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Wednesday Night Warfare (5/8/13)
Author Message
Wallace Witasick Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
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05-09-2013, 08:34 PM

[Image: kQDFZ.jpg]

Wednesday Night Warfare
BMO Bradley Harris Center
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
May, 15, 2013

Legal Troubles

*Eric Rex stands behind Sal Valencia backstage. Sal is holding the envelope that he had attempted to blackmail Wallace Witasick with for an apology. An apology that most fans of the XWF still believe Rex does not deserve.*

Sal: Hi. I'm Sal. Sal Valencia: Attorney at Law.

*The crowd boos voraciously.*

Sal: And you know my client, Eric Rex. Wallace...Wally...Wittysicky...I told you last week that all we wanted was an apology. That none of this had to go any further. Well, now your dark and troubled past gets exposed. Now, the whole world is going to see who you really are. You think that the two of us can't find dirt on you? You think you're playing with amateurs here? We've both been doing this for a long time. Screw it. Let's get to the point of it all.

*Sal opens the envelope and begins to pull out the contents. The lights in the arena flicker. Eric Rex stops him.*

Rex: Not yet.

Sal: ARE YOU SERIOUS!? He's really stopping this? He's really going to stop this!?

Rex: It's not the right time. Just seal it back up.

Sal: This is turning into some real Pulp Fiction nonsense, you know that?

*Sal is frustrated, but pushes the contents back into the envelope as we go back to ringside.*

Where immediately at ringside we are interrupted by....


[Image: bale-christian-bale-4236828-406-500.jpg]

The general manager spins around in his chair and begins a subtle and yet sadistic slow clap. Ironically enough it is similar to the way The Joker spun around and started clapping like in that "Dark Knight" movie.

Wallace Witasick: "Bravo! Bravo Mr. Valencia!

Wallace holds a large grin over his face before he clears his throat and begins to speak.

Wallace Witasick: "Wow? I never show up this early in the show... Wait.... Yeah I do... Ha! Anyways, What is this some kind of joke you think your playing on me here Sal? You know why it's taken so long for me to actually respond to this clown and pony show you and your client are putting on week in and week out? You think I would actually sit back and let some flea bitten public defender walk through and throw some cock-a-mame lawsuit in my face? You think that's funny? What was that number again? 1-800 SICK what? I'll have you know that the Administrator Network and the Warfare brand have a team of lawyers led by one of the country's finest in Kevin Anderson. You may have heard of him before? He's also the representative for XWF double champion and Xtreme Icon Peter Gilmour. That's why I pay him a nine figure salary. That's right, nine figures, to deal with carpet mice like you. Therefore, if you have any further 'legal' issues' with how I run my show then you can speak directly with him.

Wallace Witasick: "Let me ask you something Sal? Have you ever heard of something called the 'chain of command.' You're paid by Eric Rex who is paid by who? Who pays his salary here at the XWF? Me! Have you added up with numbers here yet Sal? I'll have you know that the only thing I care about is money and the way I handle that business is through the Warfare brand that pays your client and YOU the lucrative offer that fuels the Warfare brand further and further ahead of the rest of the second rate shows here in the XWF. However; since you think this is all some big joke..

Wallace Witasick: "I have taken it upon myself to respond in the same manner. Above the ring and all the fans is seven briefcases.

The cameras show a bunch of briefcases hanging high in the rafters in the Milwaukee arena.

Wallace Witasick: "But it's not the briefcases that's the interesting part of this scenerio. It's what's inside those briefcases that really make the difference. Your Client.... Eric Rex.... Entire Salary for his entire contract!

The fans start screaming in the background.

Wallace Witasick: "I think you already know where this is going... Alright fans. MONEY!!"

The bags open and a sea of green dollars flutter off into the crowds with mad dashes of fans mad grabbing everywhere.

Wallace Witasick: "Hey Sal.... Sue me! Call JG Wentworth 877-CASH-NOW!"

Wallace laughs hysterically as the Warfare brand sign fades to our first match of the evening. That should be tough to follow for the fans, or even possibly pay attention to as they fight over Eric Rex's salary.

Franklin Fresh
- vs -
Kristen Silver
Standard Match

The biggest show in XWF tonight, here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Welcome to another edition of Wednesday Night Warfare!

The sound of Paramore's 'Now' begins to blast across the arena, the sound of the fans rising and breaking into a chorus of boos beginning to echo throughout the arena.

Onto the stage steps Kristen Silver, followed by her assistant, Erin Williams.

Making her way to the ring, weighing 125 pounds, from Miami, Florida, Kristen Silver.

Kristen takes to the center of the stage before walking to the side of the ramp and raising her hands high into the air, drawing thunderous boos from the sold out crowd. She reaches the ring after about a minute.

"Don't Stop Belivin" begins to play. Franklin comes out waving at the fans. He jogs down the ramp way shaking hands and smiling.

Her opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Bloomington, Idaho, Franklin Fresh.

He walks up the steps and climbs through the ropes. He holds his hands up with a big grin on his face.

The bell rings and Franklin offers a handshake to Kristen. She shakes his hand and as he is about to back up, she plants him with a flying forearm smash. She goes for the pin.


Kick out by Franklin.

She stays on Franklin by hitting him with powerful stomps. He grabs her foot, and flips her onto her back. He bounces of the ropes and hits her with an elbow drop. He starts pumping up the crowd, climbing all four turnbuckles, he finally turns his attention to Kristen Silver, who was waiting for him to turn around.

Kick to the ribs, and rolls him up with a Oklahoma pin.



She lifts him up…for a Piledriver!

She grabs the legs and locks in the Heart Breaker! (Sharpshooter)

Franklin though has not trouble dragging himself and Kristen to the bottom rope.

Kristen starts to complain to the ref, but the ref is keeping his ground. She turns her attention on the stirring Franklin Fresh, while she climbs the turnbuckles. She leaps in the air with a missile drop kick…

She misses!

She turns around into…

A Fresh DDT!

Both competitors are down.




Kristen is starting to get up



Kristen is almost to her feet while Franklin is stirring.


Kristen is up. She lifts Franklin up…

Into a jaw shattering super kick!

She climbs the turnbuckles again.

She is going for the Daydream!(moonsault)…

She leaps…

Misses completely! She might have broken a rib there!

Franklin picks her up…

Fresh Finish! (Dragon suplex pin)

The cover…




Winner: Franklin Fresh.

Franklin gets a big win in his debut match here tonight!

The Hero is Here

The arena suddenly goes dark and Here Comes the Boom by P.O.D. begins to play throughout the arena. After a few seconds, the music fades out and the lights come back on. The camera focuses on a man standing in the middle of the ring. He is wearing black jeans and an all-black ADIDAS hoodie. The man looks around the arena with a cocky smirk, as if the arena is erupting with applause. With he realizes that the audience is staring at him with a blank expression, the man lifts the microphone to his lips and begins to speak.

Shawn Hero: Fans of XWF!.. Welcome to Wednesday Warfare!.. Standing in the ring at 6 feet 1 inch, weighing in at 227 pounds, born on March the 9th, 1992, hailing from the grand city of Durham, North Carolina!...

Shawn Hero holds the last syllable of Carolina until he runs out of breath, building the suspense that no one in the audience seems to care about.

Shawn Hero: He is the one, the only, Shawn Hero!

Shawn Hero looks around, expecting applause that again, doesn’t come. He holds up his hands in understanding.

Shawn Hero: It’s okay, it’s okay. None of you know me and that’s okay, but I hope you are all ready for a life changing experience. My name is Shawn Hero, and I am one of the newest superstars here, the only one that matters, anyway.
Shawn gets a couple of boos from the crowd at this bigheaded statement.
Shawn Hero: The fact of the matter is that I am the best, and you all will see that soon. So if you’ve been watching this show with extreme boredom because of these lame superstars here, don’t you worry.. The hero is here!

Shawn Hero drops the microphone as his theme song “Here Comes the Boom” plays in the arena again. He slides out of the ring and begins to walk towards the back, flashing that same cocky smirk at the fans and at different cameras.

World-1 International
- vs -
'The Xtremist' Bryce
Standard Match

We come back from commercial break to see that World-1 International and Bryce have both entered the ring.

Steve Sayors: "For those of you who are caught off guard, these two boys came out during the commercial break."

Liz Weinberg: "Yeah, neither man puts much time or effort into their entrances so why bother showing them, right Steve?"

Steve Sayors: "Right. However, Bryce did have some interesting things to say in his promo over the week. Let's take a quick look."

Quote:Bryce: **** that I am not even going to go into details other then World 1 International is ****ed, I did not need this bull**** from you and I am so ****ing done with this promo right here.

Liz Weinberg: "Wow Steve, Bryce sounded pretty pissed in that promo."

Steve Sayors: "I know right! You'd think he would put all that anger of his to good use for once in his career."

*Ding ding ding*

Liz Weinberg: "And here we go. Our veteran ****** Bryce locks up with World-1. World 1 takes him into the corner with some chops to the chest."

Steve Sayors: "Bryce looks pretty banged up from last weeks cage match with Peter Gilmour. He probably should have gotten some medical attention, he looks terrible as World-1 chops away at him in the corner. The referee is going to enforce the five count here."

Liz Weinberg: "Like you said, it might not have been a good idea to refuse medical attention. Bryce looks like he has some untreated burns. World-1 takes him down with a vertical suplex. Bryce landed right on them burns on his back."

Steve Sayors: "It's a pretty simple game plan here. World-1 just needs to smack Bryce on his burns the whole time and he can win it."

Liz Weinberg: "And he's doing just that as he utilizes a devastating back rake over the burns on Bryce's back. World-1 runs off the ropes, and he nails Bryce with a drop kick to the back where those untreated burns are!"

Steve Sayors: "D*** Bryce, you should've applied some ointment on those burns or SOMETHING."

Liz Weinberg: "Bryce is tough though, Steve. This is all part of his strategy-- putting himself through an unnecessary amount of pain so his opponents don't have to."

Steve Sayors: "World-1 follows up that drop kick with a back breaker... Strategy, huh Liz? What good has that 'strategy' done him in the past?"

Liz Weinberg: "Hold that thought Steve-- World-1 is on the top rope, what could he be going for? He goes for a shooting star press, but Bryce pops up and drops kicks him mid air! What a counter!"

Steve Sayors: "Indeed it was. Bryce goes for a quick pin on World-1."



Liz Weinberg: "World-1 kicks out. And Bryce goes to work with a neck vice hold as he attempts to regain his strength. What was your question before that, Steve?"

Steve Sayors: "You mentioned Bryce's strategy of causing himself unnecessary pain. What has that done for him in the past?"

Liz Weinberg: "Well, I believe Paul Frost tied him to a pole and ran him over."

Steve Sayors: "I see, and that was Bryce's shining moment?"

Liz Weinberg: "Yes... yes, I believe so."

Steve Sayors: "We'll see how that experience helps him here as he pulls World-1 up to his feet with the neck vice still attached. Bryce throws some knee lifts into the chest of World-1. I believe he calls this type of offense 'aggressive high flyar.'

Liz Weinberg: "What is a 'high flyar,' Steve?"

Steve Sayors: "I think we're about to find out. Bryce is on the top rope. He's going for something, but World-1 launches himself into the ropes, knocking Bryce off balance. Bryce just landed on his balls."

Liz Weinberg: "Knowing Bryce, he won't even bother putting an ice pack on his crotch after the show, will he?"

Steve Sayors: "Doubtful. World-1 is now going to work on Bryce with some stomps. He picks up Bryce and drops him with a neck breaker. Again, he dropped Bryce right on those nasty burns of his. Can you imagine the pain he must be feeling?"

Liz Weinberg: "I imagine it's like having some prick smack you on your sunburned arm. Like this. *Smacks Steve on his sunburned arm*"

Steve Sayors: "Ouch! Knock it off."

Liz Weinberg: "World-1 puts Bryce into the ropes now, and he crashes into him with a SPEAR! Beautiful move by World-1. I'm dubbing that move the Spear-1 Shoulder Block."

Steve Sayors: "World-1 with the pin."



Liz Weinberg: "Bryce just barely got his shoulder up in time. And he throws him into a side headlock. How's that arm, Steve?"

Steve Sayors: "You b****, you knew I had that sunburn."

Liz Weinberg: "Quit whining, at least you don't have to wrestle with it."

Steve Sayors: "Bryce is now up to his feet as World-1 keeps the head lock in place. Bryce throws his elbow into the gut of World-1, trying to free himself from the hold."

Liz Weinberg: "Bryce could really use four bodyguards right about now."

Steve Sayors: "I don't know, he seems to be doing okay right now as he shoves World-1 into the ropes. He catches World-1 across the chin with a beautiful wheel kick!"

Liz Weinberg: "Bryce runs off the ropes, and jumps up and rotates his body as he delivers a leg drop over the head of World-1. Such a fluid rotation on that move."

Steve Sayors: "Bryce goes to work on World-1 with some mounted punches. He picks up World-1 and gives him a monkey flip."

Liz Weinberg: "Bryce is pumped. I think those burns of his might be feeding him energy somehow."

Steve Sayors: "Bryce hops up on the top rope and gives World-1 a Vader Bomb. Bryce makes the cover."



Liz Weinberg: "World-1 puts his foot on the rope."

Steve Sayors: "Excellent ring awareness shown by World-1. Bryce is setting up World-1 for something big now... could it be...The Lights out?"

Liz Weinberg: "Ah yes that combination move which is a GTS and a super kick. You don't see too many combination moves these days."

Steve Sayors: "Bryce lifts World-1 up onto his shoulders. He goes for the GTS-- but World-1 counters with--with a sharp shooter!"

Liz Weinberg: "Beautiful counter. I think from now on this move should be called the Sharpshooter-1 Scorpion Deathlock!"

Steve Sayors: "Bryce tries to reach out for the ropes, but World-1 drags him to the center of the ring."

Liz Weinberg: "Bryce doesn't have many options here."

Steve Sayors: "He tapping! Bryce has tapped out to the sharpshooter from World-1!"

Liz Weinberg: "WORLD WINS! WORLD WINS! World wins!"

Steve Sayors: "I can't believe it. World-1 International has won with the sharpshooter. Tonight he is a umm-- umm-- a Winner-1 Victor."

Liz Weinberg: "Really Steve? Winner-1 Victor? Lame."

Winner: World-1 International

Back Stage

We cut back stage to AJ Powell strolling down the hallways minding his own business on the way to the ring for his next match, when all the sudden...


From behind him he is taken out suddenly with a vicious forearm to the face. It's Brian Campbell! Apparently he can't wait till the match starts and he's going at it right here and now! He comes up behind AJ and locks him in a Karate Black Belt that is strangling him while he continues to kick him whilst on the ground.

Brian Campbell: ""You wanted me to back up my game? Well, here you have it! Who is the loser now, huh?"

Brian Campbell
- vs -
AJ Powell
- vs -
Jason E. Smith
Triple Threat -- One Fall

Steve Sayors : So what match do we have next Liz?

Liz Weinberg : I believe it our first triple threat match of the night.

Sayors: Well it appears it is...what fun!

Weinberg: I wish I didn't have to commentate with you...

Announcer: The following contest is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall, introducing first from London, England. Weighing in at 225 pounds, the Beast known as JASON EEEEEEEE SMITH!

Jason comes into the spotlight and heads to the ring. He jumps onto the apron and climbs into the ring. He paces across the ring, before settling in one of the four corners

Announcer: And his opponent, residing from Orlando, Florida. Weighing in at 202 pounds, A...J....Powelllllll.

AJ makes his way out to the ring, stopping to high five fans, and hops onto the apron. He proceeds to stare down Smith, as he slowly climbs into the ring.

Sayors: I can just feel the animosity in the ring right now!

Weinberg: No Steve. I can almost guarantee that's just indigestion. I can tell, and you need to go fix that downstairs problem before I get sick.

Sayors: You know what...

Announcer: And their opponent, from the home of country music. Weighing in at 176 pounds, he is the current UFO E1999 Champion, Brian Campbell!

Campbell does a backflip, landing on the ramp as fireworks go off behind him. He takes his belt from around his waist, throwing it over his shoulder. He heads to the ring and climbs the steps. He steps into the ring, leaving his belt on the mat. He gets up into one corner and poses. He does a backflip and lands. As he turns around...


Smith hits Campbell with a big boot, sending over the top rope onto the floor below as the bell rings for the start of the match.

Sayors: Looks like Campbell will be starting the match on his face. What a surprise attack from Smith

Weinberg: Just so everyone know, the UFO title IS NOT on the line in this match.

Sayors: Yeah, but that would make this more interesting that's for sure.

As Campbell is trying to collect himself outside the ring, AJ and Smith start off in the ring. They lock up in the middle of the ring, as AJ puts Smith in a headlock. He takes a few shots at Smith's head, causing him to stagger slightly. He breaks the headlock, and stares down Smith. He hits a low kick before sending him into the turnbuckle, on the rebound he jumps up to hit a drop kick. Smith drops to the mat and jumps back up. Smith looks dead at AJ, with a menacing look. Powell throws a punch at Smith, but he blocks it and hits Powell square into the jaw. Powell drops to the mat, and stands right back up. Smith hits him with another punch, which sends him back to the mat again. Powell rises again, only to be met with a clothline. As Smith taunts the crowd, he turns towards Powell, who is laid out. He backs into the ropes...


Powell gets hit with a massive body splash. Powell grabs his abdomen in pain. Smith get up and signals for the Smitty Superkick.

Sayors: I think this may be the end of Powell.

As Powell staggers to his feet, he gets up. As he begins to compose himself, he turns around and...


Weinberg: SMITTY SUPERKICK! It's over now! He's even locking him up in his new finishing Beast Choke maneuver (Rear naked choke hold).

Smith turns to taunt the crowd, assured he has just won the match. He turns to make the cover on Powell..


Campbell was on the top rope, and jumps towards Smith as he turns around, and hits a hurricanrana sending Smith outside the ring.

Sayors: That was amazing!

As Smith flys to the outside, Campbell looks around to see that Powell is still out on the mat. Campbell runs to the closest turnbuckle, climbs up and jumps!

Weinberg: 450 Splash! I think he may have this.

Campbell goes for the cover on Powell...




Sayors: WOW! Campbell pulls out a quick, yet surprising win.

Weinberg: I don't like how he did it, but it was an ingenious move on his part.

Smith is livid on the outside of the ring, as Campbell grabs his belt and poses at the corner of the ring, after his win.

Sayors: Smith isn't happy. He may have been the dominate one in this match, but Campbell swiped the match from under his nose.

Weinberg: Good point Diego....where's Dora and Boots?

Sayors: Ha ha, very funny.

Winner: Brian Campbell

Eric Rex
- vs -
'Slick' Rick Jones
Iron Man Match: 60 Minutes

Steve Sayors: This next match up has been building for a long time now...shrouded in enough controversy to rival Benghazi Gate, White Water and Water Gate combined! Did Big Bad Leroy pay Eric Rex to launch an attack on Slick Rick, when Slick Rick was seemingly in en route to a win over Big Bad Leroy...? Or, is it the case, as Sal Valencia has insisted, that Big Bad Leroy is, in fact, "a saint" who had no knowledge whatsoever of any planned attacks on Slick Rick...? Eric Rex's version the true one...

...that Big Bad Leroy had nothing to do with the attack...which was in fact, an advertisement for Eric Rex's potential mercenary services? Whatever the answer to these questions...are to be found the this Iron Man match between Slick Rick and Eric Rex, the ice-cold martial artist and submission technician!

Liz Weinberg: Actually, those questions probably won't be answered...this is a wrestling match, after all, isn't it Steve? Not an interrogation.

Steve Sayors: And yet, it is a sense...a trial...and the guilty verdict will be determined by the man with the most pin-falls...or submissions at the end of 30 minutes!

Liz Weinberg: No, no, that's also not the case, actually. The winner of the match will be determined that way, however.

Steve Sayors: The winner...and perhaps...the...uhhhm....well, they say that the truth shall set you free! Perhaps the truth shall also...set one of these men free...FROM DEFEAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!

Liz Weinberg: Stop trying. Here comes...the guy with even less emotion than Mr. Spock...Eric the tune of 'The Land of Rape and Honey' by Ministry...he's like a robot...just walking straight ahead...totally void of any sort of sentiment or feeling...makes you wonder if he even loved his own mother...

Steve Sayors: And there, scurrying behind him like a Sal Valencia, his dirty, scheming manager! That sleaze has been threatening the XWF with a lawsuit...which take a lot of nerve, considering that he's a guy who probably should be disbarred...if honesty and integrity have anything to do with being a licensed lawyer!

Liz Weinberg: Rex paces the ring, waiting for his--waiting for nothing! Slick Rick is charging headlong down toward the ring...he's coming on like a freight train! He slides underneath the rope...and Rex greets him with a torrent of stomps! Rick isn't necessarily the sharpest knife in the drawer...

Steve Sayors: But at 6'4, with nerves of fire and muscles steel...he is arguably the most dangerous knife in the drawer!

Liz Weinberg: I think a certain balding ex-Mercenary arguably suffering from PTSD might big to differ on that count...he's managed to figure-four his legs about Slick Rick's torso...he's slamming blow after blow into the back of the Slickster's, he's switching to a rear-naked choke attempt...he's got his forearm underneath Rick's nose...forcing him to either lose the nose or raise his chin up...leaving it vulnerable...

Steve Sayors: Rick's nose is bleeding from the abuse Rex's forearm is dealing it...he's got no choice but to lift his chin...allowing Rex to snake his other arm underneath it...and apply the rear-naked choke! Rick is struggling to pry open Rex's arms...struggling with all his incredible strength...the strength that allowed him to rag-doll former collegiate wrestling stand-out Chris Hartt...and carried him to a win over the high-flying sensation, World 1-International....but he also has to contend with the figure-four that Rex has established around Slick Rick's torso...that hold is no could end up break his ribs...certainly...its not making breathing inside the confines of a choke any easier...

Liz Weinberg: Slick Rick, with Eric Rex in actually climbing the turnbuckle! The fool...why doesn't he just grab the ropes and make Rex break the hold...?

Steve Sayors: Maybe he's not so stupid...that would still leave him exhausted from the choke...and Rex unharmed! Rick...he's....he's got something else in mind here...I'm not sure....what exactly....

Liz Weinberg: Slick Rick's eyes just rolled into the back of his head...him and Rex are tumbling from the turnbuckle....Hasta la Vista, Spanish announce table!

Steve Sayors: This is no time for jokes, Liz! Rex and Rick are lying limp amongst the ruins of the table...meanwhile, the referee is tolling the count...he's already at 5...there's no way that these guys are going to make it back in time...they're not even conscious, let alone able to walk... Wait, both men are stirring...Slick Rick lurches to life...the bigger man is up first...and with a burst of raw strength and will...he heaves up Eric Rex....he's going to go for the Bulldozer power-bomb...Rex counters with a head-scissor choke...! That's a very difficult submission to apply...being able to properly target those arteries takes a lifetime of training...and no shortage of natural instincts...but Rex...seems to have both! And now...he switches to a hurricanrana...tossing Slick Rick over, and sending him into the barrier fencing! Rex is stumbling, staggering...towards the ring...he's almost there....

Liz Weinberg: The referee's at 8...Rex is at the apron, he just needs to climb it and...whoah! Spear into Eric Rex's back from Slick Rick...

Steve Sayors: Rex just literally got hit with a human wrecking ball...right in the back! I think getting nailed with a car going 180 from behind would've been better for Rex than that... Both men are down again...right at the foot of the ring...Sal Valencia...that slime in human clothing...what's he doing? He's getting up on the apron...he's screaming at the referee, holding up papers...threatening to what...? To sue him....? Over what...? Sal...I can't believe this man's nerve...he's in the ring now, right in the referee's face...

Liz Weinberg: Say, not to take attention off the match, but what's up with the Spanish announce team undressing over there? Is it a cultural thing or...waitasec, they're not stripping naked...they' black bodysuits underneath their clothes...and their "faces" were merely high-tech plastic disguises...they're ninjas! What's that emblazoned on their chest...? Can't make it out, ah well, must be Japanese or...maybe Spanish for that matter!

Steve Sayors: Its not Japanese! It says "Leroy's Legions" on their chest...those ninjas...are on on Leroy's payroll!

Liz Weinberg: More conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo from you...Leroy isn't even involved in this match!

Steve Sayors: Liz, look at them...these are the SAME NINJAS that assaulted Chris MacBeth, KnightMask and so many others...! With a pained grunt, Slick Rick manages to get to his feet...the ninjas are charging him now...they just leveled Slick Rick with a double super-kick to the face! And all the while, the referee is arguing with Sal in the ring...I can't blame the ref...he's only trying to do his job...and his job doesn't involve dealing with lawyers that would make Shylock himself look like Abraham Lincoln!

Liz Weinberg: The ninjas are stomping on Slick of them's pulled out a pair of nunchucks...he's choking the Slickster with them...while the other one flurries punches and kicks to the stomach of Rick Jones!

Steve Sayors: It takes more than a couple of hired guns to take out Rick Jones! Look, he just threw the ninja that was choking him over his shoulder, directly into his, he's slamming their heads together like a pair of symbols! Bulldozer power-bomb onto the concrete...there goes one ninja...and the other...Rick Jones grabs the ninja by the throat...their struggling...the ninja's mask slips off...wait, that's no ninja...that's...that's of Leroy's bodyguards...! Slick Rick is aghast, realizing he was seconds away from choke-slamming a woman....!

Liz Weinberg: Steve, you were just cheering on a woman beater, do you realize that?

Steve Sayors: Hello, Andrew Golota--low blow from Jade to Slick Rick...doubles the Slickster over...and Jade--

Liz Weinberg: Wait, I'm not sure if that is actually Jade...she's a woman with long hair, yes...but there's a lot of people that fit that description!

Steve Sayors: Jade helps the other ninja to his feet...wait, the mask has slipped off that ninja s well...its...Vixen, another one of Leroy's cronies! They escape over the barrier fencing and into the crowd as Rick gives chase...

Liz Weinberg: Brilliant move, real "slick." He's lost in the crowd, trying to chase down those two...but where, again, was Eric Rex? Oh that's right, he's rolling into the ring...

Steve Sayors: Sal suddenly decides to leave the referee Rex re-enters the ring...and the referee finally, at long last, resumes his count...Slick Rick is all the way out in the audience...there's no way he's going to get back in time...reluctantly, the referee tolls the 10 that mercenary, Eric Rex, the first fall of the night! Blast it!

Liz Weinberg: Hey, is it anyone's fault by Slick Rick that he decided to chase after two women instead of focus on his match...? By the way...what's he trying to do out there, start a riot?

Steve Sayors: Slick Rick is getting mobbed by the is coming to his aid...wait, those are no security guards...those are more of Leroy's hired ninjas...! I give them credit, they disguise themselves well, blast them... Slick Rick is literally fighting through a sea of black to get back to the ring...! He mows them down with one clothesline after another, like a farmer cutting through a cornfield...

Liz Weinberg: Hurry up, sheesh...Eric Rex doesn't have all day to wait on this joker...

Steve Sayors: I'd say he's pretty well indisposed at the moment, Liz...through no fault whatsoever of his own!

Liz Weinberg: What's with this referee? Start up another long is he going to wait? What, does Slick Rick get special privileges...? Put the match on hold so he can go fight a bunch of innocent ninjas out in the crowd? Sal is yelling at the ref to start up another count...thank you for speaking up, Sal!

Steve Sayors: Slick Rick is dealing out lefts, rights, clotheslines and boots...he's doing the best he can to fight his way through...he picks a ninja up by the heels...he's swinging him around like a human club...clearing out a path for himself...and now, exhausted Slick Rick storms into the ring, full of anger and how he let himself get tricked by that conniving....con man! Rex greets him with a clinch...and a series of close range lefts as he holds Slick Rick's head hostage with his right he applies the infamous Muay Thai plum, controlling Slick Rick's head with both hands, as he feeds him a diet of knees, knees, knees and more knees!

Liz Weinberg: Rick's not going down though...he's got Rex in a bear-hug now...he lifts him off his feet...belly to belly suplex! This is not a good day for Rex's spinal column...

Steve Sayors: Rex is down...he's not getting up...Rick pulls him to his fee--he just set himself up for the Kiss of Death! And from there, Rex sucks him the Cuban Necktie....!

Liz Weinberg: The clock is ticking away...this match is just about finished...Rex is cinching in on the hold...30 seconds left...Slick Rick is down 1-0...he may as well just tap...and save himself the pain...

Steve Sayors: That's not in Slick Rick's make up, Liz!

Liz Weinberg: What is? Futile displays of bravado? Getting hurt for no productive reason?

Steve Sayors: Rex is yelling at Rick to give up...Sal's up on the apron now...he's screaming at Slickster to tap give in...Rick, somehow, some way...finds the strength to stack Rex up, even as he's getting choke...he'd gets his hands around Rex's neck...he's neck-cranking Rex, even as Rex is choking him out! Rex adjusts his angle...and Slick Rick loses the neck-crank...Rex hooks a leg, sweeps him over...he's on top of him now, choking him with the Cuban Necktie triangle choke from essentially a mounted of the most dominant positions in all of grappling...

Liz Weinberg: Tap, Rick! Just tap out and get it over with!

Steve Sayors: Slick Rick's shoulders are on the mat, the referee is counting a pin-fall, no, he gets a shoulder up, he reverses Rex...he's on top now, but still getting choked...there's the bell! The match is over...Slick Rick...has passed out...but he didn't tap! He never gave up!

Liz Weinberg: Yeah, whatever...this isn't Rocky...he just wasted Rex's time, the audiences time...and most of all, my time!

Steve Sayors: Rex isn't happy about not getting the submission! He's pounding on the unconscious body of the Slick One...! Jason Smith, Slick Rick's buddy, is charging to the ring...Sal scurries away like the rat he is...and Rex and Smith are security pours into the ring to pull them apart! Real security this time! We all know that security means Tyrone. He manhandles all the men and forces the group to enter the ring and continue the match. He shoves the referee back under the ring as Rex and Slick hook up once more...

Pushing and pulling on each other....

Pushing and pulling....

Rex Kicks!!!

Right to the gut...

The Apache Job!

(Lifts the opponent up similar to a stalling suplex. Then drops down into a sitdown neckbreaker.)

Rex hits his finisher and this has got to be over. Jason Smith is trying to make some type of effort to stop the pin, but Tyrone ensures this doesn't happen by getting in his way..





Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Alex Richards
Standard Match

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see red strobe lights going around the arena and then come to the entranceway where a big explosion of fire hits as "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In This Moment begins to play. After the initial guitar riff, we then hear a loud scream from the lead singer as Rose Smith comes out wearing a very sexy red halter top with black pants. She gives the crowd a sadistic wink of her eye and then we see Peter Gilmour come out in a black vest and black tights with PBK on the sides. Peter grabs Rose's hand and they make their way to the ring. They get in normally and then both get into the center of the ring and flash the "X" symbol as fire emits from the turnbuckles.

Alex Richards is already stood in the ring, cracking his knuckles whilst waiting for his opponent. The referee calls for the bell and the two men lock up.

Gilmour over powers Richards into the corner and then Irish whips him across the ring before running and executing a leaping clothesline before following it up with a running bull dog. He is quick to his feet and ricks at Rose who stands outside the ring cheering on Gilmour. Gilmour backs away glaring at Richards who has got back to his feet. Gilmour runs at Richards who ducks under the arm before turning and hitting a missile drop kick. Gilmour is fast to his feet but Richards hits one of those deadly European uppercuts that he carries in his arsenal. Then follows it up with a brutal elbow smash running off of the ropes and executing an elbow drop. Alex is quick off the ball and locks in an arm bar on Gilmour’s left arm. Gilmour grunts as Alex lifts his knee up and smashes it down on the arm before increasing the pressure on that left arm. Gilmour begins to gain momentum though, somehow using all of his lower body power to get to his feet whilst Alex tries to cling on. Gilmour raises Alex to his feet and then kicks him in the gut before grappling the back of the defendant’s leg lifting him up, falling back and executing a devastating fisherman’s suplex.

The two men take a short time on the mat and reach their feet at precisely the same time. They exchange slow heavy punches one after another before the pace begins to pick up again. Richards does for a kick to the gut, runs off of the ropes but Gilmour drops to his knees and flips Alex over. Richards lands on his feet though and runs off of the ropes once more, Gilmour ducks under as Richards keeps running though, then Gilmour ducks but Richards leap frogs over him and turns using his momentum to turn and execute a spinning enziguri. He goes for a quick cover but Gilmour powers out and gets back to his feet and goes for a Russian leg sweep that Alex reads easily, backward rolling out of the way and running to the back of Gilmour and going for a German suplex. But Gilmour counters it himself, grasping the top rope as the move was about to be executed. The brute follows this up with a backwards elbow smash to the skull and a heel kick to the gut. He’s not finished there though, he smashes Alex in the skull with the right knee and then punches with his left hand. His arm is hurt though and that much is clear as he feels the arm straight after… Remember what Bryce put Gilmour through in that grudge match on Warfare last week. He went for a side walk slam but somehow Alex managed to get a kick to that injured left arm. He landed on his feet and followed it up with a one armed DDT on that left arm. Gilmour roared in pain and dropped to the mat. Alex rolled to the outside and smashed the left arm into the turnbuckle as Gilmour roared in pain again…

Smartly, he placed Gilmour’s arm on the side of the ring apron and climbed onto the ring apron himself. He followed this up by executing a leg drop onto that arm. The roaring like a wounded animal continued. Richards then rolled into the ring and awaited Gilmour to reach his feet, running off of the ropes and hitting a running elbow smash. Gilmour is clearly frustrated. He reaches his feet and the power house smashes Richards in the head with a forearm. Gilmour then executes a brutal modified swinging neck breaker before hitting a high impact leg drop to follow it up and go for the cover.



Kick out by Richards at 2!

Gilmour begins to stomp on his opponent over and over again, it is clear that the beast has truly been angered. He grasps Richards by the head and picks him to his feet before throwing him head first into the turnbuckle and following this up by lifting him up and hitting a side walk slam!


That one had to hurt as Richards grimaces in pain. It's not soon though that Gilmour is back on the assault with a flurry of right and left hands then followed by a DEVASTATING spinebuster..

Gilmour with the cover.




This one could go all night folks. These two men don't like each other, and it's obvious why as we can see it here in the ring right this second. Richards starts recovering and gets back to his feet and now both him and Gilmour stare back at each other. Richards runs at Gilmour first and connects with a European uppercut that delivers a devastating blow to Gilmour's left cheek. Gilmour leans back in pain but recovers quickly enough to reply with an uppercut of his own. Richards is first to strike again, but this time it's with ...

What's this?


(Attitude Adjustment)

Peter is caught with Richard's finisher out of nowhere!

Richards with the cover...




Did you really think he would be giving up that easily? The man has been relentless these last few weeks and it's probably due to his new found love for his toy barbie.

What's this?

Richards is taunting the crowd not realizing that Gilmour was rising quickly to his feet....

Turn around...

He does...


Gilmour must have been setting him up!

The cover!





Gilmour picks up yet another impressive victory here tonight on Warfare. He's really picked up the pace like he said he would after dropping that loss to Ursula nearly a month ago. He continues to celebrate his victory when all of the sudden???

Gilmour is already in the ring, just then Pretender by Foo Fighters hits the P.A.

"Alright time to end you for good,"

Just then the music stops and the lights go black.

Then flames reveal themselves,

A lighting Bolt strikes the entrance and strobe lights begin flashing

After about a minute the lights go back to normal and the ring has a flaming table
in it

Lettering appears on the titantron, it currently looks like this


The letters begin unscrambling each other revealing what it really says.


He turns around and gets hit by barbie the barb wired baseball bat, blood begins gushing out of his head as a masked figure in black clothing towers over him.

The figure picks Gilmour and sets him up for a powerbomb,

The figure completes the powerbomb throwing Gilmour to the outside.

Gilmour's fiance begins begging the figure to stop, all the figure does is point at the rampway, she begins runninng up the ramp, terrified of what would happen if she didn't

The figure grabs a bag from under the ring, he goes back in the ring after flipping Gilmour over the steel steps

He goes and poors the contants under the table revealing.....


He then directs his attention back to Gilmour, he hits Gilmours head against the post and throws him back in the ring.

Gilmour tries to fight but all the figure does is pull his mask up enough to reveal his mouth and spit in Gilmour's face, he then lowers the mask and kick Gilmour in the balls

He turns Gilmour around and hoists Gilmour on his shoulders....




He then calls for the mic.SHADOW


The lights then go black and seconds later go back on with only the wreckage in the ring.

- vs -
Steve Davids
Standard Match

(Winner is granted a shot at the US Title)

Special Guest Referee: Sebastian Duke

RING ANNOUNCER: "The following contest is set for one fall with the winner receiving a future United States Title match!"

The arena lights flicker briefly as "What I've Done" by Linkin Park plays throughout the arena.

RING ANNOUNCER: "Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Blitz Davids... From Boston, England weighing in at 2 hundred 45 pounds.... STEEEEEEEVE DAAAAAVIIIIIDS!"

STEVE SAYORS: "Steve Davids, on his way to the ring."

LIZ WEINBERG: "He's been waiting for this opportunity right here tonight!"

STEVE SAYORS: "This capacity crowd here in Milwaukee, really not behind Steve Davids."

LIZ WEINBERG: "He don't need them."

"Nothins Gonna Stand in Our Way" by Kick Axe plays.

RING ANNOUNCER: "His opponent, from Sparta, Michigan, weighing 1 hundred 85 pounds, KNIIIIIIIGHTMAAAAAAASK!"

STEVE SAYORS: "This crowd IS firmly behind KnightMask!"

LIZ WEINBERG: "They're inbred morons. What would you expect?"

STEVE SAYORS: "You have to wonder about the size difference."

LIZ WEINBERG: "Steve Davids has 9 inches and 60 pounds on KnightMask. Not what I'd call an even match!"

The arena lights go out and the X-Tron explodes into flames as Sebastian Dukes theme plays.

STEVE SAYORS: "Liz, here's what it's all about! The United States Championship!"

LIZ WEINBERG: "One of these two men get their ticket punched and a date with destiny. A title match against THAT man!"

STEVE SAYORS: "Talking about size difference, Sebastian Duke has 5 inches and over 30 pounds on Davids and as for KnightMask, the champion has 13 inches and over 90 pounds in weight."

LIZ WEINBERG: "It's safe to say, Sayors, that no matter who wins here tonight, they have one heck of an uphill battle!"

Duke apparently plans to officiate the match while wearing the title. Davids and KnightMask stand center ring in a stare down as Duke signals for the bell. KnightMask extends his hand to Davids in a show of sportsmanship. Davids looks as if he's going to shake his hand but swing with a hard punch instead.

KnightMask ducks behind Davids and delivers a stiff kidney shot causing Davids to arch his back in pain. Davids turns and KnightMask delivers forearm smash after forearm smash to the chin of Steve Davids, rocking the bigger man back and back all the way into the corner. KnightMask continues to pound on the larger man.

Duke exits the ring and takes a headset at ringside.

STEVE SAYORS: “Sebastian Duke! You have a job to do!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Show some respect to your Angel of Darkness, Sayors!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “Yea, Steve! Show some respect!”

Back in the ring, KnightMask continues to rock Davids. The crowd cheers in approval. KnightMask backs off and Davids walks along the ropes. KnightMask has a head of steam as he clotheslines Davids over the top rope. Davids spills all the way down to the floor.

STEVE SAYORS: “Don’t you have to start a countout?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Meh, let ‘em fight for awhile.”

KnightMask gains a head of steam and charges toward the ropes. He leaps over the top rope toward a standing Steve Davids with corkscrew cross body block to the delight of the crowd. Davids, though, counters by catching KnightMask and slamming him to the floor with a front power slam!

STEVE SAYORS: “I think Davids just stopped KnightMasks momentum in its tracks!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You truly are brilliant, Steve. I might be back later.”

LIZ WEINBERG: “Go do what you do, champ!”

STEVE SAYORS: “Could your lips get any closer to his rear end, Liz?”

Duke tosses the headset on the table and walks over to the action. Duke tells Davids to get the match back in the ring. Davids seemingly ignoring the orders lifts KnightMask to his feet then drives him back first into the ring apron causing KnightMask to fall to his knees.

Duke again orders Davids to get it in the ring. Davids ignores Duke again and lifts KnightMask back to his feet. Davids scoops up KnightMask and drives him back first into the ring post causing more damage to the ailing back of KnightMask.

The crowd is booing wildly and Davids seems to enjoy it. Davids looks at Duke just as he’s hit with the Soul Shot from Duke! Duke leans down and lifts Davids to his feet.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I told you to get it back in the ring!”

Duke rolls Davids into the ring then goes and lifts KnightMask to his feet. He then rolls KnightMask into the ring as well. Duke climbs back in the ring.

KnightMask is the first to his feet and lifts Davids to his and tosses him into the corner. KnightMask charges toward the corner and leaps to the middle rope and begins pummeling Davids to the delight of the crowd.

Davids pushes him off and KnightMask rolls through the landing. He charges back toward the corner and leaps to the second rope again and begins pummeling Davids.

Davids shoves him away again and once again, KnightMask rolls through the landing. He charges toward the corner one more time and Davids lifts his boot up and KnightMask crashes face first then falls to the mat. Davids quickly goes for the cover.



KnightMask kicks out.

STEVE SAYORS: “I don’t think I like the speed of that count.”

LIZ WEINBERG: “I don’t think Steve Davids did either. He’s in Duke’s face!”

STEVE SAYORS: “That’s not a place I’d want to be.”

LIZ WEINBERG: “Steve Davids isn’t a coward like you, Sayors!”

Duke laughs in Steve Davids face as he returns his attention toward KnightMask. Davids lifts him to his feet and drives him head first into the top turnbuckle. KnightMask, now trapped in the corner. Davids lifts his knee and rams it into the midsection of KnightMask. Then follows it up with a second and a third before backing out and placing his boot up under the chin of KnightMask. Duke steps in and starts his 5 count.






STEVE SAYORS: “That’s it! It’s over!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “Wrong! I don’t think Duke is going to disqualify him.”

STEVE SAYORS: “It was definitely a slow count, also!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “Stop complaining.”

Duke orders Davids to break the blatant choke and Davids refuses. Duke grabs Davids by his head, almost in a sleeper hold, and drags him off of KnightMask. KnightMask falls to the mat as the fans begin to chant KnightMasks name, urging him to get back in this match.

Davids takes exception to Dukes physicality and is back in his face. Again, Duke laughs at him again. Davids returns his attention to KnightMask. Davids lifts him back to his feet and whips him off the ropes. On the rebound, Davids catches him in a power slam.

KnightMask counters with a DDT and sends Davids crashing to the mat. KnightMask quickly goes for the cover on Davids. Duke seems to be working out his right leg and not paying any attention to what’s going on.

LIZ WEINBERG: “Oh no! The champ might have a cramp!”

STEVE SAYORS: “You can not be serious right now!”

KnightMask takes exception to the “no count” from Duke and stomps over to get his attention. Duke “limps” over as KnightMask makes the cover again.



Davids powers out with plenty of time to spare. Duke goes back to the corner focusing on his “injured” leg.

KnightMask lifts Davids to his feet and tosses him into the corner. KnightMask follows him in and intends to whip him into the corner that Duke is in. Davids reverses and sends KnightMask charging toward Duke who lifts his leg and KnightMask runs right into his boot, flooring KnightMask instantly.

Duke looks on as if in shock at what happened.

LIZ WEINBERG: “Ohhhhh! Awww look! He feels bad!”

STEVE SAYORS: “I’m sure he does. I bet it was accidental, too!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “I’m sure of it.”

The crowd boos as Davids walks over to KnightMask and lifts him to his feet. Davids tosses him toward the ropes. On the rebound, Davids catches KnightMask in a sleeper hold. Initially, KnightMask struggles to get free, but Davids is much too powerful and KnightMask begins to fade and fade fast. Meanwhile, Duke exits the ring again and goes to the commentary table and puts on the headset again.

LIZ WEINBERG: “How’s the leg champ?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “It’s better now.”

STEVE SAYORS: “I’m sure you had no idea KnightMask was coming in fast, neither.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “No, I didn’t. Did you see that? I felt so bad!”

STEVE SAYORS: “Real heart, Duke. Real heart.”

KnightMask is nearly unconscious as Duke makes his way back into the ring. The crowd begins a chant: “Let’s go KnightMask *clap*clap*clapclapclap*”

Duke raises KnightMasks arm once then drops it. It falls to the mat. Duke signals ONE and lifts his arm again, then drops it. KnightMasks arm hits the mat a second time. Duke signals TWO. He lifts KnightMasks arm a third time, then drops it. Just before his arm hits the mat, he clenches a fist, stopping it just an inch from the mat drawing a loud round of cheers and applause from the crowd on hand. Duke waves off the KO count.

KnightMask begins to struggle, waving his arms to get the crowd even more so behind him, if its even possible. KnightMask reaches one knee, and elbows Davids in the gut. Davids doesn’t release the hold.

KnightMask has now fought his way to a vertical base and elbows Davids in the gut three times with rapid succession. KnightMask then ducks behind Davids, still with his head trapped, and lifts and drops Davids with a back suplex. Both men are down and Duke returns to the announce table.

STEVE SAYORS: “Mr. Witasick is not going to be happy with the job you’ve done tonight.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Ask me if I care about anything Wallace Witasick is or is not happy about. He gave me a job to do and.... I’m gonna do it my way!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “His way, Steve! His way!”

STEVE SAYORS: “At least you’re not showing favorites.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Nope. Don’t care. Doesn’t matter who wins, because they’re just going to turn around and lose to me anyhow.”

STEVE SAYORS: “Why aren’t you performing a ten count right now?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Somebody is going to win this match straight up. Not by a countout or anything like that. Pin, submission. That’s it!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “That’s the way it should be, champ!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Enjoy the match, Liz. Steve, eat s***!”

Duke heads back to the ring as KnightMask starts to get to his feet. Duke points to the belt around his waist, taunting KnightMask. KnightMask is getting entranced by the belt that is within reach. Duke smiles as KnightMask continues to stare.

Behind him, Davids is back to his feet. Davids grabs KnightMask from behind and spins him around. Davids goes for a clothesline but KnightMask ducks under and Davids levels Sebastian Duke.

Davids smiles, but his happiness is short lived as KnightMask spins him around and nails him with numerous kicks to his side. Davids counters by grabbing KnightMask by the leg. With one leg trapped, KnightMask has nowhere to go. Davids, using his free arm, clutches KnightMask by the throat and lifts him high into the air for a chokeslam.

KnightMask, using his agility and quickness, spins his lower body around and traps Davids in a body scissors. Davids is forced to release his grip on KnightMasks throat. KnightMasks upper body falls toward the mat. KnightMask breaks his fall with his hands. He pushes off the mat and skyrockets himself off the mat. He grabs Davids in a headlock and swings his legs out and slams him down with a bulldog.

Duke is back to his feet.

KnightMask scales the turnbuckles with his back toward the ring. He looks into the ring through his legs while in a crouched position measuring Davids up for something. Davids struggles and staggers back to his feet.

KnightMask leaps high into the air doing a back flip and lands an inverted DDT on Davids! He’s not done! He transformed the DDT into a Dragon Sleeper and has Davids body trapped with a body scissor.

STEVE SAYORS: “I think even the champion is impressed, Liz!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “I doubt he cares!”

Duke moves in to call for the submission as Davids struggles with nowhere to go. Davids reaches toward the ropes. He’s close, but not close enough. Davids tries to muscle his way out of the submission but is unable to contort his arms in a way to do it effectively. Davids decides to retry going for the rope break.

He reaches and lurches his arm forward and finally grabs a hold of the bottom rope. Duke asks for a rope break and KnightMask obliges immediately. KnightMask charges toward Davids on the mat. Duke catches KnightMask and steps his charge.

STEVE SAYORS: “C’mon! Mr. Witasick needs to do something!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “I’m sure there is a.... SEE, he just wanted to check on Steve Davids!”

As Duke kneels over Davids, KnightMask comes up from behind and unsnaps Dukes title. KnightMask goes to the corner and poses for the crowd as they cheer on wildly. Duke stalks KnightMask from behind. KnightMask jumps down off the turnbuckle and turns right into Duke grabbing him by the throat.

KnightMask casually hands the title toward Duke as he’s still gripped. Duke reclaims his belt and releases KnightMasks throat. KnightMask hooks the leg of Davids who has remained down on the mat trying to recover.



Davids kicks out of the slow Duke count.

KnightMask gets to his feet and is not happy with Duke but continues to work. He lifts Davids to his feet and tosses him toward the ropes. Davids reverses and KnightMask rebound. Davids lowers his head and KnightMask kicks him in the head and chest. Davids staggers back against the ropes.

KnightMask charges toward Davids and Davids ducks low sending KnightMask flying high into the air, over the top rope, and crashing to the floor below. Davids follows him out to the floor.

Duke re-fastens his title around his waist.

Davids lifts KnightMask off the floor and then lifts and drops him head first against the fan barricade. KnightMask is on all fours, trying to crawl away from Davids. Davids walks behind him. KnightMask round the corner toward the announce table. Davids unseats the time keeper and takes his chair.

Duke exits the ring to the floor.

Davids stands on the ankle of KnightMask not letting him get any farther. Davids reaches back preparing to hit him with a chair. From behind, Duke grabs the chair and rips it out of Davids hands. Duke tosses the chair. Davids is in Dukes face and Duke laughs and re-enters the ring.

STEVE SAYORS: “I don’t think Steve Davids is done jawing at Sebastian Duke!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “He should watch what he says if he knows what’s good for him!”

Davids is back in Dukes face in the ring. Duke is yelling blurred obscenities back at Davids. KnightMask has made his way to the apron and is preparing to get in the ring when Davids stops him in his tracks. He shoves the top rope hard and causes KnightMask to fly off the apron and crash through the announce table and turns to Duke.

STEVE DAVIDS: “Count him out!”


Davids shakes his damn f****g head. He climbs back out of the ring and digs around under the ring. Davids manager, Blitz Davids climbs on the apron yelling at Duke. Davids finds a kendo stick. He holds it high into the air and begins to measure up KnightMask for a shot.

Blitz still has Duke distracted.

KnightMask is on all fours. Davids swings the kendo stick but KnightMask is too quick. He squirts through between Davids legs. Davids turns around and gets a dropkick for his trouble. KnightMask suddenly find the kendo stick in his hands. He measures up preparing to strike. He raises it high into the air and hesitates.

STEVE SAYORS: “I don’t think he wants to resort to weapons!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “Just do it! Duke won’t see it!”

Duke grabs Blitz by the throat and choke slams him off the apron to the floor below. He returns his attention to the action on the other side and sees the kendo stick being held high by KnightMask. He runs over and grabs the kendo stick. KnightMask turns and looks up at Duke. Duke just shakes his head.

KnightMask is climbing back up to the apron and Davids is back to his feet. He trips KnightMask off the apron and KnightMask falls back to the floor. Davids returns to the ring. He sits up on the corner and yells at Duke to count, who refuses yet again. Davids gives him a ‘what the f---’ look and notices Blitz laid out on the floor.

Davids leaps off the turnbuckle and nails Duke with a flying clothesline taking him down to the mat. Davids is back to his feet and fueled with adrenalin. He lifts Duke to his feet and kicks him in the gut and Dukes belt falls to the mat.


Davids grabs Dukes title and stand over him. He bends over and starts jawing in Dukes face as he’s out on the mat.



Davids struggles as Duke has Pandoras Box locked in tight. Davids struggles and struggles and fades and fades before finally going completely limp. Duke keeps it locked in a few more seconds then pushes Davids off of him.

Duke gets back to his feet and notices KnightMask standing there staring at Davids who is out cold.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Don’t just stand there! Pin him!”

KnightMask drops to his knees beside Steve Davids.

STEVE SAYORS: “I don’t think he wants to win this way!”

LIZ WEINBERG: “Who cares!? It’s an easy shot at the title! Take it!”

KnightMask continues to debate in his head as the fans cheer their approval. He leans toward his opponent....


Duke traps KnightMask in the devastating submission! KnightMask struggles to break free and even positions himself close enough to get to the ropes. Obviously, Duke isn’t going to release it. KnightMask is fading and fading fast.

KnightMask goes limp and Duke keeps it locked in. He looks toward the entrance way and sees Wallace Witasick standing on the stage just as he ushers Tyrone toward the ring. Duke releases the hold and pushes KnightMasks lifeless body off of him and climbs to his feet. Duke grabs his belt and makes an exit from the ring. He walks up the aisle past Tyrone who doesn’t even look in his direction.

Duke makes it to the stage and places his arm around Witasicks shoulders.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “This was a lot of fun, Wally. We should do this more often!”

Duke turns and makes his exit.

Wallace brushes off his shoulder and motions to Tyrone to pick up where Duke left off in the ring.

Wallace demands a microphone and is immediately delivered one by some ring servant who sprinted towards him with a collection of microphones of different varieties. Wallace inspects the collection and picks out the one that must have caught his attention the best.

Wallace Witasick: "Well, I can't say I'm not surprised that not only can that Black Circle reject make a mockery of the wrestling on this show... but he can't even referee. I wonder what project I'll demote him to next week? Carrying my briefcase.

Tyrone: "That's my job, boss."

Wallace Witasick: "HA, you're right Tyrone. But anyways...

By the way this entire time KnightMask and Steve Davids have still been performing a variety of insane wrestling moves that we will bring you back to now....

Steve Sayors: KnightMask levels Steve Davids with a clothesline that sends the monstrosity of a man almost head over heels. KnightMask goes for the pin and Wallace begins making a very, very fast count from his lips on the microphone that Tyrone was trying to keep up with.




Wait a minute!

NO! Although Witasick's count was fast enough Tyrone couldn't get his arms up and down fast enough for that to be a legitimate count...

Liz Weinberg: "That's right, he can't count that pin as much as we now see him demanding it be so, the time keeper is refusing Witasick's request.

Steve Sayors: "In other news, the XWF has an opening for a new time keeper ladies and gentlemen."

Liz Weinberg: "Well, it's obvious here that Wallace has another favorite."

Steve Sayors: "The man brings dignity and respect back to the XWF that Shane has single handily destroyed and he's trying to uphold that here and you despise him Liz?

Liz Weinberg: Davids is climbing to his feet as so is KnightMask who manages to get up first. KnightMask goes for a left hook...

Steve Sayors: "But Davids ducks and kicks KnightMask in the gut , and he sets him up for

Yes it is!!!

THE SHOCKWAVE (Cradle Neckbreaker)

Liz Weinberg: "Davids is going to make the cover...


Wallace looks directly in Tyrone's eyes and gives him the

"You better not" look

Tyron slows the count...


Davids is getting frustrated as he pushes down harder on KnightMask's shoulders and Tyrone refuses to make the final pat on the mat....


Tyrone backs away as Witasick raises his hands in celebration...

Steve Davids has had enough.... He glances directly back at Tyrone as they exchange an odd glance back and forth at one another.

He wouldn't???

Yeah he would!




and now he's grabbed KnightMask by the back of the head and has dragged him out of the ring...

He's going after....

Steve Sayors: "Steve Davids had better think twice about this. This man signs his paycheck! He's going after Witasick, and he's picked the perfect time as Tyrone lays motionless in the middle of the ring. Davids has KnightMask down near the rampway and has Witasick blocked from making an exit out the ramp. He holds Knightmask's face up like he was orchestrating his head like some kind of puppet..

Steve Davids: "Is this your new poster boy Wallace! It's obvious your not going to let me win here tonight so now your going to find out what I do to people who get in my way. I don't care who you think you are!"

Steve Sayors: "Steve, don't be stupid.

Liz Weinberg: "It's not going to matter, he's got Witasick cornered as he closes in... Whoom


Like some kind of Kobe Bryant crossover move Witasick jukes and shimmies under Davids legs and makes his way up the arena ramp and quickly backing away from Davids and holding the mirophone to his lips...

Wallace Witasick: Tyrone!!!

Steve Sayors: Tyrone is squirming in the ring to get back to his feet and KnightMask is still seeing stars on the outside. Witasick is out the building and Davids makes his exit close behind him...

Liz Weinberg: Tyrone is on his feet, he's realized Witasick and Davids have suddenly vanished backstage... He stands in the ring and begins the count... KnightMask is not even moving...






Steve Sayors: "You gotta help him Tyrone... He's after him backstage"

Tyrone can hear nothing over the muffle of the crowd...


KnightMask is up....

He's crawling and trying to lift his shoulders up over the ring apron...





Falling to his feet



This match has ended in a DRAW!

Tyrone doesn't realize his boss is in serious trouble, but immediately knows he has to find where Witasick has went??

What the hell is going on back stage???

What does this mean about the new #1 Contender???

Who holds the title???

Is Witasick hurt??

What will he do about the situation??


The Administrator Network would like to note that immediately following the preceding episode of Warfare a commercial was aired that stated their reaction to the events that took place on the episode of Warfare in Milwaukee. The events during the horrendous scene created by Steve Davids will be addressed in a press conference tomorrow night. The decision of Number One Contender ship and the resulting penalties, fines, and punishments that will be handed out will be discussed at the press conference with none other than Warfare General Manager himself... Wallace Witasick.....
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Franklin Fresh (05-09-2013), KnightMask (05-10-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-12-2013), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (05-10-2013)

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