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God Bless America
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Big Nate Offline
God Bless the USA

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09-09-2016, 07:18 PM

Oh HELL no.

Someone get Trump on the line, I need to be deputized post-fucking-haste here. We got us a bonafide greasy-haired Mexican tryin' to sneak on over and have his Aztec squaw drop an anchor baby in my backyard on my dime.

Not happenin', chico!

And where'd you get that there belt, boy? Who'd you steal that shit from? Habla what I'm asking you, motherfucker?

Fuck, man, these coyotes ain't even tryin' to bring over the good ones anymore. How fast can you pick an orchard worth of oranges, Pedro? What's your top mowing speed? I'm gonna drop you in the name of Davey Crockett and the rest of the patriots who got slaughtered in the Alamo because we NEVER FORGET over here, boy. Then I'm gonna call INS and tell them I made me a citizen's arrest... and I swear to baby Jesus if I have to press one for English I'm taking it out of YOUR ASS.


Nate scoops Payne into a high angle running Liger bomb, then pins him.



[Image: D-15-671-5x3.5-BLACK-AND-WHITE-BLUE-LIVE...C-FLAG.jpg]


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Hunter Payne Offline
RIP Ray Peterson

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09-10-2016, 04:05 AM

Hunter: Damn! What the fuck?! A white pedophile Calypso is champion for like 3 weeks without a single challenger! Now, all of a sudden a person of Hispanic descent wins a championship and these fucking crackers lose their minds! Holy shit! Can a brown person hold a title for at least 24 fucking hours without dealing with racist white trash of the Fed?!

Joy: He’s Mexican so he must be an immigrant. Sooo original! We haven’t heard this about a thousand times since being here!

Hunter: You’re not going to beat me. You know why? Other than the fact, you’re complete shit in everything you do. There ain’t any white privilege here BOY! No amount of Fox News bullshit or Donald Trump Nazi rhetoric can protect you from me beating the living shit outta you!

Joy: Isn’t it ironic this racist hillbilly challenges you the same day you’re wearing a Kaepernick jersey?

Hunter: Good point! Look at what you fucking Caucasians did! Your views are so universally hated, everybody is wearing the jersey of a mediocre football player just to show their disdain for you. Hahaha but it’s funny how upset you crackers got! “Look he’s sitting down! He can’t do that! Waah Waah Waah!” Bunch of whiny bitches.

Joy: “Anchor baby on his dime?” Like you pay taxes? I bet you’re unemployed. Just based on how shitty your vocabulary is, and how dirty you look… And you probably drive a hand-me-down pick-up truck with an old raggedy confederate flag on it…. AND you probably live in your grandparents’ basement while living off their social security checks. Oh look, now I’m stereotyping. Do you like it honky?

Hunter: Yeah, but I’m sure you're 100% accurate. Except, he works for the XWF right? I mean who can forget his match with… wait, no, I think he’s just some racist troll.

Joy: Don’t we have enough of those here?

Hunter: Yes, but look at this guy! He so vastly different from the other bigots we have here! He stereotyped my race, claimed I was from Mexico, and brought absolutely no originality. Good job dude. Hey, why don’t you make like Natalie Halloway and disappear, before I turn O.J. Simpson and murder a little white bitch!

Hunter kicks out obviously!

[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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Big Nate Offline
God Bless the USA

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09-10-2016, 05:11 AM

Oh ain't that shit just precious as precious can be.

Every time you call a lefty out on their Marxist, anti-American bullshit they try to slap an ism onto you. Oh, Nate's racist because he says Hunter Payne's Mexican! No, bitch, I said your papi chulo is Mexican because he's fuckin' Mexican. The truth ain't racist, it's just a fact. What, you wanna correct me and say he's Puerto Rican or Cuban? That shit's just East Mexico.

Hunter, you keep lettin' that puta of yours flap her gums at me and I'll turn you both into food for the quetzalcoatl. I approach fights the same way you approach sex workers online - I only deal with men.

And yeah, boy, I seen your knockoff jersey. For one, that ain't how you even spell Nike... not sure how them child slaves spelled Kaepernick right but Nike wrong... and for another, fuck it, you wanna run around with Colin Hussein Kaepernick's number on your chest, go ahead and do it. I prefer it when libtard idiots identify themselves that readily. The bright red San Francisco colors make it easier for me to scope you with my AR if you come within a hundred feet of myself or my property anyway.

I tell you what though, boy, when that anthem comes on you best not be sittin' on that worthless ass of yours if Nate Higgers is in the vicinity. Nuh uh. I got friends and family died for them stars and stripes. I did a tour in a shithole desert for this country, playin' Whack-A-Muslim and poppin' off every turban that poked out over a dune while I ate a double bacon cheeseburger and screamed Lee Greenwood lyrics at the top of my lungs.

Don't tread on me, boy, and don't disrespect my country, or I'll send you back to Tenochtitlan faster than you can apply for food stamps.


Higgers cradles Payne in the air an them slams him backward in the All Lives Matter! He hooks a leg for good measure while rolling his tongue around at the horrified Joy.



[Image: D-15-671-5x3.5-BLACK-AND-WHITE-BLUE-LIVE...C-FLAG.jpg]


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Hunter Payne Offline
RIP Ray Peterson

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09-10-2016, 07:06 AM

Hunter: So I’m gay now? Seriously? My wife is LITERALLY right next to us you unoriginal hack. I love how you don’t think I can afford an officially licensed NFL merchandise, when as previously discussed, you’re the one without a job, not me. I’m a champion. What are you? A typical racist with forgetful face that will soon realize he is in way over his head and leave the XWF to the surprise of no one. I give you less than 2 weeks. And before you give me that “But, he took my job!” shit. I just want to let you to know, it’s not because I’m brown and you’re white, it’s because I’m better than you!

Joy: Ha trust me, NOBODY is trying to go to your property! Not Hunter, not me, not any woman from the looks of you.

Hunter: Oh, you’re a Vet? Do you want sympathy from me? Should I give you a discount on this ass whooping? But really though, I’m so proud of your blind patriotism! It explains your allegiance to Trump, blind sheep who can’t think for themselves will just listen to the loudest voice in the room. By the way, I do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want to do it! For the record, I wouldn’t be sitting during the National Anthem… With the way police are murdering any minority they see. I’d be standing giving it the fucking middle finger! And you can’t do shit about it motherfucker! “Fuck Tha Police!”

Joy: For not liking Mexico, this guy sure does speak a lot of Spanish! More than you do anyway.

Hunter: He talks so much, yet somehow he still manages to say nothing. This hick needs to stop wasting my fucking time! We’re trying to go home to Netflix and chill you selfish bastard! Here’s some free advice, you’re out of your league here, why don’t you do us all a favor… and go reenlist… and this time… find a live grenade… or a landmine… and jump on top of it! Thanks.

Hunter kicks out again obviously!

Hunter: Now can I go home, put on some boring chick flick with Shailene Woodley in it, and ultimately have sex with my wife? Or are you gonna continue to be a major cockblock?

[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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09-10-2016, 07:19 AM

Vincent wanders by, eating some saltines.

Cracker, go get a job.

Winner and STILL Federweight Champion - Hunter Payng

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