Crimson Cobra
Dat Crimson Boy
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04-09-2013, 01:15 PM
So many questions will so few answers. A burnt home, a lunatic still on the loose in Arizona, ghostly sightings; these are the burdens of life currently, the problems that need solving but have no way of being solved. The home is the only easy one, anyone can use money for anything they wish. I choose to use my money for food to stay fit and in the perfect shape as well as to pay for a home and a mode of transportation. A home is being rebuilt where it once stood, but it will never be the same.
Everything that was inside of that house is no more. The furniture, the countless dollars spent on all of the beautiful plasma screen televisions, the art that would keep Crimson Cobra up hours and hours on end just thinking to himself. Nothing would be the same again.
But if it had truly been the demon that burnt down the house as Cobra saw in an out of body type of vision a few days earlier then where could had it have gone?
Crimson Cobra is searching the surprisingly still intact basement of his destroyed home, the construction on the home had stopped for the night as the workers went back to their own homes to enjoy a restful night’s sleep. The basement is packed full of cardboard boxes that are leaking their containments, trophies falling out of boxes along with old pictures and other odds and ends. But the walking of Cobra comes to a sudden halt at a box with hundreds of pictures inside and a few falling out of the top. A picture of a young boy surrounded by his parents brings condensation to the eyes of Crimson. A tear begins to roll down his face as he scans the picture over and over again as if looking for some hidden detail. Turning the picture over he found a message written in black sharpie.
Picture of: Dakota, Kimberly, and Russell Cobb
“Dakota we will always love you, support you, and be here for you. Don’t you ever forget that!”
The picture had touched Cobra’s heart, a very unemotional man had just been broken by a single picture. His family, his loved ones, before all the madness had ensued, before his mother had died on Dakota’s birthday and before his father had walked out on him abandoning him, as if to send him to the wolves.
Dakota “Crimson Cobra” Cobb
“There has got to be some way I can see you again, I know that I can save dad as long as I see him again and please GOD just let me say goodbye to my mother.”
Cobra takes the photo and stashes it in his grey zip up hoodie’s pocket. He tilts his head up wards and closes his eyes, an attempt to stop the waterfall of tears from flowing down his face. His hands cover his face and slowly wipe off the wetness of the fallen tears, while doing so he takes a deep breath and lets it out.
He came down here looking for inspiration to defeat Knight Mask in their MMA bout on Wednesday night that will be contested in a regulated UFC octagon. Crimson came down into the depths of his home looking for his old hand wraps, gloves, shin guards, and face mask. He told himself he would never fight again after what had happened to his last opponent, but this had to happen.
Before Crimson Cobra was known as Crimson Cobra in the wrestling ring he was an unstoppable force on the jiu-jitsu mat. Taking classes as soon as he could, he started at the age of 17 when he got his first job. Dakota would stay overnight in the gyms sweeping the front and mopping the mats to earn his stay. By the time he was 18 he already earned his blue belt, a task that takes some anywhere from 1 to 5 years. Dakota was that small percentage that could understand the body movements of jiu-jitsu he could “flow” and easily defeat much heavier and even more experienced opponents.
But when the young boy turned into a man at the age of 18 he also began taking a class called Muay Thai. A kickboxing based class that focused on the usage of knees and elbows. Dakota Cobb would be a stone cold killer if he continued training in these arts, which he did for many years. He would find his purple belt in the art at his current age of 20 but he quit after the first purple belt tournament he entered. Promising to never step foot on a jiu-jitsu mat or in a Muay Thai ring again.
On that day, the purple belt tournament Crimson Cobra wore his own gi with the words Crimson Cobra on the back. A name he was starting to become known as for being so swift and dangerous off of his back. He was called to the mat for the first match of the day where he was going up against once of the rival gym’s top ranking purple belts. The only problem was this was no ordinary tournament, this was at the Pan Am Games and Dakota wanted his first gold medal at the games. The two men squared off for the bout to begin but taking all of the Muay Thai classes had paid off in its own way, a hard right head kick was sent as instinct and Cobra knocked out the man with this one strike. Everyone stood shocked the referees not sure what to do, the judges confused, and Cobra standing over the man’s body like an idiot.
He was instantly disqualified from the games and told that he would never be allowed to compete in the games as long as he lived. No amount of apologies or explanations neither from him nor from his coaches would help lift the ban. He was also forced to pay for the man he knocked out’s hospital bill, the kick Cobra sent to the man’s face had broken his nose in 2 different places and disrupted the orbital over the man’s right eye. Cobra was out of his favorite sport and there was nothing he could do about it.
Another box in the basement has some purple sticking out of it and Cobra knows the sight all too well. It was the belt that he would tie around his waist every time he put the gi on after being promoted from a blue belt. Cobra wasn’t sure what to do, this box was surly just going to bring back more memories about the sport he once loved, and there was no need for more pain. But it may have the sparing gear so he opened the box and dumped it out.
There it all was the gloves, hand wraps, shin guards, even his old gi with “Crimson Cobra” across the back in a dark red color contrasting the shining white of the gi. Cobra grabbed all of the items and headed back upstairs out of the dismembered home and into his car.
Dakota “Crimson Cobra” Cobb
“There is no way some masked wanna-be superhero is going to bring down the undefeated Crimson Cobra!”
Dakota smiles to himself as he speeds off to find a gym that he can’t begin training with. The sight he missed oh so much and sport that was the only thing to make him feel whole.
Dakota “Crimson Cobra” Cobb
“I don’t think KnightMask knows what he has gotten himself into. I was told by all my former coaches that I would easily become a mixed martial arts champion if I so chose. A mask and some leg locks aren’t going to be the way you get a win over me kid. Well I’m going to guess that the mask is actually protecting me and all of the XWF fan’s from your hideous face that would scare all of the children away. You are… as you call it a “catch” wrestler, I am a…. well I was a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, I would train every day to crush the likes of your arts and make you go home wishing you would have chosen a different martial art to master.
You are a pathetic Olympic want-to-be-but-never-could-be. This is why you are here in the XWF, this is why you think you are good. You can beat a few of these untalented, unknowledgeable buffoons but when you make the mistake of crossing a real man, the man that you will be locked inside of an eight sided cage with, you make the last mistake of your career!”
The car continues to speed off as Crimson seems a new man looking to invigorate his old self.
_______________________________________________________ 1x Quote of the Moment
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
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