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sTaLgio Profile
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09-06-2015, 01:51 AM Star  sTaLgio Profile -->


In-Ring Name: sTaLgio

Wrestler's Real Name: Georgie Styles

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New member

Wrestler Date of Birth: 14/09/1984

Height: 6,2

Weight: 225 IBS

Hometown: London/Tbilisi/Beijing

Personality: Is a born leader. sTaLgio takes what he feels is his and that is pretty much everything. A descendant of Kings, but certainly never snobbish. He has no problems expressing his emotions both verbally and physically. Many words can describe sTaLgio such as: versatile, tough, witty, creative, fearless, powerful, just to name a few.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tweener

Looks Description: 6,f 2, 225 IBS. Stands straight as a sword, big sharp brown eyes, high arching eye brows. Eagle hooked nose resting over a relaxed confident smile of certainty on his lips. Usually with a golden reddish stubble. Long wavy dark brown mixing into light golden hair usually rests on his shoulders or ties it back into a ponytail. Takes pride in Being all muscle though not the biggest guy he is a warrior specimen and would compare his body to HBK in his prime. Wears wrestling tights with colors ranging from black, white, gold and red. Has a variation of falcon like patterns on the tights. For PPV he wears Black tights with Golden swords on each leg (sides) reaching down to his boots. Wrestling boots vary from Black white and gold. Souls are designed with red clouds and the shins have falcons spreading wings.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Pic Base:


Strengths: Both agile and powerful, fast paced wrestler, chain grappler and a high flier with a pair of extremely educated feet.

Weaknesses: Has no physical weakness however, gets restless easily and inactivity may cause him demotivation.

Entrance Theme Music: Supersonic by Jamiroquai

Special Entrance (if any): Call of a falcon, silence.. Music hits.. smoke fills the entrance shaped like clouds, a second falcon call and a falcon flies through the clouds to perch on a turnbuckle. A moment later sTaLgio is seen amidst the smoke clouds, raising his arm, the falcon glides to perch on his wrist before placing it on his right shoulder. With a slow proud walk of a king he enters the ring by climbing the turnbuckle from the outside. On top of the turnbuckle spreading his arms like wings, simultaneously the falcon spreads its wings and flies around the ring before disappearing back into the smoke clouds.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Low kick side to knee. Mid kick side to bottom rib. High kick side to cheek. Reverse roundhouse kick. Jumping reverse roundhouse kick. Reverse roundhouse leg sweep. Snap jab punch to chin. Hook punch. Elbow to jaw. Jumping knee strike to chin. Reverse thrust kick. Body slam neck elbow drop. Drop Kick to backflip landing. Arm drag. Snap Suplex. T-Bone Suplex. Head and arm Suplex. Double underhook suplex. Spider Suplex. Dragon Suplex. Vertical Suplex. Superplex. Hurricanrana. Super Hurricanrana.

Trademark Move(s):

Finishing Move(s): 1.The Sweet Foot. 2. The Descendant
Description(s): 1. 360° Reverse spin split kick to the chin on standing opponent.

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