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A Sunny Day in Metropolis
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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-23-2015, 09:41 AM

Robbie Bourbon recently visited Trax as he worked out in a large gym with a ring in it and took on his partner in a friendly bit of sparring, both men holding nothing back. Trax then dove into tearing the opponents of both men apart verbally, responding to Justice Drake and Seth Feder. Drake attempted to tell the whole XWF that Robbie my have no relevance to the match itself, while Feder claimed Robbie and Trax have bought into some devious system of roping people into fighting one another over made up titles and divisions. Kind of like the NFL.

All in all, just another day in the XWF.


We open scene at the steps of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in sunny Washington, D.C. In the distance we see the Capitol dome, along with a massive project underway on the national mall. Robbie Bourbon stands outside the museum, scanning the crowds for someone. He's wearing a loose fitting black luau shirt, a pair of baggy looking cargo shorts, and a pair of leopard print Vans shoes. He scratches the top of his mask.

Damn, where is he! I mean, this whole partner up and get to know you thing is wonkier than Tinder. Alright. Don't be nervous, Robbie, it's not a first date, you and Trax are professionals, you're both dealing with the same brain damaged boss at work, just take it easy.

Suddenly the man Robbie is looking for, Mr FN Dominance himself, Trax comes weaving through the crowd looking rather dapper, donning a fresh suit and Oakley shades. Trax approaches Bourbon who notices Trax as he does so and the two exchange a firm handshake as Trax looks around the crowded area.

Could of chose a better place to discuss business, I'm not a fan of crowded open spaces, I get claustrophobic, so excuse me if I come across as slightly on edge, well, more so than I usually do anyway.

Robbie leads Trax to a hired car, and gets into the back seat, leaving the door open. Trax enters.

We'll go somewhere a little less public then. Yo, take us up to U Street, Ben's Chili Bowl.

Robbie turns to Trax.

You hungry? We're going to some genuine D.C. flavor, sir.

Trax looks at the window as the car passes buildings all of which are unfamiliar looking to him, before turning back to Robbie

Thanks but no, I've not long ate, one important thing you need to know about me I am as much of a business man as I am a wrestler, and right now, I'd much rather discuss why you made me fly out here, take me to this... Chilli Bowl then if you really insist...but I hope they do food to go.

That's what makes you the man, slick. You don't fart around, just straight to business. The thing is, well, I digress, you'll see soon enough, no reason to flap at the gums over what's going to be evident. So, first things first, do we have some cool sounding team name, or are the asskicking offices of Trax and Bourbon Inc. just that? The way I see it, a symbol can be a message we can actually use. It's good you keep Lane on his toes, and I want Shane to snuggle into his big, comfy bed, surrounded by down, linens, and whatever skanks he can find to spend an evening with him, and just flat out never sleep a wink. Whenever any of those CCWF shit heels close their eyes, even if they blink, I want them to have visions of us, and what we'll do. So, since they're taking the X out of things, who are we if not the X-tremes? When shit goes down, and regular doesn't work anymore, and you need someone who can go to lengths beyond normal means, who are you going to call? Well, we can be those X-tremes.

That is an interesting ideology, I've never been good with thinking up names to be honest, only taking them, maybe we do need a symbol, a name, something to make Vinnie Lane quake in his loafers and make Shane's ears prick at the mention, I am indeed a man willing to go to lengths no regular man would venture to get the job done however if you're depending on me to think of a heroic name for this alliance I'm afraid to disappoint, never really been one for heroics or theatrics, that's more your thing I guess I mean you are the one wearing a mask and all, I know "The future Catalysts for CCWFs total annihilation" doesn't quite roll off the tongue.

Then the CCWF shall learn to fear what they wish to destroy. I'm thinking long term, too. I know you fashion yourself an ordinary fellow, and the mission has plain parameters, so I'll handle the details, here and there if need be. Flat out, between you and I, the CCWF doesn't know what extremes we are capable of. Their arrogance will be their undoing, a sentiment we both can agree upon. So, next piece of business; what is our gameplan? The Drakes are a little fuzzy, no matter how hard they tried to go for clarity I certainly got none, yet, and Lux "Please Think I'm Special" Lyden and Seth Feder, or Feder-light, same Feder taste only half the calories, have been ready longer than we have. Then there's Mr. Tank and Goddess Bitchface floating around. Look, dude, you're the guy who even inspired me to do better for the people, so inspire me here.

On the contrary I believe you do have what it takes, possibly, maybe, I mean you did almost beat Game Girl and you would of done it if it was for Pest meddling in your affairs, much like he did mine, when CCWF is dealt with, I will make sure to make him pay for that, as I'm sure you intend to, however yes, the tag team match, I've already addressed it in my promo, Justice Drake is a liability and will prove more of a detriment to his team than a positive factor I'm sure, as for Lyden and Feder, those two have massive egos, one to compensate for his lack of talent and the other to compensate for the fact he's living in his brothers shadow, I mean don't get me wrong we two have huge egos but we know when to keep it in check and we've earned our braggadocio, I have a feeling BOTH teams will take care of the other ultimately, due to miscommunication, inexperience, and misplaced arrogance. The REAL threat in this is Sitre, no doubt the rest of CCWF will be lurking nearby, don't worry about Ghost Tank, I am full confident he'll do what I expect of him and keep his nose clean in this, its Sitre that concerns me as already said, they is no way Shane truly cares about who becomes the next XWF champions, even with Sitre as enforcer, but I'm ready for that possibility, if you truly have my back covered, we can walk away with the tag team championships on our shoulders.

With that, the car comes to a stop as Robbie pays the driver.

Hope you don't mind high cholesterol.

Robbie steps out of the car and onto the sidewalk in front of a DC Metro station. Across the street is the locally known landmark known as Ben's Chili Bowl. Trax steps out the car and shuts the door behind him, he doesn't look too impressed, he sighs and adjusts his tie.

Well... I wouldn't want to disappoint "the people", this is your spot Bourbon, lead the way.

As Robbie and Trax head into the veritable hole-in-the-wall that is Ben's a couple kids point and make notice of the duo. Both men walk into Ben's, which is relatively empty.

Hello, what can I get you?

Two half-smokes, all the way.

Do you want anything to drink?

Yeah, two lemonades.

Robbie reaches into his wallet and pulls out a few bills to hand to the girl at the register, a sign reading "no credit cards" written by hand and aged beyond both Trax and Robbie's years hanging from it. Signage explains that only President Obama is eligible to eat free, that the chili recipe hasn't changed since the 1950's, and that several celebrities have eaten here. Trax and Robbie take adjacent seats at the counter while Trax once again stares idly out the nearest window. The young lady working the cash register quickly comes over with the two drinks. Trax nods as Robbie says thank you. Trax turns to Bourbon once again before looking at the lemonade.

I haven't had lemonade just by itself since I was like ten, no good for a bit of Vodka around here?

Trax smiles and Bourbon actually seems a bit taken back by Traxs sudden flippant, light hearted tone, Trax takes a sip of the drink before letting out a refreshed sigh and speaking again.

I must say it takes ALOT to catch me off guard, my repeated kick outs of surprise pin attempts are testament to that, LeStrange notwithstanding, but even I was caught off guard by our so called eternal champions actions that Wednesday, CCWF will do anything to keep the belt on his waist, even with the case, its going to be hard for me to get to him...on top of that you can rest assured that with Sitre acting as enforcer in our tag match they will attempt to sway that match in the way Shane desires, he has it out for us for sure, much like our good friend Mr Lyden, charming guy that one is.

Lyden has a mouth on him, but he mostly just seems to complain about how nobody respects him, whereas like you pointed out, we just went out and earned it. You especially. I appreciate the sentiments regarding the Intercontinental Title, but facts is facts, and I am not a champion. We'll fix that this Monday.

Out the front windows of Ben's a crowd of people begin to form, most of them pointing at the two XWF stars at the dining counter. One of the cooks on hand approaches Bourbon and Trax with their phone out.

Uh, hi, can I get a picture?

Robbie shrugs.

Sure, I...

You'll take it then?

The cook hands his phone to Robbie. Trax laughs but then quickly frowns when the cook puts his arm around his shoulder, Trax puts on a painfully fake smile for the camera shot, his smile disappearing faster than the cameras flash as the cook quickly grabs his phone off Robbie and jumps up and down like an ecstatic schoolgirl. He runs off and Trax turns back to Robbie.

Maybe we should of just stayed in the car, I digress, yes unfortunately it looks like Lyden doesn't really know how things operate in XWF, he's new though, and it shows, he'll learn soon enough, as will his partner if he thinks riding the coattails of his family name is enough to get him by.

Robbie raises a finger in the air to show an emphasis of agreement with what Trax said.

True. Speaking of family, though, the Drakes are also in the picture. I do agree with everything you said earlier regarding them, but I have to ask, just because that dingus brought it up, who is "Ooc"?

Trax's brow furrows as Robbie brings up someone who's name is pronounced "ook".

You know, Ooc? There's a huge section dedicated to the guy on the XWF website, but conspicuously enough he's not even on the top fifty. Justice Drake name dropped him, and I'm really, really confused by it all, and a tad bit concerned. In the past month, not only has the Black Hand attacked me, but also some members of the Hatriots, the CCWF, and the Dope Show, so if this Ooc character is more than likely going to show up to beat my head in and join the club everybody's already in, well, I'd like a little background info on the guy.

Trax shrugs as the two red plastic baskets, lined with paper and filled with crinkle cut potato chips and the be-all end-all of all chili covered foods. Robbie eagerly picks his up and takes a bite as Trax looks at what has to be food that conflicts with his strict training and dietary regimen with a slight disdain.

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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