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Codename: Haven
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Codename: Haven

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09-06-2016, 03:32 AM


In-Ring Name: Codename: Haven

Wrestler's Real Name: Unknown

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unspecified

Height: 5 foot 6 inches

Weight: 120 pounds

Hometown: Unverified

Personality: A kind, charismatic spirit, full of life and a thirst for adventure, Haven is an enchanting wonder. Quiet, clever and forever curious. An oddity and a marvel to those that come in contact with her, she dances to the beat of her own drum and isn't afraid to invite others to join her. A mystery wrapped in an enigma, extraordinary, eccentric and completely mind boggling at times, she will constantly leave you guessing. Highly adaptable to her surroundings, the only thing certain is that nothing is certain. Once you think you've figured her out, everything changes and you're lost in the maze that is Haven.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face

Pic Base: Summer Glau
[Image: 3lfc6KI.jpg]


Strengths: Lithe in action, she is precise with her movements, swift on the defense and fast on her feet. Haven can easily adapt to any scenario. Quick judgements in tough situations is one of her specialties. Another is her actual speed. In fact, sometimes she moves so quickly, it seems like she's teleporting from one place to another... or maybe that's exactly what she's doing. She's also really strong. Abnormally strong. From the looks of her, that wouldn't seem possible but she has the ability to lift immense weight and can maneuver it with ease while executing even the most difficult of wrestling moves.

Weaknesses: Haven will hold back if she believes she's causing too much damage or harm to someone. This makes her kindness, her weakness as others might use this to their advantage.

Entrance Theme Music: The End Is The Beginning Is The End - Smashing Pumpkins

Entrance Description: The music begins, while a dazzle of sparkles erupt from nearly everywhere in the arena and a black lotus flower, blooms directly out of the center of the stage. Much larger than the normal blossom, its petals soon unfold, revealing Haven as she emerges from within. Crouched down at first, she slowly stands and moves effortlessly past the large flower petals. Striding confidently towards the ring as the black lotus fades and fizzles from sight, Haven slides into the ring and takes her place on one of the top turnbuckles. Where she perches herself and waits, for the fight to begin.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Leg Sweep
Poetry In Motion
Kitchen Sink
Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors
Monkey Flips
Bow and Arrow
Fisherman Suplex
Clothesline Takedown
Sunset Flip Powerbomb
Diving Front Dropkick
Jumping Armbar
Roundhouse Kick

Trademark Move(s): Divine Rapture, Forgotten Echos
Description(s): Hurricanrana, STO Backbreaker into a Side Russian Legsweep

Finishing Move(s): The Fall Of Man, Endless Burning Embers Of A Forever Dying Light
Description(s): Swanton Bomb, Cross Rhodes

Additional notes: 1. Haven does not speak.

2. On occasion, when coming into contact with Haven, you might begin to feel hazy, almost like you've been transported into a dream. (Note: This most commonly occurs, after something uncommon occurs and that something can be directly linked to Haven.) In the event of such an occurrence, simply take a few deep breaths or fetch a glass of water and this sensation will pass.

3. Strange things tend to happen when this girl is around. Unusual, unexplainable acts of amazing improbability. Things that could or would never be understood, unless you experienced them firsthand. Though, once that finally happens, your outlook on life may be forever altered. Reality will shift and take on a new meaning and nothing will ever be the same again. Fear not though. She comes in peace. Mostly.

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The Monster of Htaed (09-06-2016)

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