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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Stepping Up to The Challenge (Rp 4)
Author Message
Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-14-2015, 03:11 PM


Words flash across the screen.

The following message is paid for by a mysterious benefactor who has chosen to remain anonymous.

The scene opens up to a rainy Seattle day. The camera pans upwards on the sky scrapers pent rating the clouds as the rain pelts downward onto the lens, covering it momentarily before everything fades to black.

Fade in to a cinder block wall, with very little light hitting it whatsoever. A shadow mimics movements made earlier by one Mason Prince, even going as far as to mimic his grunts to a T. 

Lightning flashes and thunder rolls, the shadow illuminated momentarily as it punches the punching bag, going hard on it. The sound of leather hitting leather fills the air.

Lightning flashes again, and we see another shadow behind the "clone". This other shadow grabs the ephigy of Mason from behind and drags it off screen. Suddenly, those grunts turn into blood curdling screams and the camera lens becomes splattered with sticky, steaming red blood. Fade out.

Cain Voiceover Said:When I first began in this business, my main focus believe it or not was on winning. My main focus was on titles, those shimmering things that make or break a star. At least this is true in the opinions of some, but not I. I soon learned that here in the XWF I can truly be myself and become what I was meant to be; the most feared monster in all of sports entertainment.

The scene reopens in a meat locker, much like the one seen in the Rocky movies. Cain is seen there, bare fisted, pounding on the corpse of a naked fat woman. Yes. You are seeing right, he is using his victims to train with.

Hs style of dress is quite similar to that worn by Sagat in Street Fighter, sans eyepatch and scars. The tape on his hands is covered in blood. Upon close up, we see the tiny shards of glass on the tape, bits of flesh hanging from it. He sighs and looks at the fresh corpse shaking his head.

"This one's dead. No fun."

He turns and the camera follows his line of sight to a young man hanging by his feet, squirming. The young man sobs as the Original Sin's lips curl upwards into an evil grin. Cain storms over toward the living target, and the man cries harder. He saw what happened to the bloodied fat woman hanging there. He knew what was coming.

Cain Voiceover Said:I scratched and I clawed. I fought the best in the business and I fought alongside the best in the business. So many times I came close to my goal, always to fall short. 

Deep down, it's the only pain I feel. Deep down I know that my destiny is on my fingertips, only to be snatched away because I haven't worked hard enough. But that changes.

"W-wait....n-no please...please don't!"

Cain tilts his head at the human begging for his mercy.

"Pft...don't what? Hit you? What's wrong monkey, are you scared? Is it the death you fear or the pain which comes with it? You should fear me, as should every man walking this Earth. Not death. Not pain. Fear Cain, because he is the embodiment of both!"

The first blow was struck to the man's abdomen glass cutting deep into his flesh and ripping small pices away from it. The young man cried out in agony. "Aggggghhhhh!!!!"

"Music to my ears! Ahahahaha!!! Keep screaming, monkey!"

Cain Voiceover Said:The change is coming, and my first victim is a man who couldn't deserve is more. No. Not Drezdin. He is a non factor, and insignificant as a living being.

I speak of Mason Prince.

Camera focuses on a large pile of clothes in the corner. We see that the t-shirts are Cain merchandise upon further inspection. 

Cain laid into the young man with right and left jabs, the young man's blood curdling screams bouncing off of the walls of the room. Blood splatter hit the walls of the meat locker, and a stream of blood formed at the feet of Cain.

"Scream louder, boy! Grit your teeth! Chant for Mason Prince, cheer your Xtreme Champion!"

"Please....please....let me go...I...*cough*...I have a fam-"

Cain threw a hard roundhouse into the ribs of the crying man, causing him to cry out. The merciless Cain roared.

"-you fucking live in your mother's basement!"

Cain Voiceover Said:Ahhhh yes, Mason Prince.

When he first showed up, I believed him to be some sort of...jester? When I served as advisor in the King's Court, I never found jesters to be funny. I found them annoying, and least deserving to live. None of these monkies deserve to live but jesters even less so.

But wait. Not only is Mason Prince a jester. No. According to his claims, he is a wrestler. Well, considering that this is professional wrestling I wouldn't have expected him to be a firemen. "No shit, Sherlock" moment to be sure. I am a murderer who moonlights as a wrestler. Though I am sure that my reasoning is much different then the "pure wrestler".

I like to hurt people, and if it bleeds, I will kill it.

The screams became more intense, the young man's voice cracking as his exposed ribs felt the cool air. He was loosing blood very quickly as the Original Sin tore into him with a flurry of martial arts kicks and punches which would make Chuck Norris cringe. 

Cain Voiceover Said:He says that the XWF Universe has chosen him over me, as if to incite jealousy in me. I say that he has no idea as to what my priorities truly are. My number one priority is not to get those foolish trash to chant my name. My number one priority is to destroy any and all that dare stand before me, and incite fear in those who don't. 

His delusions that I care what these fans think are merely that. Delusions.

 Cain waches the young man twitch with sick glee, his eyes glowing a dull red. The camera itself follows the line of sight of Cain as he surveys his destruction, noting large exposed areas of bones and muscles on the man's midsection. He then slowly kneels down, face to face with the man and asks a simple question. "Who is your favorite wrestler, boy?"

Barely breathing, the boy gasps and with his last breath he answers. "...You...."

Cain chuckles and stands, walking toward the freezer door. He takes one last look at the slaughtered bodies hanging on hooks from ceiling. He then slides the door shut with a SLAM!!!

Complete darkness.

Cain Voiceover Said:Mason Prince doesn't realize. I don't give a fuck. I'm not there for the fans. I'm there for his defeat. I will embarrass him...and...

He will tell my story.
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