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Not All Heros Wear Masks
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-23-2015, 10:45 PM

Gentlemen, and I use the term loosely.

Trax is sitting in the middle of the ring at the Allstate arena in Chicago, the arena that in less that 24 hours will be packed out in 18,000 seat capacity full of XWF fans that have attended, some from all over the country, world even, to watch their favorite XWF talents go at it on the companies blockbuster Monday allotted show. A single sole spotlight signs down on Mr Dominance. Who is in a shirt that simply reads "XWF" and some torn boot cut jeans and Forest Hills. His 24/7 Case is situated next to him glistening in the light as Trax gazes in front of him with a stoic look about him as he continues his address.

I'm going to make it quick, because I have a lot on my mind, in fact lets get some shit off my chest right now before I address my opponents.


Fuck you.

Fuck you, you incompetent spineless moron, for your complete and utter lack of respect for the things and opportunities that other people break their backs for, you pinned me to become the X-Treme Champion, and for what? For you to piss it away a few days later, because like I predicted you don't have what it takes to be a true champion in this company, you have no class, no testicular fortitude, you should of kept the face paint my friend because in the eyes of myself and many others you will now always be looked at as a clown, a comical figure that is a walking joke, not one to be taken seriously, that is what you are and that is what you always will be. You dropped the title to someone your buddy buddy with backstage because you was afraid, you thought the title would be on the line at Madness and you thought you was going to lose it, is that it? Thats what I've been informed, well if you had two brain cells to rub together you would of inquired about the details behind your title win and realized the title wasn't ON the line at Madness, you laid over and relinquished it under misinformed pretenses, you clown, no matter because like I said... I will reclaim the championship that got robbed of me in due time, in no time at all, Mr Dominance will once again become Mr FN' X-Treme Champion.

But I digress, before I look to reclaim the title that is rightfully mine, I must focus on the task at hand, walking into this ring in a few hours and walking out after I'd say roughly 10 minutes, 5 if I'm still in the mood I am right now, as one half of the NEW Tag Team Champions. That is the way, the ONLY way, this is going to go down.

No matter what the deluded ass hats I have to call "competition" think or say, its pretty much all irrelevant to me at this point, but I'm a professional, and I get paid reasonable amount of money to be a professional, so let me be one and quickly address the shit I don't even really care to anyway.

Seth... I'm going to ignore all of your little gay jokes and playground humor about dicks that you seem to be obsessed about, its really weird to hear a man that claims to be straight talking about dicks all the time but you man. You got dicks on the brain, I get it, let me focus on the few somewhat relevant things you said in your promo that looked like it was mostly ghost written by your typical 12 year old Xbox Live player. You made a fair enough statement, everybody wants to Universal Champion, that is true. Then asked me, why? Because I fucking deserve to be that's why. Whenever I'm in a match I come firing out the gates, I give it 100% every single time, it doesn't matter who I'm facing, rookie, veteran, man, woman, child, beast, fuck it I'll smack your grandmother up if she wants to go. Fighting champions? All I've done my entire life is fight, fight to survive, fight for what I believe in, fight for what I want to achieve, its the reason I'm a multi time World Champion and a Hall of Famer in other companies. Its the reason I won Superstar of The Month last month and its the reason why I will go on to obtain many other awards and championships on my way forward, on my way to the top. I already told you don't judge me by what you've seen from other champions, if you think I'm just going to lay on my back, if you think I'm looking for gratification by other people, then you don't really know me at all, you don't have me pegged nearly as well as you think you do I'm sorry to inform you there Feder.

Its for these reasons I am so pissed off, so insulted, by LeStranges actions. I worked my ass off for that X-Treme Championship. I won it injured, you understand that? I went into a match with broken ribs against an opponent that literally wanted me dead because I'm a fighter.I kicked out of about a triple dozen pin attempts, and shrugged off some of the most random and creative attacks you can think of, because I am a fighter.I had one of the greatest cage matches in this companies history at the last Relentless against two formidable opponents and literally put my body on the line throwing myself at Morbid Angel sending us crashing through a cage wall that was set alight to retain my championship because I am a fighter, I am a fighting champion.

You don't have a damn clue about the type of champion I was though, clearly, I fought anybody that challenged me, its not my fault the number of people that actually did I can count on one hand, but you're going to find out exactly what kind of champion I am when me and Robbie walk out with the Tag Team Championships, that's why I neglected to answer your question of "what will you do when you lose and have no titles around your waste waist?".

That result isn't even a registered possibility to me, as far as I'm concerned this match is nothing but a formality, this is already a forgone conclusion, let me ask you though what are YOU going to do when you walk out of this with no titles? Thats if I even allow you to walk out at all, again, it'll depend if I'm still in the mood I'm in now. Maybe YOU can join CCWF and squash your differences with Vinne Lane and maybe, just maybe, he'll let you sniff the Universal Championship if you're a good obedient dog, I'd consider it if I was you, go on, go join CCWF, go sniff Shane's ass, and Vinnies dick that you LOVE talking about so much and sniff his title because you won't be getting within sniffing distance of the Tag Team Championships and when I reveal you to be the complete flop you actually are in the ring I doubt you'll get within sniffing distance of any other title either, OK maybe Mavericks, but why would ANYONE want to get within sniffing distance of that thing? Yuck.

For the first time since the start of the promo Trax breaks his stoic expression to give a slight smirk, but it quickly disappears as he continues.

As for you Lux, you can belittle me losing my title to LeStrange all you like, but if you paid any sort of attention you'd know he didn't outsmart me or incapacitate me to do it, he didn't do it in a match, as I said before he was literally just in the right place at the right time. Have you ever had an epileptic seizure Lux? Do you know what some of the symptoms are? You're a smart guy, look them up, what I had is known as an absence seizure, meaning a momentary loss of awareness. Momentary, like a couple of seconds or longer, which is more than enough time for someone to pin me. I wasn't even AWARE I was being pinned, and by the time the seizure had passed it was of course too late. LeStrange got lucky and he knows he did which is why he deliberately dropped the title, took his ball and went home when I let it be publicly known I was coming back to reclaim it, I'd destroy him in the ring with slightly less difficulty than I plan to destroy you.

You seem to love undervaluing people who have proven their worth more than you could ever hope to, and no I'm not just talking about myself, mocking Robbie for losing to Steve Davids? The guy is a former Universal Champion and in the top 50. He's achieved more than you ever will so don't mock Robbie for losing to him in what was a close fight. The Doctor even currently has his sights on Davids, The Doctor doesn't go out of his way to target people that are weak so that right there should clue you in on how formidable "The Kingslayer" is. Thats not the only person you've mocked who has accomplished more than you can hope to achieve, Morbid Angel may be crazy, but he too is in the top 50 and won several championship which includes the Universal title twice. More than you could ever hope to accomplish. Scully may be , but he has won the tag team championships, something that after this Monday you ALSO won't be able to say you was able to accomplish. So if them two guys are shit what does that make you exactly, shittier than shit, your remarks are as shallow as piss on concrete, you accused me of having nothing but easy auto-wins before, and like I've already warned you, when I'm done with you this match is gonna look exactly like that.

On the contrary Lux I don't think you're my father please don't somehow get it confused, I feel the need to explain things to you thoroughly because clearly things go over your head, you was confused about how we was able to include ourselves in this match, you was confused about why Kirk didn't hand you the titles. You just in general seem like a confused individual. I'm not even talking about some of the things you've said to me, your delusions, your quest for answers, you just strike me as a lost soul struggling to come to terms with the things around you. I'm just trying to bring things into light, I'm just trying to help you understand, please understand this, I am better than you in every way, I'm physically more imposing than you, I have more skills in the ring, and my mind isn't fragmented like yours in fact its more focused and sharper than ever before. The exact same things can be said for my partner, so let me make it very clear, despite what you think you and Feder are the underdogs in this match, you are going against two proven individuals, have we both suffered setbacks recently? Absolutely, but the beauty of being as good as we are is you know how to bounce back from set backs, we're going to bounce back from our recent setbacks by winning the tag team championships and causing yours and Feders heads to bounce off the canvas when we you drop and having you laying at our feet which is the position you belong in the progress.

You know something that I've realized that assures me that you two won't be winning this? Neither of you have addressed arguably the biggest point I had to make regarding you two. I accused you two of not fully being on the same page and neither of you have rebutted that point, why is that? Because I'm right? This week you two have done nothing to show you are working as a cohesive unit, Feder can't even get through to you when he tries to contact you Lux. Thats worrying considering the fact you two want to win the tag team championships. As the old saying goes, theres no I in team and you two have both seemingly been approaching this match as single competitors. Meanwhile me and Robbie have been in contact as you have seen from our promos, we've gone over tactics, even tested one anothers capabilities. I have full faith in his and he of course knows just what I'm capable of and has full faith in mine. Lux, Feder ,you two want to be tag team champions? Do you even know how the other thinks? Do you even know how the other operates in the ring? Do you two know anything about each other or did you just look at each other and think "Hey that dudes skinny and has curly brown hair like me....lets tag!" because I've seen nothing from either of you that suggests you two will be able to work smoothly in the ring together. Mr Feder likes Casinos, he likes to gamble, but deciding to tag team together when you two clearly aren't capable of getting your heads together and approaching this like a real tag team, that's a gamble that's going to cost you. Cost you your chances of ever being tag team champions to be precise.

You guys should be happy me and Robbie are in this match because if was just you two versus the Drakes this match would be the opening not the main event lets just be honest. Justice, Diamond, I'm disappointed. One of you delivered a half assed mailed in promo and the other one hasn't even bothered to show your face? This is both of your big chances to make something of yourselves, Justice this is your chance to impress in your first match here, Diamond this is your chance at more tag team glory, and you both seem to not care and are squandering it, its for that reason I'm not going to speak any further on either of you and will have no quarrel beating your asses from pillar to post in that ring and showing the world just how much of a waste of time your presence in this company is. Your parents must be proud.

Trax shakes his head.

I'm going to end this here, I can no longer be bothered wasting my breath on people who don't deserve it. Just know this, me and Robbie are going to walk into this match and put on a spectacular showing as we have both done ever since we got here, we have been the two hottest people on the roster recently without a doubt, so what two other people are more suited to hold the championships? The two people who seemingly are unable to properly work together, the two long seperated brothers who probably won't even show up? Give me a break. We will go on to win the championships, and then we will go on to lead a group of individuals into War Games to oppose the CCWF threat, because we are leaders, we are champions, and when its all said and done, you will know us as saviors, no need to thank us. Just remember to make sure to show us the respect we deserve when we pass you in the hallway with our tag team championships resting proudly on our shoulders. And remember this also, you can form all the shitty little alliances you wish, but whatever you do...never...EVER CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX.

One thing you won't forget for sure is the awesome combined power of Mr Bourbon and Mr FN' Dominance tomorrow night.

But you guys can feel free to call me...Mr FN' XWF from now on.Peace.


[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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