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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Preparing for War - Duke vs Crane - RP 2
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-10-2013, 09:26 AM

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 11:32 AM EST

Sebastian Duke has sat back the last few days and remained quiet. He wanted Jacob to be able to operate as well as watch this plan come together without his own interference. They had continued to hold their morning meetings within the library, but even then, they didn't talk about the plan.

The fact is, Sebastian new the one way or another, Jonathan would get what was coming to him. If Jacob was the one that got it done, great. If not, he himself was more then capable of ending Jonathan. It made no difference to him so long as at the end of it all, Jonathan was dead and buried beneath the earth.

Here he is. Pacing slowly, the rear grounds of the Compound. Watching 40 of his men preparing for battle. Practicing their newly acquired hand to hand combat techniques. One thing they learned awhile back is Jonathan doesn't play by the rules. He was also very resourceful. They had to be ready for anything.

Duke knows it sounds silly to send 40 men to acquire 1. He also knows what happens when you back a wolf into a corner. "40 men" he told himself, "more then a necessity, more like a requirement."

Does he worry that he may lose a few men in this war? Certainly. Will it stop him from bringing down Jonathan? Not even remotely.

This is war. You have to be prepared to lose men in battle. You also have to be prepared to plug others in their place. That was a course previously not discussed, but certainly one he was prepared to enact.

As he walks the grounds between the practice fights he glances toward the rear exit of the chapel just in time to see Asmodeus coming toward him. Sebastian turns and heads toward him in order to stop him from walking too far.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "What's up?"

ASMODEUS: "What's going on here?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Jacob didn't tell you?"

ASMODEUS: "I didn't know there was anything to tell."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "We're at war, Dad."

ASMODEUS: "I am aware of this."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Jacob came to me with a legitimate plan to bring down Jonathan. I've given him the funding and the men to make it happen."

ASMODEUS: "Oh, Lord!"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "He was right, Asmo."

ASMODEUS: "About what?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Last time, we waited for him to strike. We can't do that this time. We have to hit him before he hits us."

ASMODEUS: "And your role in this? Mine?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "My role is to stand back and let Jacob run it. Let him accomplish this. You role, is the same as its always been. The High Priest of the Brotherhood. Do that, and nothing else."

ASMODEUS: "You realize, that if this plan goes sour, we could lose good men."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I've considered that, yes."

ASMODEUS: "You're willing to put their lives at risk? In order to satisfy a deep vendetta against a Church who has no real power left?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "We're not at war with the Church anymore. Jonathan is a rogue element and we both know that. No, this ends when he ends. Understand? That man will be brought down if its the last God damned thing I do!"

ASMODEUS: "Why not get the law and the courts involved, Sebastian? I mean, this is a new age! We can't just go out there and kill people without suffering the consequences."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Asmodeus, using the law and the judicial system is for the amateurs, the feint of heart, and the pussies of the world. No, this is personal!"

Sebastian walks off and leaves Asmodeus standing there basically scratching his head.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Tonight is the night! Ultimate Warfare! Sebastian Duke enters the octagon and defends his United States title against Benjamin Crane. A match that translates as well on paper as it will in the ring.

"That translation is, that Benjamin Crane just doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell at taking this championship. Not now, not ever. I'll get back to him in a moment. Before I do, let me address something....

"To all of those within the power circle of the XWF. To all of those that were already established superstars and standing in the main event spotlight when Sebastian Duke stepped through the doors of the XWF for the very first time. To all of those who continue to struggle on their own and rely upon their buddies to get them to superstardom-- here's looking at you Gilmour. To all of the XWF fans. Especially, to each and every last one of you that laughed at Sebastian Duke and are no longer here. You know who you are, and I won't waste my breath or stroke your egos by mentioning your individual pathetic names. To all of the naysayers, the doubters, and those who said or thought that it couldn't or wouldn't be done...."

Duke holds of the title momentarily before lowering it.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "It has been done. You're looking at your United States Champion. You're looking at the man that defeated not only Unknown Soldier, but Mark Flynn in back to back weeks. I could go back through the history of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation and check and see if its ever been done before, but I won't need to. I know Soldier and I know Flynn. By hook or by crook they just don't lose that often.

"The fact of the matter is, they both fell at my feet... successively. The Era of Darkness has befallen upon the Warfare brand and rest assured sheeple, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, there is no light shining through the Darkness. For every beam of light that casts itself through the Darkness, it is still surrounded on all sides by what? You guessed it. Darkness.

"Benjamin Crane said many months ago that he and I were destined to battle each other constantly. I laughed at him and said he was delusional. I'm not laughing now. Crane, maybe you were right. Maybe we are destined to battle forever.

"Whether true or untrue, Crane, the simple fact is that the outcome will always be the same. Sebastian Duke is victorious. Before. Now. And forever more.

"You say this is your house? Maybe. I doubt it. Even if it is your house you seem to be forgetting one thing, Crane. It's my planet. Planet Warfare is MY show. 4 sides. 6 sides. 8 sides. It just doesn't matter.

"Mark it on your calenders. April 10. Benjamin Crane casts his light into the Darkness...

"Then gets swallowed up by that Darkness. Just like many before, and many more in the future.

"The Era of Darkness is upon you...

"You were all warned in advance...

"Now I leave you with no choice but to...

"Trust me."

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 12:53 PM EST

Sebastian Duke is set to leave for the airport and head to Warfare. He's already placed his luggage in the bed of his beat up old pick up and has just climbed into the cab. He turns the key and engine turns a few times and...



Sebastian Duke climbs out of the truck just as Asmodeus enters the garage. Duke pops the hood of the truck and starts looking around and sees oil and coolant pouring out of the engine block.

Duke rests his elbows on the header panel at the front of the truck and buries his head in his hands.

ASMODEUS: "What is it? Is it broke?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Threw a fuckin' rod!"

ASMODEUS: "I don't know what that means, but I assume it's not good."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "That means the engine is junk. The rod went through the side of the engine block."

ASMODEUS: "Is there anything I can do?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Call C&V Auto Salvage. I want an engine here by the time I get back."

ASMODEUS: "Don't you think its time to scrap this old heap? I mean, what is it? A 1988?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "1978 actually."

ASMODEUS: "Dear lord! Its 35 years old!?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Indeed it is, Dad. No, I'm not getting rid of it."

ASMODEUS: "Its gay and black. The cab is rusty. The bed is falling apart. There's holes in the floor. The interior is green and the seat is torn. It's time to say goodbye."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "You have a point."

ASMODEUS: "Finally."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Have them send me a new bed too. I'll just restore the whole damn truck."

ASMODEUS: "Oh, Jesus Christ!"

Asmodeus heads back toward the main building as Sebastian tosses his luggage into one of the SUVs. He climbs in and fires it up as the scene fades out.

Current Brotherhood Population: 263

Names of Brothers No Longer With Us:
  • Stephen: Died as a result of Jonathan framing him for attempted murder.
  • Jonathan: Excommunicated for 'Treason' against the Brotherhood.
  • Lucas: Killed in car accident caused by Jonathan.
  • "Silas": Left the Brotherhood on his own accord.
  • Name Unknown: Killed by "Silas" upon his departure.
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