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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Black Hand isn't a good place~Scully warns Robbie
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-08-2016, 03:46 PM

Bourbon Dojo
Alexandria, Virginia

Scully has had a bit of a eventful week so far. After Pest got bricked, we found out Skull has him tied up some where in a large metal container. No where for Pest to go and it was a long time coming. The anger was building up inside of Scully, he found the perfect opportunity to take Pest out and now Pest is paying the price. Skull feels good, he has Pest just where he wants him and he faces Austin Fernando on Warfare, live in Tokyo, Japan for the XWF Xtreme Championship.

A yellow cab pulls up on the side of the road. Skull is seen giving the cab driver some dollars and thanking him for the lift, he does have manners. He gets out of the cab, stretches his arms, cracks his knuckles and smells the fresh air. Skull was in Alexandra, Virginia, what could he possibly be doing there? It took him about two and half hours on tthe plane, so he must have some intentions. Skull looks both ways before crossing the road. Skull walks up a pathway, stops and looks at an old, brick building.

"Surely, this can't be it?"

Skull pulls his phone out and checks the address. The expression on his face tells us all he isn't impressed by the worn out building. He shrugs and walks up towards the door. There's no one around, Hmmmm. His eyes roll around, up and down as he checks the building out once more. A window is smashed, the curtain covering the star shaped hole, gently blows in the wind. The name 'Bourbon Dojo' hangs by one piece of chain on a slant. Skull goes to knock the door but the knocker comes off in his hand. Skull looks at it and tries to attach ot back on, which doesn't work. A voice grunts from behind makes him jump out of his skin. He turns around to be introduced by Robbie Bourbon.

"Scully, what can I do for ya?"

"Do you always sneak up on people like that?"

"Whenever possible. US supeheavyweight ninjas in bright orange don't get a lot of opportunities."

"Well yeah, you did a pretty good job. So erm... I don't mean to be rude but what happened to your Dojo?"

"What do you mean what happened to my Dojo? Why, what's wrong with it?"

"Erm... Nothing. It's really nice."

"Are you joking? You asked what happened to it?"

"Your windows smashed."

Robbie looks over at it and seems suprised.

"When did that happen? I'll have to fix it sometime."

Skull mumbles under his breath.

"Need to do more than fix the window. Shit tip."

"What was that?"

"Oh I said, yeah you need to fix the window. Shit.. Chip."


"Chip.. on the door?"

"Oh yeah.. I know about that, silly."

"So yeah the reason I'm here. As you know I'm a former member of Black Hand and well, you should think carefully about staying in that group."

"Does Pest normally go Awol and ignore phone calls?"

"Erm... Yeah. It's what he's like. You should be real careful."

"I really appreciate your stance, and the heads up, specifically the sentiment you have, but I can take care of myself."

"I'm pretty sure you can, I have no doubt about that. But Pest will manipulate you and make you do things you won't want to do. My dad is a big fan of yours and he is a bit dissapointed that you've joined forces with him."

"Your dad is fan? That's pretty cool. How about an autograph?"

"Yeah, sure. Why not?!"

Robbie checks his pockets and finds a bit of tissue with his dry snot on it. Skull looks grossed out, Robbie pulls it slowly apart. He then pulls out a black marker Pen and signs it...

To Scully's dad
Thanks for the support, Stud.

Robbie Bourbon

Robbie passes Skull the tissue, Skull puts on a fake smile and puts it in his pocket.

"You should focus on that rat bastard piece of gorilla shit Fernando and beating his ass, though. Seriously, beat his ass."

Skull is still grossed out by the tissue and wasn't listening properly.

"Scully, Scully? Are you paying attention to me? I mean, you and thought I wanted to eat you at one point, I guess being shot made you better, but this is important. Beat. His. Ass. Beat him like he stole something from you, stud. Beat him like he's fucking cake batter and it's your wife's fucking birthday. Beat him like you're going to get pussy for it."

"I am going to destroy him. I plan on beating him to become the new XWF Xtreme Champion. It's about time someone puts him in his place. He needs to be put down a peg or two."

"That's the spirit, stud. Do you think my roof is falling off?"

"Your roof?"

Scully turns around to look at the 'Bourbon Dojo's' roof. It looks a bit shabby, Skull turns back and suprisingly Robbie is gone, nowhere to seen. Skull looks around but nothing.

"Charming. I wonder if there's anything to do in Alexandra? Wouldn't mind a bacon butty."

Scully makes his way down the pathway, checking his phone for the nearest place for a bite to eat. He rings for a cab. Can you believe he got ditched by Robbie?

"Howdy Fernus, I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I mean I'm about to become the new XWF Xtreme Champion, so of course I'm feelin' amazing. How about you? Are you looking forward to the beating you're going to receive on Wednesday night? I thought we were playing hide and seek for a while there, you're quite good at that game. I couldn't find you and then you just jumped out, barely touched me though with some lame promo. You nearly put me to sleep with the shit you spew.

Why would I be jealous of you? Because you have the Xtreme Championship? Have one half of the tag titles? Cuz you're teaming with Luca Arzegotti? Have you heard yourself? You probably record yaself cuz you're so brilliant? Play it back so you actually believe what your saying, is that what you do? Bragging about being the Xtreme Champion when you needed your #fuccboi to wear the stripes. Needed Luca to help you win the title. You laugh at my five match undefeated streak because yours is so much better? Justice Drake and Alexis Riot in a tag match? Alexis Riot again, this time for the Xtreme Championship? Cain? The tag title win? Calm down before you shoot your load!

Can you stop with this #you fuck boys bullshit? I asked you last time to stop bragging and keep shagging, keep that shit on the down low. Why you gotta keep bringing it up? Say it loud and proud right? You just took that too whole different level. Look I don't call every tag-team gay, me and Maverick wasn't gay and I wasn't gay with that country boy, Muddy Waters either. I damn sure ain't gay with Pest. I don't think Gilmour and Dim are gay with each other, but you and Luca? Well, look at you. I don't think it's a coincidence that other people are referring to you as gay either. You look like a homo and so does Luca. Fernus keep denying it but the more you shout that your #fuccboi, the more people will realise that you're Gay. That's what you want right?

You talk like a batty man and you walk like you've been bummed too. You're very feminine, the type of guy who plucks his eyebrows, puts on some spray tan and gets his leg hairs waxed. When you try to insult people, it sounds very camp. Just for the record, I didn't call you a though. I see why you would get so angry if I did because my mate Alfie, hates the word. I'm not going to wear my normal attire , I don't want you to embarrass yourself and get a boner in front of everyone during our match, so I'll wear trousers instead. No one called you a for teaming with Luca, they called you a because you are one!

You act like you've never lost before, when in fact you've lost plenty. Just because you now have the Xtreme Championship and the tag title, you seem to forget the times you lost to people like Duke. When Cyren beat you, remember that? Yeah two defeats right there, both to OAP'S. Justin Sane also owned you, bitch. He didn't even have to perform a finisher, just a roll up was enough. Three defeats, shall I carry on? Yeah why not, this is fun. Hysteria beat you, Knight beat you, I can go on forever baby!

Shall we talk about people you've actually beaten? CC Hollywood and Tag comes to mind. Who are they? When I was facing Morbid Angel and Trax in a triple threat match at Relentless, you were beating someone called Avery. Who the fuck is that? You wanna question who I've defeated? What about yourself? You hypocritical fuck!

Turning Point? I'm glad you did your homework and remembered the name of pay-per-view where you beat me. I already reminded you that you beat me before, am i ashamed? No! I don't dwell on the past, this is the now and I am your February Star of the month, bitch! Shit, spoiler.
Thank you for reminding the name of the event, round of applause to you. But no one really cares about that now, the XWF Galaxy are going to remember the 10th of February, Wednesday night Warfare. Scully overcoming the odds and defeating the guy who fucks boys, for the XWF Xtreme Championship.

You like to run your mouth and blabber on without even knowing what you're talking about. I won some matches when I had the brain trauma, so that doesn't make me a total loser like you refer me too. You win some, you lose some. Some defeats I am embarrassed about but unlike you, I'm not stuck in the years 2014 and 2015. I can leave all the shit behind me. This is 2016 bitch and the beauty is, in the world of the XWF, anything can happen. Did you see Alexis Riot beat the doc? That's proof right there. Oh wait, the doc also beat you, #fuck face!

Who actually says the word LOL? Oh wait that's you, another queer thing to do. I might write it in a text message but actually say it out loud, like it sounds good? It's not a trick question by the way. No one fucking says that unless you're a homo, fancy men or one of those over the top, in your face women!

You question me about my ONE, I say ONE failed attempt in an actual match to win the XWF Xtreme Championship? How many times did it to take you to win a singles title, nevermind the Xtreme? As I already said you couldn't beat Doc for the Xtreme Championship. You couldn't win the Prophecy title, whatever it was called. You failed in your attempt at the Universal championship too. It's all gravy for you now but it wasn't before and you're still a whore!

I think you live on your own little planet, in some fucked up, fantasy world. You're hyping yourself up like you're the XWF Universal Champion already. When you can't even do simple maths. Let me help you... Five championships here in the XWF. It's already mathematically impossible, but let's continue. For this one, you don't have to use your extra fingers, I know you have more than the normal individual. Just use the five you have on one hand, ignore the thumb, you 'Hills Have Eyes' degenerate. Now five titles, yes five, how can you own half of them, you dumb brotherfucker?! You can't! Unless you own half of the XWF Universal Championship? I'm sure it doesn't read 'Vinnie Fernando'. Or the Hart? 'Austin Gilmour'. Intercontinental? 'GayMotherFuckin'Cunt gets Snapped!'

I have achieved more than you this year already, in real life. I am tha fuckin' daddy! I have a little boy by the name of Aston and I didn't have to abduct some child for an XWF picture. In just two days, your little honeymoon period comes to an end. The streak, ya little five minutes of fame all crashing down in front of you. Not to mention, the XWF Xtreme Championship being taken away and there's not a damn thing you can do about it! Da End Scully Has Spoken!"
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