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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
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Seth Feder Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-23-2015, 07:10 PM

Seth is sitting at a table inside a casino that seems to be packed. (Is there ever a casino that isn't packed?) Seth's elbow is on the table while his hand - that has a lit cigarette in it - is resting on his head. It looks as if he is having a rough night at the table, or gambling in general. Seth is joined by a few other players who seem to be doing fairly well. The dealer is starting with the next hand. He deals two cards to each player and begins to ask each player - left to right - what they would like to do.

The first player says, "Hit me." The dealer throws out a card. The player gives a noticable smile and waves the dealer off that he's staying where he's at.

The next player is asked the same question. He waves off the dealer.

He gets to Seth who is trying to get his head in the game.

"Hit me." The dealer tosses a card. Seth says under his breath, "Fuck."

"Hit me." Again the dealer throws out a card. Seth pends the edge to see what it is. His foot starts to tap against the floor quickly. He takes a deep inhale from his cigarette and puts it out in the ashtray. He takes a look at both the players for a brief moment and back to the dealer who is waiting.

"Hit me."

Both players look at Seth like he's crazy. The dealer responds to Seth, "Are you sure?"

"I said fucking hit me. Hit me." The dealer slides another card to Seth. He peaks at it and starts to chuckle a little bit. Seth, without hesitation, turns to the player sitting next to him and knocks him in the face. Seth reaches and pulls the other player towards him, and throws a nice punch at him. Seth jumps up on the table as everyone is going crazy. He pulls out his dick and starts urinating all over the table and floor. Security is coming to try and handle the situation, but Seth starts to urinate on them. He must have drank quite a few beers to urinate that much. Seth jumps off the table and takes off running.

Security is trying to chase him but Seth is too quick. Sirens are heard in the distance. Seth quickly finds a large dumbster down a small street and hides behind it. He pulls out his cell phone, but when he does several chips from the casino fall out of his pocket. He starts shoving them back in his pocket and starts to dial a number.

"Come on, Lux. Answer your damn phone!"

You hear Lux's voice mail.

"Damn! Lux, it's Seth. You're fucking tag team partner. If you want me to be your partner on Monday, you have to come pick me up. Find me and pick me up. CALL ME!"

Seth is able to sneak away while staying low and in the shadows

Seth wakes up underneath some newspapers outside near a park. He looks at his phone but no calls. He gets himself up and decides to go home to get a shower.


Earlier that day...

Seth is in his house talking to some guy.

"Yeah, I saw his shit. Get your camera out. Yeah, let's do this."

"I have it out already."

Seth laughs and does a line of coke.

"Just don't show this. I could get fired, haha."

Seth gets all pumped up while his friend gets the camera taping.

:10 x Fucking Better Seth Feder:
Oh, look honey - bitches do ramble on and on about nonsense. I guess it is true what they say - can't shut a bitch up. This brings me to the man who seems to be full of hot air and tries his best to sound tough - Trax. I love it when a bitch defends another bitch while trying not to defend the bitch.

I did watch all your promo, Trax, even though you are just like a dumb bitch who won't shut up. I'm guessing you don't let your ass friends talk when you're around do you? I suppose they get a word in when your mouth of pumped with Vinnie's dick. Is that the only time you actually stop talking? Just like a damn woman who defends her man and rambles on, and on, and on. I'm glad you were able to stop taking to take in somebody's dick so I can actually respond to your dumbass - but before I do, let me be real honest with you, I dozed off a little in the middle of you talking.

I get it. Your position is going to be taking dicks you ass bitch - whether it's XWF or CCWF. I knew that. It's why I made it very clear no matter what group you go to; it's the same damn thing with different names. In XWF, you may be stuck in just a missionary position but with the CCWF, you may be going at it doggy style. I don't think it matters to you as long as you get cocks slapping your face - fuckin' .

You and everyone else's mission is to be the Universal Champion. Why? So you can lay on your backs being stroked by certain people while not having to actually fight to prove your championship material. Rhonda Rousey in the UFC hasn't denied anyone in her weight class a shot at the title, even her upcoming challenge to a newbie. Holly Holm didn't earn a title shot with two wins. Rhonda just keeps beating every woman in front of her because she is a fighting champion - unlike our champions here. Being a title holder simply means vacation. People want a title so they can get stroked and take vacations until summoned to fight someone who "earned" it. Who gets to decide who "earned" a shot anyway? Oh yeah, the butt fuckers who are stroking the champs.

I know you want to beat me again and again and again - - but I plan to kick your ass once and move on. I'm glad you have a partner you can trust and you two can have your special fuck fest together before the match and after, but when it comes to fighting - I'm the one who doesn't back down. I don't need a damn title to give me some type of value like you and the rest of these shitheads do. I don't need an undefeated record or claims to win a match against some top name. I'm Seth Feder and that's enough for me.

Am I being too hard on you homie? It's no wonder you need gold around your waste or need to defend your boy toy, Vinnie, when you say things like "You missed the point of me bring up Sid by the way." Shit, man. It all makes sense why you put a need for worth or value when you can't even fucking talk right. Let me give you some good advice because I wanna help you. Go get a life insurance policy; get a gold bullet - it can be made from a trophy or championship since you need that kinda shit for value; put it in a gun. You can figure out the rest - I think. At least after the event takes place, then your boy toy bitch can collect some money - then you'll have some real worth. I doubt you'll go through with my advice, even though it is probably the best shit you'll ever hear. You could take some of the cash you get from being the bitch and get some grammar lessons. Just kidding! You probably would just drop out anyway.

"Same damn...what? Samn damn team?" You, Trax, are fucking classic with the way you talk. If only you were less of a bitch and talked like a man, and not so much, it wouldn't be so bad.

I never came out wanting to ride my brother's achievements. I never used that in anything I said. I simply called out your boy, Vin, and he pussy'd out. It's that simple. As far as you saying I'll be lost like my brother. . .my brother isn't lost. He just left this place because of pig fuckers like yourself. Don't worry about Sid. Don't worry about my family affairs. Trax, what you need to worry about is answering the question, "what will you do when you lose and have no titles around your waste?" I'm sure the CCWF would love to take you in.

You talk about me calling you a and sucking dick means I have some suppressed homosexual feelings? Then you quote yourself talking about R. Kelly and calling me a ? I think you just told everyone that I was right. Before you try to use some logic on me, learn how to do it dumb ass.

Seth grabs a beer and starts to jug it down.

"What the hell am I doing again? Fuck, man, I'm going to a casino!"

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