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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Drezdin vs Shade II
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-28-2016, 08:54 AM

(the scene opens up as we see drezdin in the locker room finishing putting on his paint on his face. Then he walks over to his locker pulls out his newly custom boots that's was made for him by a friend. He looks up to the camera and said this....)

Drezdin:for the idiotic parasites you call the xwf universe and those who are at home y'all know me by now that either of two things will happen One I don't say shit except for saying watch me out there and watch how I dismantle whom ever I face that is out there by letting my action speak for me or the second thing which is if I do need to say something I'll keep short and sweet the best I can. But In this case it's a mix of the keeping it short and sweet and me wanting to point out something about shade and what he said. You see ladies and gent both shade and I came into the xwf about the same time, we both had potential like no other, we both wanted to be the best of the best, be the next world champion, do what ever it takes to show that we both belong in the xwf, and so on and so on. But some where along the way are paths that once intersected has steard off into the other direction totally different directions. Some how one wasn't using his potential that he had there for was on a loosing streak before finally winning one as well as was on a path that he didn't wanted to be on. While the other one was on a path that he wanted and was using his potential AND was winning. All in the while our path went into different directions. One was finally on the path that he wanted so he can be what he wanted to be while the other one for no fucking reason decided to through what he had earned and his POTENTIAL out the damn window and decided to become some one else's bitch(you know who I'm talking about) or if I had to put it in rated pg his minion. Why in the hell his ass decided to through all that way is waaay beyond me, I mean here is a fantastic xwf wrestler who had every thing he had since joining the xwf and that word Im going to use the word again POTENTIAL and appearently I guess all that don't mean shit any more. In our opening match shade what person am I going to get? The person who the xwf had signed with POTENTIAL and who can battle through anything or am I going to get the person who is now officially some else's minion? Shade whom ever the person that I am getting I hope I repeat I hope you don't go through what Crimson dong went through minus the fire in my last match. If I was you before its to late the person who you calling master I would get away from cause what you had thrown away more will be taken from YOU. But what ever the case maybe it won't be my fault that what ever the out come it may be you will loose in the hands of me and your potential had YOU ONCE had will be no more. And as far as the match that we had a long time ago I'll admit it's been a while but that our come will be different this time. This time I will win you will loose. till then I'm making sure that you get away from your so call master and not be his victim before its to late. NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK BE!!!!!!!!

(The scene fades to black)

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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