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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Krazy Klown is an ICP groupie, who loves to get gangbanged by the whole crew.
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Roman M. Wulfrun

XWF FanBase:
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08-30-2015, 10:54 PM

The scene opens up to Roman sitting in his living room enjoying a glass of Johnnie Walker. On the t.v. was some random show that he just so happened to stop on and thought he'd check it out to see if he liked it. After a few minutes of it, he didn't and started to change the channels again. Roman finished up his drink and as soon has he had put it down. Jenkins was right there to hand him a new one.

"Thank you Jenkins."

"You're welcome sir. Oh this came in the mail to day for you."

Jenkins handed Roman a DVD case. Roman raised his eyebrow in question but shrugged it off before getting up and walking over to his t.v. and popping the disc into the DVD player. Roman sat on the couch again, hit play on the remote and watched what unfolded on screen. It was a promo from his opponent Krazy Klown. Roman couldn't help but to laugh pretty much through the whole thing. Once it was finished Roman lit up a cigarette, took in a drag and then blew out the smoke from his lungs.

"What the fuck did I just see? Krazy Klown? The fuck dude? Why does it look like you took money shit and dog cum and painted your face with it? If you were trying to go for a scary look or whatever it is. You've failed that's for fucking sure. As I watched you're promo. I couldn't help to laugh. I can't take your seriously when you're looking like Ronald McDonald's cousin. Fuck man, get a suit, clean up that fuckin' face and look like a professional and would you spell your own name right. We're not in Mortal Kombat land where every fucking C is replaced with a K."

"Here's what I'm going to do for you man. I'm going to show you just how much of a dumb piece of shit you are. Let's us start shall we?"

Quote: I know you Roman, living the fast life, trying to make a quick buck in this wrestling
game. I've seen people like you come and go ever since I became a professional, someone
with the right physic and look. The problem with that though, is just like you, they
don't have no talent. Roman you have no talent, you've got two wins, no loses, you're
gonna say YOUR good, until you face a real professional, a real God, like me. You like to
chase women, drive fancy cares, have your boyfriend open the door for you like a
gentleman. Is he gentle, Roman, because I've always thought sticking things up your ass
would hurt.

"First off, you don't know jack shit of me, but I'll let you in on some stuff. Like for one, I'm better looking then you, hence I pull more bitches then you could ever dream of. Even if you claim to be a God. I have a lot more talent then you do. How else would I have made my billions of dollars? I have more talent in my index finger then you do in your entire body, but you got another thing wrong. I don't like to chase women or drive fancy cars, I fucking LOVE to chase women, even if it's not really a chase, they just flock to me. All I have to do is smile and are already down on their knees and smiling like a doughnut and I LOVE to drive my fancy ass cars."

Quote:You're not in the same category as me Roman, and you never will be, you are just another
pawn in the world's game of chess, don't have no chance to beat the king. This Monday,
you have absolutely no chance of pinning me, let alone beating me. You see to be a God
you got to have control over everything that happens, and you best believe I control you.
As you sip on a drink of your choice, you're watching this, you're probably laughing, but
this isn't a joking matter.

"You're God damn right I'm not in the same category as you, I'm in a much higher, more elite one. C'mon on man, how fucking blind do you have to be not to see that I'm higher then you, Hell Ray Charles could see it, and no, I'm not going to pin you. I love how you're going on that you're a better wrestler then me when you don't even know the rules of a Finisher Finale Match. Fucking ass rodeo clown. I don't give to flying fucks what you call yourself, a God, a King or a fuckin' flying fuck doll. I'm going to Wulfplex you on you're fucking neck, then my butler Jenkins is going to bring a very large bull down to the ring and have it fuck you in the ass, which we all know that you're used to. So you're asshole is wider then Bonnie Rotten's puckered hole after she gets anal fisted by Morbid Angel."

"Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck, go listen do some gay ass ICP while you're getting gangbanged at the gay rodeo. I don't have time to deal with the likes of you. You see it's people that make this world suck for others, not me. I have all the money in the world and that right there makes this world mine. When you have the money and power like I do, it makes me in the right. Everything you say or do will forever be shadowed by me, because simply, I'm just better then you."

"I could go right now down the street pick up a hooker and shoot her dead in the street and there isn't a fucking thing that anyone could do to me. I'm untouchable and if that's the case. That makes me a bigger and badder God then you bro. Odin, Zeus or whatever God bows down to me and worships the ground I walk on and that's what you're going to be doing this Monday. You're going to realize how much of a fool you were to even think you could win this match. Thus next part cracked me the fuck up."

Quote:I don't care about you, I don't care about your bitches, I don't give a fuck if you drive
a God damned three story limousine into the arena at Madness, bring it. It's not the
possessions that make the man, it's the man that makes the possessions. I will possess
you, Roman, I will take you into my liar and make you my slave, just like the rest of these
stupid ass, cowards in the XWF and the CCWF. Once you see my hand raised, you are
forever mine. The only person that I never had possessed was my sweet sister, Rebecca.

"You say you don't care about me, yet you're saying you'll possess me? Really dude. See I fucking knew you were a rodeo clown and now I come to find out you're into incest. I'd say that's gross but it's fucking sad. Aww you couldn't fuck your sister. That has to be heartbreaking. Here's the tip. Leave the incest stuff to Frodo. Hell, I'll pay that man to go and find her and fuck her in ways you've never seen and if she so happens to be dead, I'll give Frodo more money to fuck her corps. Which I'm sure he'd be down. I heard he fucked Shane's daddy's head. I wish I was there to see that shit. I would have been holding my sides through out the whole thing. Anyways dude. I'm out of here. I'm late to a meeting with a very sexy ass bitch, I'm going to be snorting some coke off of her cute little asshole. I'll see you Monday you ass bitch. I hope you'll be ready to become the laughing stock of the XWF after getting ass rammed by a bull. Peace out bitch."

Fade to black.

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