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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Let me tell you a story
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Alexis Riot Offline
You Will Respect Me

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

12-30-2015, 03:49 AM

"Have you ever heard the tale of John Sedgwick? Probably not, it's not that popular of a tale. Let me tell you it. It won't take long, trust me. Who knows, maybe you'll learn something from it, although I'm sure the people I'm directing this story to sure as well won't get it!"

"It goes like this, during the Battle of the Wilderness in the Civil War, Union general John Sedgwick was inspecting his troops. At one point he came to a Parapet, over which he gazed out in the direction of the enemy. His officers suggested that this was unwise and perhaps he ought to duck while passing the parapet. "Nonsense!" snapped the general. "They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist--," A moment later Sedgwick fell to the ground, fatally wounded."

"Do you get it? For the purposes of this promo I'll say you haven't. You see, what happened to poor old John Sedgwick was that he was blinded by pride. He was so sure of the incompetence of his enemy and the superiority of his troops he taunted the enemy, believing that they wouldn't be able to exploit his lapse of judgment. The enemy, however, capitalized, dealing a large blow to the union battalion. Get it now? I'll give you three guesses."




"This tale is actually a parable meant to show the idiocy of Austin Fernando and Luca Insert-Butchering-Of-My-Last-Name-Here! You two walk out, chest puffed and heads high, believing you have won a war that has just begun. You judge your opponents based on slip-ups in the past, and refuse to see the true nature of your conflict in the present. You stand there with your arms right open, begging to be hit because you believe we don't have the strength to do so. Newsflash, we are still strong, and we will take the shot you so graciously gave us on January 6th! You think me and Drake will just be human carpets for you to walk over on your conquest? You'll discover not only are you wrong, you're dead wrong! We will fight with fury and courage none of your strategies or predictions could prepare you for! Justice Drake will fight like he never has before and I will give it my 1000% to make sure you two don't walk out of the Centre in one piece! You want to bring out the body bags? You only need three, one for each of you and one for Shane !"

" You say our "heroes" are gone? They're still here, and they're not dead yet. NOT. EVEN. CLOSE. You dismiss Steve Davids, Peter Gilmour, Maverick, Mason Prince, Ghost Tank, and Christopher Isles as "Irrelevant"? Do you know how that sounds? Those guys might be dealing with their own feuds and matches at Warfare, but sooner or later they will all put their differences aside and be all over your asses like you're a whore in a gangbang! Not to mention the TRUE CHAMPION Trax has not disappeared, he is simply lying in wait, waiting for your fuck buddy Vinnie Lane to stop being such a assoholic bitch and face him for the title of undisputed champion! You will only get a TASTE of what the XWF is capable of on the 6th when me and Drake kick the asses of you and , with Mason Prince on ringside making sure you guys can't rely on your CCWF buddies to flee like bitches! You have not, will not, and will never beat us, and the beginning of the new year will be the beginning of the end of the CCWF! MARK. MY. WORDS."

"Also Luca, I still haven't forgotten about you, you'll get your verbal asskicking soon enough,"

"Riot out"


It is a chilly night in Chicago. Light snow falls on the empty streets, creating a peaceful feel as it blankets the ground. The only lights on are the streetlights, filling the streets with a heavenly glow. Almost everyone is asleep or at least at home with their families, with the exception of one woman. Alexis Riot walks alone, her breath forming condensation in the cold winter air. She is in her usual attire, although her jeans are not ripped and she's wearing a beanie because you know, it's fucking cold outside, but for some odd reason she likes it. No matter the weather, Alexis loves to go on little night walks, especially when she's feeling stressed, angry, or just needs to relax. The stillness of the night and the ambient glow of the streetlights fill her with a sense of peace and contentment, and allow her to focus her thoughts on upcoming tasks. It has been a busy week for the pink haired punk, winning the X-Treme title in her first appearance in the XWF, meeting Justice Drake, making enemies with the boss, the CCWF, and a lot of other people, being put in a high profile match at the first Warfare of the new year, and using the money she got from winning the championship to buy a small, but cozy apartment for herself in midtown Chicago, she needed some time to just relax. Letting her mind wander, she began to think of ways to end Shane . She had been thinking of what she would do to Shane if she got her hands on him for the last couple of days now, the thought of beating up the biggest bastard in the XWF filled her heart with joy.

"Let's see," Alexis thought to herself, passing by an old bridge as she thinks, "So when I get that son of a bitch in a cage, what would I do to him? I would definitely use the cage in someway, maybe use it to grate off his face like it's a piece of cheese? Or maybe I could do a diving move off it! Decisions, decisions, I'll only get him for ten minutes so I should really begin to make a decision of what to--"

Alexis's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the horn of a speeding car, which zooms right in front of her! It barley misses her and the close call causes the driver to yell obscenities at her.

"WELL EXCUSE ME PRINCESS!" Alexis angrily yells back as the car speeds off, "Fucking busybodies," she mutters to herself. She decides to take a look around at her surroundings. Alexis seems to have wondered to downtown Chicago, and there is a theatre to her right. Out of the theatre walks a family, a mother, a father, and their daughter. Alexis watches them, smiling at their happiness. After awhile she decides to continue on her way, when suddenly out of the corner of her eye she sees the family begin to walk into a nearby alleyway!

"Don't worry Honey, it's a shortcut! I know my way around this city!"
The husband said proudly to his wife,

"No you don't," Alexis muttered to herself. That alley was a part of gang territory, belonging to a gang called the Red Lions. Alexis had an personal vendetta with the gang, as her friend died in gang warfare when his gang, the Skullkrackas, were ambushed by the Lions. Alexis also knew that they were dangerous, however, and a part of her didn't want to get injured before Warfare, the biggest night of her life!

"No Alexis!" Riot said reprimanding herself, "You have to help that family! Besides, it will give you practice when you face off against 's gang at Warfare."

Reluctantly, Alexis quickly ran into the alleyway, hiding next to walls and controlling her breathing so no one would notice her. After going down the alley a ways Alexis peered around the corner of the exit, seeing the family being held up by knifepoint by the gang members.

"I'll say this one more time shithead!" The lead gangster exclaimed, threatening the father with a boxcutter as the mother and child looked on with horror, "Give me and my boys all the money you got!"

"P... pl.. please..." The father said in a shaky voice, "Don't hurt---"

Suddenly one of the more muscular gang members hit the man in the head with a baseball bat, sending the man sprawling on the concrete and causing the wife to shriek. The head gang member, after motioning to the thug to take the man's wallet, walked over to the woman, holding the blade of his boxcutter to her throat right in front of the child,

"Listen here bitch, I don't want to hurt anyone, but if you don't stay quiet about all this, I will rape you and carve you up like a pumpkin. Then I'll do the same to your little tike, you hear?"

This was enough for Alexis, who steps out of the shadows, takes off her hood, and shouts,


The Red Lion Members all turn to look at Riot, confused. After a brief moment of silence, the head gangster walks up to her, motioning to another thug to make sure the mother and daughter stay put. As he walks over to Alexis, he twirls his boxcutter around, trying to intimidate our X-Treme Champion. But Alexis stays still, staring a hole right through the wannabe gangster. Finally the gangster gets to Alexis, holding the blade of the cutter to Riot's cheek, and says,

"Look bitch, this doesn't concern you. Get out of here and don't look back or else..."

Alexis smiles a wry smile, "Or else what?"

In an instant, the head thug slides the blade across the cheek of Alexis, cutting it. She winces in pain and holds on to her bleeding cheek, looking down and trying to tell the severity of the cut. It wasn't a deep one, but it still hurt like a bitch! The leader laughed loudly, twirling his boxcutter around once more, the family looking on in shock. Alexis then removed her hand from the wound, watching the blood drip off her hand onto the snow, staining it a bright red. She also noticed the blood from her cheek drip on to her shirt and pants, staining both. Something about the sight of her own blood, something about watching it fall and splatter against the ground, set her off. In fact, as disturbing as it sounds, she liked it. She looked up at the gangster, a sick grin forming across her face. At first the gangster stepped back, but after a bit chuckled once more,

"You want more where that came from whore?"

Alexis then licked her lips and smiled, "Yes,"

With a cry, the gangster lunged forward with the boxcutter, but Alexis caught his arm and took him down with a Judo toss! She held on and transitioned the toss into a Seated Fujiwara Armbar, pulling on his arm with all of her might. Eventually the arm snapped, causing the man to drop the boxcutter and scream in pain. Upon seeing this, the two muscular gangsters charged at Riot with baseball bats in hand. Alexis took out one of them by kicking the Boxcutter off the ground, propelling it into the thug's knee. The thug screamed in pain, crashing to the ground clutching his leg, the blood from the wound pooling in the snow. The other thug tried to hit Alexis with a baseball bat, but Alexis sidestepped and hit the BIG FUCKING KILL, knocking the big oaf out!

Out of nowhere a thug waiting in the shadows gets Alexis in a sleeper hold, lifting her off the ground! Alexis struggles for breath. She needed to find a way out, fast! Thinking on her feet, Alexis puts both her legs on a nearby wall and pushes off, using the momentum to take the Thug down and lock in the BENOIT LOCK! After wrenching it in a few times, causing the thug to actually cry from the pain, she lets go, but before the criminal can get up to his feet she hit him with a superkick, knocking him and one of his teeth out! There is bloody carnage all around Alexis, both the blood of the gang and herself, but the mother and daughter are unharmed. Suddenly Alexis fell to her knees, not from blood loss or injury, but from a sudden feeling of weakness, as though she had entered a different state of being and now was back to normal. Getting back up, she walked over to the fallen father, checking his vitals and talking with the mother,

"He'll be fine, but I'd probably call the hospital just in case he got an concussion from the attack,"

Suddenly the young daughter spoke up, "What about the bad guys?" the wide eyed kid asked,

"They'll be fine, sweetheart. The cops will take care of them,"

As she said this she got up to leave, putting her hood on and preparing to walk back up the alleyway, but before she could even take a step the little girl tugged at her shirt, asking,

"Do you need any help for your cut Mrs. Hero Lady?"

Alexis turned around and smiled, ruffling the youngster's hair with the hand she didn't bleed all over.

"It's ok, I'll be fine,"

Alexis then once again turned around to leave, but before exiting the alley she turned back to the young child.

"By the way, the name's Alexis,"

Smiling and putting her hood back up, Alexis walked back onto the cold Chicago streets. She did not know what the hell just happened to her back in that alley, but she hoped it would happen again at Warfare.

[Image: RgWkPlt.jpg]

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1 Time X-Treme Champion
Snow Job Gauntlet Winner

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