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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Judgment Day is upon us (RP#1 vs Steve Davids, Justice Drake and Dominic Chambers)
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The Reverend Tholomew Plague Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-26-2015, 10:22 PM

So, none of my opponents are people I faced know whoever booked this match, good job, I applaud for your great effort in taking into the whole "FRESH" faces statement, yes Abigail, FRESH, as in never faced previously.....sorry to disappoint but that statement aside I am not the one who decided to keep you out of this match, in fact none of what I said mattered to management this week


Let me just warn my opponents ahead of time that I LOVE pain, I trained defensively just by causing harm to myself and a working matter, punching trees, letting trainers get some hits on know the drill

However I have also stated I almost have as much fun delivering pain as I do receiving it, and in this match as long as I don't touch the C4 I can have fun doing both.....HURRAY RIGHT!?

So, who do we got on the list......

Let's start with the people that will have almost no effect on this match and work our way up

Justice Drake, you are by far going to be my easiest opponent tonight, Justice, I'll give you this.....You cut LENGTHY promos......that actually can be used in a positive matter

Drake your promos can be used as a treatment for insomnia, I have never slept more then when I first read your I read your work's got to feel great on your part to know that you are doing me, the Xtreme Champion such a great service right?

Listen, since you've done something for me that no doctor could seem to do, I am going to reward you...

I promise you, that you will be in this match at least 2 minutes......however all two minutes are going to be spent getting your ass handed to you, honestly do you think for one second you stand a chance in this joke I've heard all day, then again I could be wrong, maybe you won't be the easiest, and maybe, just maybe, you standing a chance isn't the best joke I've heard all day,

Only time will tell won't it buddy, personally I hope you prove me wrong and that the man I am going to talk about next proves to be MUCH worse then you, HELL!!!!I hope you are the guy that tosses this next one out, make me proud okay Justice Drake, if you fail me I will punish you later......

In all honesty though this next guy could get tosses out at the same time when you think about it.....

MR. CHAMBERS, WELCOME TO THE PARTY, ENJOY YOUR STAY IN HELL AND HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME landing on the C4, hey, I least I am not going to predict that you get thrown out first right? That has got to count for something......

anyways Mister Chambers you are a very interesting character to say the least.....enticing maybe......

The only match you have had up to this point was ACTUALLY a WIN!!! AND against Steve Davids no less......

it surprises me Gilly would let you have the pin but I have no doubt that you are very possibly a threat to my title reign.....

personally though, I think your promo cutting needs some work, for example, your trash talk is average at BEST.....

although who am I kidding that one match is all I have to go off of and you actually one, truly impressive, if only you competed on a REGULAR basis. you could possibly hold the universal championship instead of being stuck with me right?

Listen here Dominic I am not a pushover, I mean just ask Captain Monkey Scrotum from last week what happened when he tried to cross me, he thought he was going to walk right in and capture the xtreme title, this match....I know something about matches like this, this match

Will probably go a good 30 minutes, there is just FAR too much pride in the air here tonight, all except for Justice this match is full of talent, I am going to be expecting that anyways, and I EXPECT, you don't disappoint, I am going to be putting out a full effort and I expect no different from you and Davids, don't let me down just because you think I am going to be one easy mother fucker to pick off.....

I will grant you the benefit of the doubt, YOU, have beat Steve Davids, and I haven't even faced him, so it is possibly, and by that I mean VERY possibly, that you outshine Steve tonight, but you will not take this belt from me, the only way someone will get this from me is when I am ready to let go of you understand that Chambers, I only have to watch about 30 seconds of your promo to know what you think, but I am telling you what I KNOW, and that is, I am going to play this smart, I am not wasting any energy on something I don't need to do just to make this match fancy or entertaining do you understand that Dominic....

If so, good, enjoy the wild ride while it may not get another shot at this belt for a good 8 months from now.


I make my way to the legendary Steve fucking Davids

You are almost the perfect fighter....


Unless your loss to Chambers was some freak fluke which you have yet to prove to me that means I could just sit back and let him pic you off before going in for the kill, essentially this match could still be the relaxing match I was hoping for when I went to management asking who they were going to throw my way....

All it really takes is waiting for that one mistake.....

for you it is simple,

I am going to beat you mentally, toy with you until you can't control yourself and then take advantage of you being a raging fucking bull in that ring.

I will admit though, this match is definitely going to show everyone where I stand in this federation, Win or Lose....

If I win it shows I am ready for the big boys of this federation, if I lose but have a strong showing it could just be a bad night, if I get destroyed then it means I need to stay down with the little fish and rack up some more experience before making another advance here......

Davids let me ask you something though, do you think you are going to win this match, do you believe, after losing to Chambers.....that you could possibly walk out with this title in hand......I am going to leave that entirely up to you pal....

You have a chance to prove that Chambers only one because of your stupid choices during that match and not because he is actually better then you....

You have a chance to extract vengeance here Davids, I strongly advise not wasting it on an inability to stop yourself once you are in full force rampant mode, because while that is a strength of yours, it is also a weakness, and a very costly one at that.....

Don't take what I am saying for granted Davids, just because I have only competed in 4 matches don't think I am unaware of what I am talking about....

I am expecting a great showing guys, I have some great competition Wednesday.....And Drake..

I expect a five star match out of this boys,

I hope you are ready for judgment day boys, because it is coming, ready or not.

[Image: udr4SEL.jpg.]

[Image: 1309562639969_f.jpg]

Win/Loss record:2-3

Accomplishments: 1x Xtreme Champ (8/23/2015-9/2/2015(aired on 9/4/2015) Length:11 Days)

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