beyond de horizon, bringing wit it more to harvest, but my pail is full, it runneth ova.

Z takes a sip from his bucket and sniffs the last of the Loa dust from his ring.


Ghost Tank and him precious scythe be nothing to de Loa. What is death to those who celebrate the departed. Fishermen who revel in de conquest in dere catch never see the thought of dey trophy, a broken spirit thank de heavens for de end of suffering. Harvester of souls, but no knowledge of dey comings up. Have you properly weighed a soul, before de condemnation? Talk to de dead, walk in dey shoes, listen to de stories dey have to tell. I beg to tink not. You are not Death. I watch, I listen, I learn about you. Death no run, Death no hide, and Death damn sure hire no gun. I have widness you decline challage afta challage, duck fo cover and take to da hills fa refuge.

You have brought shame upon de devil and him opposed. Dey dare to tread in Loa home and pay hefty loot fo your reckoning. How patetic of a creature are Ghost Tank, dat even de creator of love and mercy want you gone. Dis fight, dis match, it is not Z moment of triumpf, dis is an execution. You dink your size, or you strength can save you. Dey are but speck of dust on de wind. Take a look at de lumbajacks hmmm, de Loa move through dem, all of dem with vile attitude twards you. You dink de match be a cakewalk, you dink you have upper hand. Da house have all de cards, da die is all snake eyes for you Ghost Tank. Dere is no power greata den da Loa, no amount of effort can save you. Your judgement day is upon you, so swim little fishy, swim. De sharks, dey circle you, and dey haven't been fed and n days.

So swim little fishy, swim. Dere be monsters in de deep, and they be eying you.

Swim little fishy, swim.

[Image: 1566168525.png]

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