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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Anarchy: Scramble
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-15-2016, 04:24 PM

[Private Home, Unknown Area]

We open up to Shade and hope in the bedroom. Hope in on the bed flicking through channels, While Shade is training doing handstand push-ups in a corner of the room. Suddenly Dark and Night fly into to the room fighting over a ball in the air. Hope looks at it and giggles while Shade looks at it and not even caring continues with his work out. Medusa suddenly comes out the shadow and interrupts Shade's workout, While her twin brother Hades goes over to Hope and lies on her lap. Shade pissed at what Medusa did looks at the panther saying.

''Medusa, what do I have to do to get into to your thick skull about disturbing me while I do my workout because it looks like I should have not picked you up and went for your brother and a vulture instead. Hah well your only like that because you like some one over there.''

Shade points at hope on the bed watching surfing channels. She responds by throwing the ball Night and Dark was playing with. She the plump up her cheeks and fold her arms. Shade over at her saying.

''Whats with the childish act you're putting on. It was just a little joke, Anyways you know full well that It was a compliment to the Medusa because you know well Starlight that I like that aspect of your personality because if I didn't you won't be here. But of course you take things to seriously. But I over analysis things, Like what I'm doing right now. Like we use to say to each other. Our personality balance's each other. So Starlight you done sulking.''

Shade looking at Hope stands up and gestures a hug. Hope tries to ignore the hug, But she was convinced over by the hug. She moves Hades and runs over to Shade hugging him she looks into his eyes through his mask eye holes. Confused she asks him.

''Emm Shady baby, Why is your iris dark blue and why is their little white dots that make a skull symbol there too. Like seriously its kind of creepy. I'm surprised that I didn't notice sooner but wow it kind of weird. But seriously is this a tattoo or is it some special ability.''

Shade looks into her eyes deeply while Night and Dark get the ball that was thrown at him and begin to play with the ball again. While Medusa climbs up the bed and begins to play-fight her brother with gets the T.V remote involved. After Shade looks in to Hope eyes for what feels like an eternity, Shade finally answers her question by saying.

''Well you see Starlight. You see I have a condition which makes my Iris have multi colors, Basically my Iris changes into different colors through out the year and at the end it just become black and the white dots their just contact lenses that I ordered while you were gone, But after trying them out for a bit I think they would suit you better. Anyways I have to get back to my workout I have a match tomorrow Night and I have to help the Anarchy World Title in The Pale Riders, So we make our baby steps into becoming the most dominant faction in XW......... No In the History of Wrestling. So as you can see, I'm getting back into my workout.''

As Shade gets back into his workout. Before he could get into the ready position. Medusa and Hades play-fight cause the T.V to change channel which by coincidence has an advertisement of Anarchy main event which has Shade, Ghost Tanks The Champ, Tommy Wish, Jack Davis and Alexis Riot. Hope looks at asking Shade a question saying.

''Hey Shady, What your opinion on your opponents tomorrow night, Like seriously because they have thrown Jabs at you and you haven't bitten back at them. Like you did the same thing when Equinox throw insults at you and at first you fought back, but then after the second time no response from you like what happen. But anyways what is your opinion.''

Shade looks at her and sighs. He the turns to her and sits on the bed. He then gestures to Hope to sit down which happily accepts. He the turns to Hades and orders him to take Medusa out of the room which he obediently does. He then points at Dark and Night and then points out of the door which causes them to leave the room with their ball. Shade then turns to Hope and answers her questions by saying.

''One Equinox was Just a roadblock that I will deal with Later when the pussy show his face again and Two my opinion on my opponents tomorrow.

First, Let me start with the party animal Tommy Wish. First of all your a sick incestuous bastard. I can't trust a guy who wants to pork his own sister even though your not relate imagine if you were i wouldn't even be surprised if you actually went ahead and porked you blood relative. Secondly touch Hope. I will personally go to your House and make a gay dog full of sexually transmitted diseases up into your grill, Also don't think just because you hot shit that you can even compare to me tomorrow I'm making you Humble.

Second, Will be Alexis Riot. Oh Alexis thanks for comparing to an emo black Hedgehog. Really It was an honor Knowing that I'm still more popular than you. Just saying shit that are just lies to tarnish my Image. But still you could be of good use to the master your abilities would help him relax after a long day of taking names and kicking asses. But to be serious Riot you are the biggest DOB in this fed and I congratulate you for that but honestly you have done much since you have been here yeah you have won the Xtreme championship once and Gauntlet once you haven't really done much like me I'm Still in my Rookie year while you are meant to be in your Best years of your career and you think calling out all the aspect of my personality and character is going to stop me from making you humble. I normally make a rule not heating women but I'm going to make an exception for you tomorrow night so watch out.

Thirdly will be Jack Davis, Ok I can't really talk shit to someone who hasn't really done shit in the XWF. But since your a rookie living of your father name. All I'm going to say is get out my way and my Masters way or else you will be made an example of in front of everyone showing who the biggest dogs in the yard are.

And Finally, My Master, Teacher and Mentor. Death itself Ghost Tank. One, Mentor I'll make sure that the pale riders will walk out with the championship even if we have to end careers before they can take off so I will not disappoint you and We will show the world that the Pale Riders Rule the XWF.

[End Of Transmission]

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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