A figure in a black suit with black leather gloves stands in a room, the face is red and skeletal, like the Red Skull's. The figure stands there, looking around the room waiting for something. There's a knock at the door, and the Charlie Sheen figure enters, dragging a figure behind them.
We have them for you, sir.
Why thank you, Number 3. Would you be so kind as to hook them up?
The figure motions to a rack against the back wall, before walking over to a table he has set along the opposite side of the room. The table is covered in an assortment of beverages and glasses. The Skull pours himself a champagne flute of Sprite, and walks over to look at the man being strung up. He was Asian, and badly beaten. The figure takes a sip of Sprite and lets a refreshing ooh escape his masked lips.
Are you comfortable, Slant Eyes?
The Asian man squirms and spits blood onto Skull's face. Skull wipes the blood away, and turns away from the man. Number 3 tightens the restraints on Slant Eyes, and steps back.
Would you like the others as well, Sir?
Another sip from the sprite.
How many are there again?
Number three looks towards the door and thinks for a moment.
Two more, sir.
Skull pauses and drinks more of his sprite before throwing the now empty glass in the face of Slant Eyes.
Yes, but gag them. I don't need to hear more screams from them.
Number three does as he's told while Skull goes to a locker in the room, and pulls out a very thin knife. He holds it where Slant eyes can watch, and stands there, waiting. Three comes in dragging a smaller figure behind him, and lifts it onto a rack next to Slant Eyes. He restrains and tightens the figure into the rack, before gagging them. Skull walks over to the second figure, it's a young Hispanic woman. He begins to stroke her hear with his gloved hand. She winces at the touch, but can't speak. Slant Eyes squirms and screams.
fCENSORED you, you leave her alone!
Skull chuckles. He has found the weak spot in old Slants Eyes' armor.
Oh, dear. I've found your weakness.
He tosses the knife straight into the air, and allows it to spin, before catching the handle. A small chuckle as he brings the knife edge up to meet the flesh of the restrained girl. It gingerly draws blood from her face, and he continues the movement until it gets to her ear. Slant Eyes is trying not to scream, and tears are falling from Mexicunt's eyes. She's biting into the gag hard, and Slant Eyes is biting into his tongue, blood begins to pour from his mouth.
Such pretty eyes you have, and such lovely hair. Allow me to change that.
Skull retracts the knife, and grabs a handful of her hair. Slant Eyes fights to get free, but the restraints dig into his flesh. He screams more at Red Skull, who is now running his blade across the hunk of hair he holds, strands begin to fall out. Slant Eyes is not pleased by this. The Skull drops the knife, and walks over to his locker while Slant Eyes starts to scream in Chinese at Skull. He laughs it off as he selects a more serrated blade. He walks over to where Mexicunt is strapped in. A chuckle escapes the lips of Red Skull as he begins to remove chunks of her hair with the knife.
Why are you doing this?
The scene fades out to Red Skull holding a brandy glass in the air.
"Oh, Robbie. You plan to future Robbiebomb me until I future pass out? That is how you intend to future stop me? To future spam a future weak move, until you future think you future beat me? For future shame. Future pussy. I can easily deflect all of your future attacks. Are you future
? Don't future answer that, I know the future answer. You cannot figure out who I future am, and yet you wish to future threaten me. Robbie, the future tag titles will be removed from your future possession in the future future. When you come face to future face with me in the ring, you will future shit your pants, and I'll future rub your snoot in it like a bad future dog.
You future plan to future bravado your future way through this future situation, and startle me into future submission? Because you're future afraid of the future mystery man future speaking to you right now. Continue to future drink your Dunkin Donuts, and future talk to Vaness Gibson as you future claim she's future me enough to future make me future believe you're only future acting
. Future truth is Robbie, that it's not a future act. You are future
, and a future fuckboy. I will future body you in the ring so future hard that future people future assume you've been future sent to the 1860's, you future ragdoll bitch. I will future lock you in a future Fujiwara Armbar, and make you future tap out. You future