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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Next Step In Moving Forward Part 2
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Rebecca Lewis Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-30-2015, 12:00 PM

“Camera opens up to the King’s Country International Airport in Seattle, Washington where we find Rebecca Lewis sitting on a bench waiting on her flight to the next Madness event. She is dressed very casually with a black crop top, sweats and sneakers. But soon we see Rebecca’s parents and little brother show up.”

“Okay Rebecca this your ticket to Memphis.” Rebecca’s father said to her.

This was Rebecca’s first time flying on an airport and she was kind of nervous about it to be honest. Time and time again she heard about planes crashing and being stuck in a small tube thousands of feet in the air was not settling well with her. But she knew she if she wanted to become a wrestler she would have to take long flights to make the shows. So it was time to suck it up.

Rebecca took in a deep breath.

“It will be okay honey I am sure you will be fine. Just take deep breathes and not think about being in the air.” Rebecca’s mom said with a smile.

“I will try to mom. But I won’t make any promises.” Rebecca said with a serious look on her face.

Suddenly Rebecca’s father hugs her. Which catches her completely off guard.

“Dad what are you doing in public? This is really embarrassing you know that right?” Rebecca being unable to do anything.

“I know it is embarrassing, but please bear with it.” Rebecca’s father said with tears falling down his face and hugger her tighter.

Rebecca knew it would be like this. Even she was fighting back the tears. But Rebecca starts hugger him back and crying as well. After a while they finally let go of each other. But soon after Rebecca’s mom walks up to her and put her hands on her shoulder.

“I am really going to miss you my beauty daughter. It only felt like yesterday you was my little baby. But now you have mature to an amazing woman. Who is ready to find her place in life? And know matter what you do I will always be proud of you.” She said with a smile on her and tears streaming down her face.

Rebecca’s mom begins to hug unable to control her emotions and all Rebecca is cry more as her mom said her goodbye words. After a while of hugging her mom that let go of each other.

“Remember to be careful out there. You can’t always trust everybody out there. You know it’s some crazy people out there now days.” She said grabbing Rebecca’s shoulder and looking at her dead in the eyes.

“You don’t have to tell me mom I know that full aware.” Rebecca sighed at her over protective mom.

“And you know about boys to right?” She said with a concerned look in her eyes.

Suddenly Rebecca’s father snaps his head and there direction.

“You better not bring a boy home or I better not hear you being pregnant! Nobody is good enough for my little girl you hear me no one!” He said yelling

“Come on dad there is no bad in the world who will date her she is to stupid.” Max her little brother said.

You know how every sister and brother relationship is right? You know that love-hate relationship. There whole life Rebecca and Max will always pick with each other call each other names. But deep down they love each other the most.

“Shut up you snort nose brat! I am smart enough to catch any man if I want!” Rebecca said shrugging off what her little brother.

“Don’t try to hard freak show.” Max said crossing his arms and looking a way with a smile on his face.

“You say that now. But I know deep down you are going to miss me.” Rebecca said with a confident look on her face.

“As if I am going to miss you! I don’t care if you don’t come back at all! See if I care what happens to you! Because I don’t care at all stupid!” Max said screaming at Rebecca.

Rebecca knew Max was lying. She knew deep down that he was going to miss her the miss. No matter how much they much they fight. They will always care about each other. You see this is the very first time these two siblings have been apart from each other. No telling when they will be able to see each other again because Rebecca will be on the road. So to them this could be the last time for a long time they will be able to see each other.

Slowly she walks up behind her younger brother and sees that he is fighting back his tears.

“It is okay; because I am really going to miss you as well. No matter you will always be my little brother.” Rebecca said with a peaceful smile on her face as she gives her brother a hug.

All Max can do is hug her sister back as he start’s crying. But suddenly there is a announcement going throughout the airport that Rebecca’s plane is boarding.

Okay, it seems it is time for me to go. I’m really going to miss all of you.

Suddenly Rebecca grabs all her stuff and take’s off to her plane. While she is running her tears beginning to well up and all she can do is cry while her parents and brother screams out how much they love her. As her family screams out how much they love the only thought going through her head is.

This is not goodbye, It's see you later!

Fades To Black

So here we are right? I’m am still in complete shock that I have become an wrestler and not only that. But I also have my debut not to long from now. To be honest with everyone I am a nervous wreck right now. Just the thought that not too long ago I was in high school worried about book reports and group circles and now I will be on the road probably preforming in front of hundreds to thousands of people. You see I don’t really like drawing attention to myself and I am that kind of person that likes to stay in the back ground. But now I will be slowly stepping into the spotlight.

But you want to know something a lot of the superstars in the back thought I wouldn’t show up for this match. I was really hurt by that but I can also respect their comments as well. I am sure when a new person joins this place everyone is wondering how long that person is going to stay or are they all talk or something along those lines right? But you see I surprised people I was the first person to upload a promo for my match. I’m sure it is not a big deal for most people. But for some it clearly states this person might be around for a little while longer. You see that is not the case with me. I am here to stay and I continue to grow into an awesome star here.

But you want to know one thing this match made me have a lot of things on my mind. It could have turned out so many ways. At first I thought it would come down to a one on one fight between Ghost Tank and I was completely cool with that. But it surprised me when my partner for my match uploaded one as well. Sure it wasn’t something all great; but still he did it. But now this match might turn into a handicap match. To be honest with you it could either way and if it was me I would still walk out to that ring and fight in that match and I am sure that is what Ghost Tank is going to do.

But let’s be honest here Ghost Tank okay? You can claim to be a monster and that is all cool. In the few days of being here I seen a lot of people claiming to be so many things. But stating claims is different than showing action and you see Ghost Tank I am going to bring the fight too you. No matter what kind of sick things you do in that ring I will not back down one step. I hope you respect that as well. The same way I respect you trying to use your big scary talk to get into my head. But you see I might be scared; but matter how scared I am I have to press forward into this war zone and that is what I will do!

[Image: n0ULuhl.jpg]
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