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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
To Ophelia
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-26-2016, 09:54 PM

First before I start on Ophelia, I'm going to respond to Shade.

Shade. You disappointed me. I thought there was potential. I thought you were going to be a great addition. I wanted to rule the fed with you and Abaddon, and destroy the wannabees and has-beens of this company. You fucking failed me. You fell hard from the pedestal I put you on. You have a long climb back. You have Savage and Warfare to deal with, and if you fucking dare to miss Savage, I will break you in half. The punishment I gave you, will be nothing compared to what I will do when I am at full strength. If you win at least one of the two matches you are slated for, I'll think about bringing you back. For now, no.

Now, onto the true matter at hand.

Ophelia, it's been a while since my promo. My arm is healing up nicely, thank you for asking. I'm currently getting my daughter cured clostridium difficile. My servants, my wife and myself, are using gloves, taking the precautionary measures needed until she is cured. So here's to hoping.

Speaking of hope. Do you honestly have any hope that you're going to win? Especially for a contract for a title shot? I mean, seriously. You're no wrestler. The only thing I fear is your ass. I'm a big guy, but I'm afraid if I go near you, you'll go ass first and swallow all six feet and eight inches whole. Just one clap of your ass, boom, I'm gone in a second.

However, that's juvenlie of me, isn't it? Going after the obvious target? Let's target something else, shall we?

Oh, I know.

Nico's career. Out of the, what? Eight matches he's had, he's won only two. Are you fucking kidding me? And you wanted to try and beat me, to see if you can give your contract to Nico? Do you just want him hurt further? Do you honestly want your boy to be turned into a giant screaming bitch as I break him apart, like a baguette? Annihilate him like Robbie Bourbon around a three tier cake at a wedding reception? Hurt him like Nickelback does with music?

Your significant other, is insignificant. He doesn't deserve a damn thing. He hasn't done anything well enough to warrant you to try and get him anything.

Your only worth is eye candy. That's it. You're not a wrestler. You're the only reason why people care to watch Nico's matches. Roxy Cotton is a better wrestler than you, and she is supposed to be a valet, like yourself. So where do you get off on opting in into a match against anyone? Frodo wants to see me humiliated. He wants to see me be torn down by the likes of someone like you. He wants to laugh at me.

Well, Fred, it's not going to fucking work. No one but people that have earned their number contender shots are on my level. And even they will be put down like the mangy mutts they are. Wiped away from the roster like Fernando.

Ophelia. The screams should be upon you, covering your body like a sinkhole. Soft but very soon, if you stay with it long enough, you'll find yourself clawing yourself, trying to get away from it. The closer it gets to our match, the louder the screams will be. It will be like attending an opera. Loud and serene, to the point that you will find yourself so numb, you cannot find yourself to do anything but lay down, and slowly die.

The question remains ever the same, Ophelia.

Do you?


[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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