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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Devil's in Sin City...
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The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-08-2016, 12:09 PM

The Devil is in Sin City
Time: 0245
Date: Sep. 8th 2016
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

It is two days away from Savage Saturday; Bearded War Pig has been in Nevada for over a week, training, working out, cutting promos, and really getting his name out in the wrestling world. So far the whole time he has had no time for himself to deal with his personal matters, every corner he turns XWF business gets slammed down his throat. Knowing it comes with the territory of being the new fish, happens in any situation, have to run as hard as you can out the gate to get noticed to start hopping on the stepping-stones to the pillars of success. Which every man wanted, maybe not in the same ways, but we want it.

Bearded War Pig is out on the strip dressed in a nice black and white pinstriped suit, with a pair of chrome-plated aviators, and a pair of shiny black dress shoes. His beard gleaming from beard oil and holding perfect shape even with the slight winds from the balm, both items Beard Brother’s brand. Out on the town trying to have a little fun in the sin city, while also trying to remain under the radar, for the sake of his agent’s sanity, if you haven’t figured it out yet, B.W.P doesn’t like authority or rules very well. Being a firm believer of being a free man in a free nation.

Looking down the strip at all the buildings and their bright lights. He smiles taking in a deep breathe of fresh air, he reaches inside his suit jacket pocket and pulls out a custom “Dirty Deuce” titanium joint case. Flipping the case open he pulls a joint from the holder and flips it between his lips, as he places the case back in his pocket he removes a zippo. Sparking up the doobie B.W.P leans back against a casino wall and takes a deep inhale holding the THC soaked smoke in his lungs until he almost looses consciousness. After coughing up a lung Bearded War Pig mumbles to himself.

“God damn... I have been in desperate need of that right there.”

Bearded War Pig takes a couple more drags on the joint of some primo Girl Scout Cookies, he got from his medical connect back in Michigan, where he holds a medical card for his PTSD. He takes a couple more drags as he stares out at the lit up city, knowing it had to be getting late or more so, earlier in the morning. B.W.P quickly drags the joint four more times and then smothers it out on the edge of the wall and places it behind his ear. He then removes a cell phone from one of his front jacket pockets and begins dialing a number.

After completing the obvious Michigan number with a “989” area code, he brings the phone up to his ear. As the phone begins to ring, he slowly starts his stride down the east side of the street toward a strip club called Pussy Kats. The billboard out in front of the club has an eye catcher written on it that reads, “Porn Star Appearance tonight only September 8th.” Porn something that Bearded War Pig never could turn down, his slow stride turned into a more abrupt and quick pace. The phone rings two more times and then someone picks up on the other end, just as B.W.P makes it right in front of the club.

“Hello Wayne county morgue, you rape um, we scrape um! Just fucking with you boss man, what can I do you for?”

“What the hell Smut, quit being a dumb shit! I am calling on serious business; I am in Las Vegas for this XWF Savage Saturday Night show, you know that gig I took to help with finances. Well I was just about to go get a few dances and I remembered you talking about your cousin in some biker gang out here, always looking for guns and ammunition. That still true?”

“Okay sorry man. Usually you are the fucked up one who makes depraved remarks remember that... About my cousin and his biker club it is true, they still charter out of Las Vegas and they are always looking for guns.”

“Okay good, I am going to need you to go ahead and get a hold of cuzzo. Set up a meeting, hell if he could make it happen in the next three to five hours, tell him to just come to a strip joint called Pussy Kats, with a K. If not contact me with a location and time.”

“What the hell do you mean? You don’t have a gun supplier out in Nevada, our connect on the east coast is barely holding up, gun shortages, wrong makes, and the drive from New York to Michigan is risk enough.”

“Don’t you think I know this dipshit, I am not your average lowlife thug, I have some combat experience and a little knowledge in tactics. Plus I grew up around lowlife thugs, basically raised in this shit. So I have a meeting in about ten minutes with a intelligence guy, who has some word on military armory or weapons depot right here in Nevada.”

Bearded War Pig notices a man that came from the club to smoke a cigarette just couldn’t help but to ease drop, with his alcohol fueled curiosity. Bearded War Pig stares down the man for a minute with a pissed off aggressive mug, the man just stares blankly cigarette burning away, not even noticing Bearded War Pig’s glare. Bearded War Pig shakes his head and speaks back into his cell phone.

“Give me a minute, this jack ass here is too drunk to get the hint I don’t want him eaves dropping in on my conversation. Just give me a two minutes and I will finish telling you the reason in my madness.”

Bearded War Pig lowers his phone and begins walking over to the smoking area where the strange man stands in a daze of nosiness. Once in the man’s bubble, the man breaks free from his trance and quickly steps back placing a now unlit cigarette in his mouth. Bearded War Pig quickly steps up and grabs the man by the collar of the man’s light pink polo and quickly presses him against the club wall.

“Listen here cock bag I am a busy fucking man, I don’t get much free time when I am out here, I have a business call going on and would appreciate it if you quit being a nosy nanny! You got me you pathetic fuck!”

Bearded War Pig releases the nosy man’s collar and steps back. Not completely out of the man’s bubble, B.W.P smiles and with a blink of an eye he snatches the cigarette from the man’s lips and spins around tucking it between his. Bearded War Pig then quickly lights it the end hanging from his lips, taking a drag, after exhaling, B.W.P places his cell phone back to his ear with a smile on his face.

“Ok, now where the fuck was I? Oh yeah, so about the armory, if I get the scoop on it, maybe it would be possible to put together a crew and get us a decent stockpile, at least until we can find us a solid supplier out here. I mean all of XWF’s Saturday night shows are here. We need to still be making moves while I am on the road, the little time I will be able to be in Detroit just won’t cut it...”

“Fuck it all sounds good but if any one of those details falls through, we are fucked, I don’t want to get my cousin in bad with his club. Forever that boy has wanted to get in a biker club like his father, just never thought the skinny coke head would achieve that one.”

“Dammit Smut, you and I go way back, fucking trust me! Set up the meeting that is all I am asking, I will pitch everything completely; inform them the security of them getting their guns. Nothing will go wrong, I will call in my special favors from some real hard hitting devil dogs!”

“Fine, as long as you promise to tell him the truth and you call in your boys from the Dirty Deuces, the stories you’ve told me about the shit you guys have done, insane!”

“Okay just make the call and get the meeting set up soon, I don’t have all the free time in the world, have a lot to prepare for in the XWF, have a match against some punk Seth Connors and the Tag Tournament set in stone for now. I don’t believe it will be slowing down. So hurry the fuck up, I mean like fucking virgin asshole quick!”

“Gotcha boss man, quick and fast like your bedroom life!”

“I told you it is not about endurance it is about consistency! Go fuck yourself Smut!”

B.W.P clicks the red phone button on his screen ending the call tucks his phone back in his inner jacket pocket, he then smiles before adjusting his jacket and walking into the club.

To be continued...

Time: 2000
Date: Sep. 6th 2016
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Bearded War Pig is sitting at his desk in his room in the Trump International Towers, his dab rig set up with the electric nail turned on and heating to an almost perfect temperature to smoke a dab. Once the light on his electronic rig starts blinking, Bearded War Pig sticks a tiny spoon like dentist tool into a silicone container, pulling out a glob of what looks to be like some really thick honey or earwax. Concentrated THC Pig’s favorite besides mushrooms of course, nothing like tripping in nature on nature.

Bearded War Pig takes the glob to the titanium nail head on the bong and begins inhaling deeply as the nail boils the wax and transforms it into smoke which travels down the stem through the water, up the bong shaft, and into Pig’s mouth. Bearded War Pig inhales and holds as he sits back in the desk chair, eyes wide, sweat instantly beading from his forehead, and a cheesy smile of pure euphoric aura. Pig exhales the smoke followed by about a minute of lung hacking coughs.

“Holy batballs, Robin!”

Bearded War Pig hacks out a few words, before he begins to collect another dab from the container. He continues this for about six more hits and then he turns the electronic nail off and stares at the wall for a second. Letting his mind flow freely as he ponders on his matches at the XWF... After a few moments of silence and being trapped in his own mind, Pig comes back to. With an enormous smile stretched from ear to ear, Pig opens a flip down draw and slides a pullout desk with a laptop on it.

Opening the laptop Pig anxiously waits for it to load up as, thinking about the XWF while lost in a dank cloud of THC, made him want to see if any of his upcoming opponents had anything to say. Once on the web, Bearded War Pig finds himself watching a promo cut by Barney Green, someone he may have to face in the tag tournament. The man really had nothing to say about the team of Ghost Tank and Bearded War Pig, as if they where of no concern. This begins to anger Pig as his fist smashes into the desk next to the laptop. Pig then opens his webcam and decides to cut a promo of his own.

“Well hello to all you delinquents, whores, and pimps out there tuning into XWF’s website and waiting live streams, a little obsessed if you ask me, but fuck it. I just wanted to show my lovely face and respond to Barney boy’s little promo. Which was kind of entertaining, there was only one thing disappointing and didn’t sit right with me... That fat fucker believes Ghost Tank and myself are of no concern, well that is going to be a problem Barney boy!

You know I didn’t want to have to be the asshole here in XWF but I don’t know if that is going to be possible since everyone wants to think I am a nobody. Well Barney your fat ass better hope we don’t meet in the squared circle because if we do, I am going to make sure you feel the worse pain you have ever felt in your life. You look right over who I am and what I could be capable of because I have not even had my first match here in XWF but I have had plenty of experience putting people through horrific pain for a lot less than someone disrespecting me!

Yeah Barney boy, I took that as a disrespectful act, for you to go on air and say you have nothing to worry about from my team? You’re fucking high buddy balls, I am the man you will have the most difficult with, and I promise you that. I’m just hoping you and Equinox will defeat Gilmour and McBride, so I can beat your lard ass body with my bare knuckles until they are crimson red! I won’t stop there though, oh no, I would then proceed to choke the living shit out of you, squeeze your neck until the fat around your airway blocks it off.

You should have not just skipped over our team like we are scabs, yeah we have nothing in common or any experience with one another, but we do have the new guys drive to climb to the top. That right there could be just what takes us through all of our opponents and gets us a shot at the tag titles. Which would put my name out there and that is exactly what I am trying to do. Everyone has their own sap story, so what if your parents don’t respect you or favor your brother... Doesn’t mean jack shit, everyone has problems and to be honest yours aren’t that bad. So quit whining like a little fat kid with bitch tits, Barney!

For the rest of you fucks in this tourney, god bless your souls, because I sure as fuck won’t! This is my chance to shine and start the legend of Bearded War Pig, I’ve set foot in enemy territory plenty of times, on the streets, and in the sand box. Not a single one of you will stop this train, it’s coming in hot and with atom bomb impact, everyone who steps up will be laid down and used for more tracks to the top. I’m done being on the bottom getting fed the scraps, but carrying the world on my back, the grunt life is over for this guy, now its time for fast cars and cheap women.

Talking about cheap women, my escort should be arriving soon, so until another day XWF, until another day...”

Bearded War Pig logs out of his live feed account on the XWF site and gets ready to take another dab as the scene fades black...

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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