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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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LomoGoldo Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-07-2016, 11:08 AM

An image appears. LomoGoldo is steadly seeing at a jar, full of weed. It looks like he's controlling his breathing, closing his eyes and opening when inhaling and exhaling. He is not even aware that he's being filmed. He starts looking closely to the jar, eating his nails, but controlling his breathing at the same time. And suddenly, he starts his speech

[Image: 2mfb4ef.jpg]


You know, what I'm feeling right know enters in those consequences that have previously been accepted by me. I know this problem would occur if I suddenly have to stop doing drugs for a while. There is a calculation error, something that does not enter in what I expected. Me... - points at him - ... I'm eager, desperate to smoke that. - points at the jar - I admit it. And it would be very easy to do it, even with what my bosses requires from me during this week; no drugs when giving my speeches, doing these promos. I could just pass. Giving up. Say to them I won't do what they want from me. It would be as easy as take a little bit of weed, roll it and light it, and don't give a fuck about what they could think.

Nor it is a problem that I care about what they think neither. I don't follow lots of rules, just those ones that could keep me alive and save, with enough money on my pockets for buying more weed. So what if I end up doing drugs again during this week.. What are my bosses going to do... sue me?taking actions against my person for breaking their rules? As I told you before, it is a matter of choices and being aware of the consequences of those choices, and I know, that a wrist slap, anything they could do to me is something I would easily handle.

So... what am I making all this effort? why I'm here, looking at the jar as I were retarted or something? Well...

it looks like he's going to handle the jar, and he touches it. He strokes it like he was touching a baby, but suddenly, he moves it to the right and take what was under it.

[Image: 51o37yxykcL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

I've already told you something about the model of man that my boy, Niccolo, tried to describe through these awesome pages. And I gave you some hints about what was the aim of The Prince, well... it is not that it is his aim more than what SHOULD be his aim as governor who knows what it is really important. And that is gather power. Gather power as much as he needs, or he wants.

Well, where are my manners; I never explained the concept power. Power is what being possesed by someone, makes the things that this someone desire possible. As simple as that. That is what the world leaders aim and that is why they won't be happy if everybody act like The Prince acts. That is why they have to be aware of the consequences of their decisions, why they shouldn't be lead by feelings or by the catholics standards. That is why I'm telling all this shit the whole time so I can shove it down your throats, testing if at the end of my wrestling career you have learned something from this man, but my real aim is power. And I will make whatever it needs in order to gather as much as I can in this pile of shit called wrestling. You can't say I'm not honest with you.

I'm no fool. Even me, someone who understand Machiavelli's words, does not have it that easy to access to power. And the power I have right now isn't much. That is a fact and I would be an asshole if I'm not aware of it.

But I do have a circle of influence. I have the power to control myself and my inmediate enviroment, where my passions, my feelings and my work are inserted. That is why I'm going to spend all the days on the road just looking at the jar, controlling my breath. It is nothing a thing about adiction, because I'm not feeling any kind of syndrom right now. I'm no addict ; that's the benefit of doing things for reasons, not being led by feelings. I want to smoke that jar because I like it. And I could do it. I could also handle my bosses complaints. But I have the power to control myself, to wait. An inner, short, power, but power at the end of the day. I would lose it if I end up addict.

And I also have a more.... we can say "exterior" power. A power that allows me to change certain part of my and others reality.

And be sure I'm going to use it this Wednesday... destroying jonotheman.

He lefts the book close to him, while continue his viewing of the jar, closing and opening his eyes, inhaling and exhaling.

The images fades to black

[Image: 14loav.jpg]

I don't choose black or white, I choose grey
I'm not led by feelings, I'm led by reasons
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