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Upon The Roof
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-18-2016, 01:27 PM

Sunday 17th January
Location: Scully's home. Miami, Florida.
7pm and onwards

It had been 2 weeks exactly since Scully and Natalie had their new baby boy. They were finding parenthood quite enjoyable. Little Aston wasn't too difficult to look after, in fact it was quite easy at this age. All newborns do is eat, shit and mostly sleep so they still had time to do things. Aston was fast asleep in the moses basket in the living room. Natalie was watching the english soaps, Scully's mother showed them her last time she visited England and she's watched them ever since. Natalie had a glass of white wine in hand as she took a sip. Scully had gone to the airport to pick up some special guests.

A key is inserted into the front door and the door opens wide. Natalie immediately gets up from the sofa and makes her way to the front door. Scully enters carrying a couple of suitcases. He is followed by his mother and father, who had come to stay for a few weeks. Scully's mother gives Natalie a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Skull's dad just smiles. Natalie gestures for Scully's parents, otherwise known as Jackie and Anthony, to follow her into the kitchen area. She fills the kettle and turns it on.

"I'll just take the bags upstairs and put them in your room, mother."

Anthony:"Did you need a hand son?"

"I got this, daddio."

Scully takes the bags upstairs and puts them in the spare room, where his parents will be staying. He soon runs back downstairs.

"It's great to see you both."

Jackie:"You too, sweetheart."

Anthony:"Yes, good to see you."

Jackie:"So Where's our little sausage?"

"He's in the living room, I think."

"Yeah he's still there, unless he got up and crept off."

Anthony:"Maybe he went to the shop to get me a beer, who knows?!"

They all start laughing. Scully did ask a stupid question after all. Natalie passes Jackie and Anthony their cups of tea as they put them on the table. Anthony and Jackie take their coats off, Scully hangs them up in the cupboard under the stairs.

Anthony:"So can we see the little man?"

"Of course, let's go.

Skull's parents pick up their tea as they follow Natalie and Scully into the living room. Natalie goes over to the moses basket and gently picks Aston up, who still remains sound asleep. She takes him over to Scully's mum, oh yeah Scully has a mother unlike Carnage. Jackie takes Aston in to her arms as a tear rolls down her cheek. She kisses his little nose, Anthony stands by her side to admire their grandson.

Jackie:"He's absolutely beautiful. Looks like his dad when he was a baby. So cute."

Anthony:"Yeah what happened son?"

Anthony looks at his dad as they all burst out in laughter.

Anthony:"Only playing you up, son?! Don't do a Peter Gilmour on me."

"Oh so you seen Gilmour hit his old man then?"

Anthony:"I did see it, yeah. Terrible family. Anyway, Aston is a handsome little fellow. He does have his mother's nose though."

Jackie:"Yes, I'd definitely agree. Nat, he has your nose."

"Poor kid...."

Natalie gives Scully a dig in the arm. They all laugh again, even Scully who tenses his muscle. His arm is pretty red. Scully notices the glass of wine on the table.

"Oh so you're turning into Rambo because of you've had some wine. Getting brave aren't we?"

"Shut up, Mike!"

They all smile. They're is a good feeling in the room right now.

"Shall we all have a nice alcoholic beverage? Well not you Nat, you've had enough!"

"No where near enough to have to put up with you!"

"Ooh.. Charming."

Anthony:"Why not, son. Been a long time since we had a drink together."

Scully and his old man go into the kitchen to get the alcohol. Scully grabs the bottle of white wine out of the cupboard, with two wine glasses. He puts them on the side and then opens the bottle. He opens the fridge and grabs two cans of Budweiser, handing one to his dad, who opens it and takes a large swig, then has another.

"You alright dad? Thirsty are we?"

Anthony:"I need to talk to you about something?"

"Nothing serious, I hope?"

Anthony:"Well it is a little bit. If you take your mother and Natalie their wine and then come back?"

"Okay sure."

Scully grabs the wine and the two glasses. He takes them into the living room. Natalie and Jackie are having a good old chatter. Aston is sound asleep in his moses basket. Scully places the bottle and glasses on the table. He smiles at his mother and partner, then goes back into the kitchen with his dad. Scully opens his can and his dad tells him what's happened.

Anthony:"It was meant to be a suprise actually but it hasn't quite worked out like that. You're brother, Jimmy feels quite guilty and a little upset. He is so angry right now!"

"Why what's happened dad?"

Anthony:"Well, your brother is in Mexico City...."

"What's he doing in Mexico City? Is he okay?"

Anthony:"No.. Far from it. He was going to suprise you, be at Warfare on Wednesday. He's been in the City for about four days now. You know ya brother and what he's like with women, a right charmer.

"He got some woman trouble again has he?"

Anthony:"He's been seeing some Spanish bird there. Well, she was sexually assaulted and murdered."

"What? No way!"

Anthony:"Jimmy blames himself. They had a row in a pub. He was flirting with the barmaid, she seen it, they argued and she stormed off. He calmed down after ten minutes, felt a bit bad and went to look for her. He then seen an alley way surrounded with police and seen her body. Your mum doesn't know."

"What you haven't told her?"

Anthony:"Keep it down, son. I was wondering if you'd help me tell her."

"Poor girl! This world is sick man.
Let's go and break the news.
I'll get the first flight over there tomorrow."

Anthony:"I was wondering could I come along? Leave the women here with Aston? Be good to see how your brother is and watch you live in the ring. Haven't done that for a year now."

"Okay sure. Let's do this...."

Scully passes his father another can out of the fridge, and grabs himself one. They make their way to living room to tell Jackie and Natalie what happened.

"Hey.. You Gu... Nah I'm not going to say it. I was close but I didn't want you too all get excited. You all wanted me to say it, didn't ya? The XWF Resident days are gone, out the window or wherever. I know those were some entertaining times, me making an absolute twat off myself. We all remember it don't we? Me sticking straws up my nostrils or was it breadsticks? Probably both. Probably stuck some in my ear holes too. But not any more. No more pronouncing words like a toddler at playgroup. Nope those days are gone, for me anyway, for as long as I control it.

You see I have been branded a liar, a con artist who tried to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Why would anyone want to pretend to be a little slow? Why would anyone be happy with dribbling in front of a camera and putting boxer shorts on their head? Even Eugene wasn't as special as me. It was no gimmick, I can assure you of that.
Let me tell you all what happened... Once upon a time.. Nah.. Just kidding. Let's go again.

I was on top of my roof, hey my match is on a roof on Wednesday, where everyone will see Carnage be thrown off! Anyhoo, I was putting some new tiles on when I heard a noise. I could tell it was some sort of animal ya know? My cat Elvis was trying to get something by the guttering. I went over to check it out, it was a baby bird. I told Elvis to getaway so he did, he ran away. I picked the little fella up when all of sudden a large bird swooped down, must of his mother and grabbed the baby from my hands. I lost my balance and the next thing I know I was in hospital. I suffered head trauma, which made me act the way I did. It wasn't till about three months ago, I was offered Experimental drug therapy by a doctor. It obviliously worked. I'm back to good ole me. The End. Not quite.

You see, those days are over for Scully, maybe not for the likes of Tush, Dim or even this new guy by the name of.. Garbage. I mean Carnage.. How rude?! He is my next punching bag, it's official isn't it?! On Warfare Carnage will get to witness first hand, that here in the XWF, it's not all rainbows and sunsets. Far from it. We win some, we lose some. Some win more than others, the doctor will let you know how, it's a secret. Some lose more too, ask Ghost Wank or Jake the peg with the extra leg, I mean Justin Drake. But never expect to win all the time, never be diluded. Here at the XWF, anything can happen. The titles are changing hands more than Katie Price changes her knickers. One thing is for sure though... Put your fingers in your ears of you dont want to know, leave the room then come back... Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert!
Carnage is going to lose his first match. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, nah actually I like it! So no, he won't be going on a five match undefeated streak like The Skull did when he first came here, nah ahh.

On Warfare this coming Wednesday, just in case you didn't know the day, yes I'm talking to you, Carnage. I'm afraid your comic book stories come to an end, this isn't Spiderman pal. Once you lose, you have lost. When the bell rings and you're looking up, trying to find your crack headed parents again, no one will be there, again. We can't just colour you back into the book. No. You can't reverse the decision, you just have to accept you bit off, more than you can chew.

Ya wanna talk gimmicks yeah? You see taking a characters name out of a comic book and even trying to dress like him, immatate him, makes you look like a dork. That is copyright theft right there! At least if my head trauma was a gimmick, it would of been unique. Yeah I said it, unique.. You see saying sorry by saying 'I apollo-jizz' was definitely not stolen. I didn't even know what I was saying at the time. I know Gator hasn't been seen for a long, long time but it doesn't mean that we need a wannabe to try and fill his boots. You'd be lucky if he'd let you polish them.
Another thing, we already have a rapist here, his name is Pest. He's that pensioner who shot me, ya know the one you said you like? Well, we can tell you like him considering you had to put your weener inside that poor woman. I know you're the type of guy to be seen on the undateables but raping some woman, really? Then you killed her?! You beat up some nobody? Hey what a coincidence I'm about to do that at Wargames, beat up a nobody. Yeah you beat up some guy who was going to rape that woman, it seemed like you saved her but you didn't did you? You got ya little todger out and stuck in her fanny?!

Poor woman... Can you not get consensual sex that you have to resort to that? Oh my. You saying I raped that young girl, a while back, I already proved that no where did you see me shove my cock in her or anything. I didn't even have a hand job. You however, did it for everyone to see and there's no escaping what you did. It was caught on camera. Oh wait... Hahaha
How gay is that little thing you do?!

Listen to me, from a 'Veteran' as you call me. When you lose, take it on the chin, you'll gain more respect that way, I doubt you actually care about respect. I know what's going to happen here, you're going to sulk, cry into your cereal and make an excuse or should I say make excuses. The thing is everyone is going to witness the 'carnage' in the ring. See what I did there? Great name to have isn't it?!

Where's ya momma gone? Where's ya momma gone? And ya papa for that matter? Oh wait, you don't fucking have any. Normally I would feel sorry for someone who was and still is neglected, but in your case you kind of deserve it, Cunts like you deserve all they get. Don't be jealous that my son knows who his dad and mum are. Don't be jealous that you seen my parents come to visit me and their new grandson. I know you don't know what that's like. Any more sob stories to tell?!

I would also like to point out that being a hood rat, in a gang bang doesn't make you hard either. Oh wait, you would of been hard for those group sessions. Being a wannabe gangsta, when you're not actually one, makes you look rather desperate. Riding around on ya BMX, with ya hood up and having a knife or a gun in ya pocket doesn't make you tough. Neither does hanging around the streets like a prostitute make you tough either. Selling weed to ten year olds also makes you look like a dweeb. What was your gang bang called? 'The Avengers?' I doubt you actually come up with anything yourselves.

Now say this story, you're life story, you know the one about cry me a river? Where you went on about you're abdoment issues, being like Annie and trying to make out like you was a street thug? Yeah that one. The one where you said the whole thing could of been made up? I don't think you calling me a liar really helps you in anyway. Hypocrite comes to mind. What was the point of it all? You blabbered on for all that time, got the violins out and tried to get people to feel bad for you? For what? What a waste of time that was, if it is indeed a whole lot of bull. The fact is it doesn't matter to me who you are, where ya come from, who your boyfriend is... None of that matters. All what matters is that after the match is over, I am the fucking winner. Cuz I'm da fucking daddy!

You think me just clarifying that I owned Ghost Wank, Pest, Pastor Wright, Frodo, Vanessa and Tush recently, was sad? Because of their status? Because of who they are? Then if that is sad and pathetic, then what do we say about me owning a nobody who hasn't even wiped his own ass yet? You're right, it is embarrassing! Why did I even give you the opportunity to get ya face, bitch slapped all over the place?! I guess I'm a nice guy! Da End.....

Oh wait.. This isn't the end, yet. I was going to wait until I looked into those perverted eyes but I'm going to say it now..

You know that woman you stuck your weener into? My brother feels guilty, you cunt! You think you're just going to walk away without paying for it? No way. My bro was seeing that Spanish chick, he actually managed to fuck her without actually forcing her. You however, can't get a woman so you resulted to a cowardly attack on that Spanish lady. My bro feels like shit cuz he let her walk away to get physically raped by you! This just got a lot more personal and fast. It will be the end for you, the end before you even began. The Carnage does begin and begins all over your fucking face with my boot print. Have you ever been curb stomped? Well you will on Warfare. No police is needed, I'm going to do the job myself by chucking you off that roof. It's not pain for pleasure, you had your pleasure. It will be pleasure for pain!

Da End Scully Has Spoken!"
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