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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Adressing The Fans
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15 Shows His Ass Offline

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-01-2016, 03:52 PM

**The chants of the XWF faithful were deafening outside the arena, as each car carrying another superstar that they wished to meet sped past…..a fact that was not lost on Prodigy as he breathed a huge sigh of relief….interaction with those fans that don’t appreciate what he is about, and what he has achieved, is the last thing that he needed right now.**

**The car came to a halt in the semi-sheltered parking lot of the arena in which Warfare is due to be held…..**

“Typical…..of course we aren’t going to be somewhere upper class, can’t even afford proper sheltering for the parking lot…..wonder if the wooden mat is laid on the ring yet, know wonder XWF's top stars are foul mouthed gangster wannabes”

**Shows turned his head to his agent, which is surprising in that he very rarely accompanies him to any events…in fact, its rare to see that Shows was accompanied by anybody, as far as independence goes, he does like to do the job by himself…….though, when it is necessary, the odd steel chair to the skull does not go amiss and from time to time some help from The Monarchy.**

Agent “Perhaps we should just go and do what you set out to….. I, unlike you, don’t have to come to these arenas….I don’t like them very much…”

“You like the profits enough though, don’t you…?”

**15 Shows muttered this last sentence with pure contempt in his voice, and was almost certainly heard whispering “complete moron” to himself, before casting the agent another dirty look….this is why the agent probably didn’t like the arenas this much, he was suspect to sustained abuse from his client whilst he was present!**

Agent “It just won’t work…it goes out on LIVE TELEVISION Shows….would you like me to explain and clearly define the concepts of LIVE television for you?”

“You’ve heard of a time delay…they can just broadcast it live a few minutes later….after all, if all goes to plan, it should only take me a matter of minutes in order to be able to dispose of this loser….”

Agent “Then why the hell are we trying to get this order passed? If you’re so confident in your own abilities, then you shouldn’t need me to pass an order not to broadcast the match should ----”

“Ah! You want that signed or will a picture be suffice?”

**Shows, rather deliberately, cut over what his agent was trying to say to him…..he was now embracing a young fan that had come running from opposite direction to where security were holding back the tens of hundreds of fans that were trying to get that bit closer to their wrestling idols….**

“Haha!” said Shows in his most childish and welcoming voice he could muster “good thing you didn’t have explosives taped to you isn’t it!…Otheriwse, we and building go kabooom……”

**The young child simply stared blankly at Show’s expression on his face….obviously intended to be welcoming but quite frankly bordered on psychotic**

Agent “Shows” he interjected “the kid is only four years old, button it… are the worst person in the world when it comes to pressure!”


**15 Shows continued to sign the young child’s sheet but maintained his icy glare towards the agent, before handing back the sheet. The young child hastily turned and broke into somewhat of a jog to get away from The Prodigy**

“Remember…you don’t want me to go kaboom, you want the shit hole of a building and every idiot who can’t wrestle inside to be blown to the ground…..every talent less waste of space that doubts my credentials and ability!”

**Remarkable, Shows was calling this airily after the child who had long since got out of ear-shot of the conversation……Prodigy, slowly recognising this, turned back towards his agent, and his icy stare once again formulated on his face…**

“Pressure? What pressure? You know me better than that…or you should, considering the amount of my hard earned money that you are acquiring for your services….”

Agent "Shows.…don’t make me go over this once again, before every big match you always get edgy and twitchy, regardless of how you’re able to play it in front of the cameras….sure, you normally overcome the nerves when you are in your natural habitat in the middle of the squared circle being cheered on, or booed, by thousands……but your always a pain in the ass beforehand….”

**Prodigy stared at his agent with a blank expression that was remarkably similar to the one donned by the young child mere minutes beforehand….**

“You don’t think I can beat Makaveli and Liddle J? You think I’m too on edge for that?”

Agent “I have every confidence in you Shows…..**his voice level drops considerably** and every hope considering my pay check depends largely on it **his voice restores itself** ……every confidence Shows….but I must ask why are you insisting on negotiating this deal into your match?”

“Im thinking of the legions of fans sitting at home that would be raped of what's right having to see a loss go on my record to either of these clowns. You see, I don't have to be involved in the decision. So I could lose without even being beat……that order, the one you have right there, guarantees that nobody outside this shitty building will see that transpire…….and who would you believe, a bunch of tramps or a former World Champion?”

Agent “You can’t get an order for the XWF to cut the live feed should you lose your match……even with a time delay, which would physically allow them to do it, its not practical!….NOT PRACTICAL!”

**XWF is taken aback by the statement and tone from his trusted agent…he stares at the ground, collecting his thoughts together momentarily, before promptly lifting his hand and slapping the agent across the face.**

“Be grateful next time that its not my fist…….get out of my sight, I’ll defeat these bafoons by myself and then maybe next time you’ll learn not to doubt me…”

**Without another word, Prodigy hurried towards the arena and his agent in the opposite direction…..its bound to be a busy night!**

**The arena is beginning to fill, ever so slowly, in anticipation on the XWF Warfare event ahead….all the murmurings of the faithful were suddenly interrupted by a booming voice from the p.a system….**

“Don’t get excited!”

**The murmuring naturally then began to increase, however, it was soon drowned out by HIM's Begging Of The End blasting from the speakers, to which the crowd rose to their feet, ready to acclaim the XWF’s newest superstar…normally, such a positive reaction isn’t reserved for Prodigy, though he was on the verge of getting the biggest cheer for being the first superstar of the night to appear….**

“I said don’t get excited….can you morons not even understand English?”

**The sounds of HIM had drained away and on the titantron now was 15 Shows, sitting backstage in his locker room, in the process of taping his forearm, wrist and fist in preparation for his match later tonight. The crowd began to boo, creating a rather hostile atmosphere, as they both took offence at the term morons and realised that whilst his entrance music played he would not be making an appearance until his match…**

“It has come to my attention, that many are have begun to wonder can I really defeat two of the best that XWF has to offer in Makaveli Liddle J?……it has also been made apparent to me, that many that are of this opinion or no more than delusional, idiotic and moronic……….Can I really beat the these two….the question should be can Makaveli and Liddle J really manage to last 2 minute with The Prodigy?”

“Makaveli is a hardcore gangster rapper…..excuse me if I break out into a grin…..but a man that relys on rhymes to diss his opponents….is in line to get a shot at the intercontinental title and in line to become the standard to which we should all strive to adhere to? …..I simply cannot let that happen.”

**Prodigy pauses for a second, whilst finishing the taping of his right forearm.**

“You see, the intercontinental champion is a reflection on all the talent in the company….and I didn’t sign up to this federation to have my talents classed as mediocre because we have some joke who sounds like a pasta dish be named our Intercontinental Champion….put short, my immediate goal within the XWF is primarily to prevent the rise of this joke of an athlete….and furthermore, I will then lift this federation from mediocrity……Makaveli will be at the bottom of the card, where he belongs, and superstars, though I use that term loosely, like Liddle J will find themselves struggling to curtain jerk………”

“When the happy day comes in the not so distant future, and The Prodigy 15 Shows is stood holding the XWF Intercontinental Championship in his hand….there will be no more crappy second rate arenas…no more stinking hotel rooms……and quite frankly, no room in the audience for people like you, tickets don’t normally cost peanuts you know!”

“But, best of all, there will begin the reign of the greatest Intercontinental Champion in XWF history…there will begin the reign of The Prodigy 15 Shows……all of you will look back upon this day and remember it as the day that the XWF began to become more than a second rate federation…”

“Makaveli. Liddle J.…you both are nothing more than a stepping stone in my way…..prepare to be Decimated, Destroyed, Dumbfounded and heading on a Downward spiral back to where you talents are deserving……….”

**The titantron cuts out, leaving the crowd rather impressed but annoyed at Show’
[/size]s comments….can he back up the talk?*
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