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Hannah Declares War
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HannahDeclaresWarr Offline
Stand Silent, Stand Tall

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-19-2015, 08:51 AM

- Vancouver, British Columbia, 3:14 am, August 7th, 2015 -

A Slow fade, the chords of "Finale" played by Danny Elfman softly fades in. Echoing are the sounds of the racking subway tracks as the lights flicker overhead. Shadows dance across the cabin of the subway car as the street lights on either side glide by. The smell of sweat and oil have seeped their way into the cracks between the panels, into the nose of the young girl sitting at the rear of the cabin, her chin resting against her knees, holding her cheeks with her hands covered almost completely by the sleeves of an over-sized hoody. Her dark hair flows down the one side of her head, resting against the foggy window. Her green eyes seemingly in a daze as the night rumbles by just outside her reach. Slowly, she reaches her left hand to the window, drawing a single finger from her hoody, outlining a face in the fog set upon the glass, it smiles at her, and for a moment, she finds herself smiling back.

I guess this would be a good time to tell you my name, but you would just forget it. It seems in a world like the one we live in, people don't remember you, unless you've done something great, done something memorable; something that has changed the way people live. To be completely honest with you; I haven't done a single thing. The life I've lived has been somewhat bleak, almost meaningless. I should tell you I suppose, how a girl like me ended up like this, sitting here alone with nothing but the glass. Why I'm here in Vancouver, back home. You see, I grew up here, but in the last year of my life so much has changed. I don't recognize myself anymore, much less the people I used to know here. I thought that this would be easier, thought that at least if I could make it home, I could make things right again. But watching these empty streets as they pass, drives home the thought that I was wrong.

We used to think we could take on the entire world, "we"... as if it even matters now. I won't dwell I suppose, it doesn't make a shit of difference to any of you anyways. But rest assured that it wasn't always like this, I; wasn't always like this. I just understand now that there are some things in the world that you can never let go of, some things a person will never be able to get over. Losing her was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. So where does a person go, when the only thing lighting the way leaves them behind, when the light dims into the distance? This is how I've come to be exactly where I am. I wish I could tell you another story, the story of a girl who had it all, the story of a normal kid, but I can't. Sure, as boring as it may have been to come from white privilege, Mercedes Benz and Armani Exchange, at least I'd still have my family. I'd have lived better than I have.

We are all dealt a hand in life she used to say, and we have to play it through to the end. She used to tell me that no matter what the world can stack on top of you, that a person was never meant to break, was never meant to fold. And for the longest time I really did believe her. Because I believed, in us. It was an easy mistake to make I suppose. Forever its been, since I've really felt like I belonged anywhere, since I felt like I deserved anything, the road does that to you I guess. When you spend everyday looking back at the life you had, and regretting the life you never did. I used to see myself wealthy; lucky to have the things I had, and live the way I did. But its been so long since I've felt any warmth at all. Which leads me to my current situation. You see, its long rides like this that make me think, empty nights like this that take me back, and I wonder if she was still here would this have been the life she would have wanted me to have.

I sit lonely, cold, and hungry on this train tonight not for myself, but for the six foot tall man with the dark hair and the tattered coat sitting at the front of the train. I can feel the tension, weighing on him as he waits for the next stop, for the steel doors to open. There he will be met by any number of unsavory gentlemen. I'm not supposed to ask questions, just make it to the drop they said. Make sure this man, and whatever it is he's carrying makes it to the Burrard Street Station. My pistol, the only thing she left me with twitches in my belt line, painfully uncomfortable. Just a few more minutes and you'll be able to breath easier, I tell myself time and time again. But it never ends, its a cycle. I guess I finally understand what she went through. I hate myself for becoming this, for sinking, for folding.

The train rumbles to a stop, the old wheels of the skytram straining under the pressure of the lack of maintenance. The lights flicker off for an inordinate amount of time as the young girl gets to her feet. The man, who has been sitting ridged the entire time turns, his entire body now facing the girl as she makes her way towards him, the gun cradled confidently in her hand. She nods her head towards the door as it creaks open. As he swallows a lump of fear passed his Adams apple he timidly nods his head. As they step out onto the platform the girl looks back and forth, the silence is unexpected, save for the creaking of the train door as it shuts behind them. The train hisses as it continues on, now just as empty as the girls eyes as she watches it depart. She nudges him with the barrel of the gun towards the set of benches against the edge of the platform. The lights overhead dim, and the smell of water blowing in off the Salish Sea make the girl feel strangely at ease. The man sits nervously with his hands tucked into the pockets of his coat, tapping his foot against the metal platform, making a recurring tapping sound, the only sound save for the wind softly blowing through the terminal. The girl paces back and forth, obviously frustrated. These type of people were usually always punctual. A few tense moments pass as the two share an equally awkward silence before a group of men are heard making their way up the rampway, their suede leather shoes rapping against the diamond plate. The man stands, slowly nodding his head to the girl, she shakes hers, drawing a cigarette from the inside of her zippered hoody. Three of the men take the man by the arms and lead him away as the fourth steps towards the young girl who's face is now illuminated by the flame of the lighter. As he approaches he can see that the man is more than a little perplexed. The two share a look, trying to coax an initial reaction out of one another, its the suit that breaks first, as he pulls a brown paper bag from the inside of his overcoat; His accent thick, Russian.

Suited Man - Was expecting someone older.

The girl scoffs as she rolls her eyes

Young Girl - They always are.

She takes the bag and stuffs it into the pocket inside her hoody, the two share a nod before the girl turns away, stepping towards the walkway on the other side of the platform. The man holds for a moment, watching her, his mind full of the thought of a girl that young, living a life like this. He shakes his head, sighing heavily before turning after his company. She glances back over her shoulder breathing a lung full of smoke into the air. She pulls her hood over her head. She walks south, heading back to her one bedroom apartment on the south side of the city. She looks up at the night sky, the clouds rolling across the crescent moon just behind the slowly passing streetlights.

I started working for the company a couple months after she left, after the life I had lived fell apart. Its made me enough money I suppose, enough to get by day after day, week after week. If you asked if I was happy, I would lie, I would smile and nod my head. I have become somewhat cynical on the inside, with the realization that everyone you depend on will someday let you down, and everyone you meet is just another potential disappointment. I would like to say that I can avoid social circles, but unfortunately this line of work primarily benefits a person if they are known by a number of nefarious individuals. So I make myself known, by my work. My parents used to tell us never take a job, if your not going to do it better than anyone else, if your not going to stand on your accomplishments. But if they could see me now, if any of them could, would they have the same thought? If they had seen the things I had truly accomplished, the name I've made for myself. They would hate the person I've become. Sometimes I'm glad that they're gone, so that way I never have to face them. I can wear this mask for the rest of my life, I can be this person, forever.

The Happy-Go-Lucky child I used to be is gone, I can't remember how long its been since I let her go. I guess there comes a time in everyones life when they have to let go of at least some of who they are, when they realize what kind of a world this is. I couldn't be her now even if I tried, even if I wanted to. There isn't time in the world for innocence, there isn't enough pity in the world for cowards, it backs every single one of us into a corner. The Child I was died, and this is all thats left, an empty heart, walking alone under a starless sky. My Name...

...Is Hannah Warr...

:: Present Day ::

They asked me, just before the tape started recording, if I could think of anything I would like to say, if there were any bases that I thought I needed to cover. They reminded me that I needed to make a good first impression on the people out there, listening, watching the XWF. They said that I needed to be charismatic, have attitude. But how can a person just come up with something like that out of nothing. I would like to sit here and be all of those things for you, but I don't know that I can be. I shouldn't waste my chance to say hello, so I guess... Hello. There has been a long path, that has led me to where I'm sitting right now, looking into the lens of this camera, looking out at each and every one of you. Most people will sit here and try and convince you its about working hard, and who you know that gets you to where you want to be. Only half of that is true, the reason I am sitting here in this chair, getting ready to step into the XWF area for the first time is because I was lucky. Was at the right place, and exactly the right moment, made an impression on who I needed to. Why? so I can sit here and tell you my story? There isn't a single one of you that came here for that. Because the person sitting in front of you today is nobody, has never accomplished anything, has no gold, has no cult following. So what is there to say?

I suppose if I had to say something, I would tell you that I've haven't given up, I haven't backed down from the seemingly endless number of things that the world has thrown at me. And maybe that says more about me than I think, I know that there are probably a number of you sitting at home right now. Thinking that these problems your facing, are going to be the death of you. I can promise you with everything that they aren't. I can't tell you how many times I've sat alone at night, thinking that maybe I should just... take the easy way out, and people pontificate, say its the cowards way out. But for those of us who think the way we do, we understand that it takes considerable courage to pull the trigger. But I can tell you that it takes even a more courageous person to push through, to suffer in silence. Because tomorrow is another day, and you will get another chance. I like to think that there is something inside of me that won't ever fade, that will never give in. Just like there is something inside of all of you.

I can say that I am grateful for the chance I've been given, for the men and women who have built this company. Made it possible for a kid like me to walk off the street, out of a life so frightening and actually have the hope of a better future. You look at this place, and see only the negatives, yeah its easy, the more I come to realize the scope of what I'm walking into, I understand that a lot of what runs this company is the sheer insanity of the people it employs. But nevertheless I feel a sense of accomplishment, for just being able to stand next to them. The gimmicks and the showmanship aside, it takes talent to come as far as we have. And this week I get to see if I stack up to the level. What can I expect? To be taken seriously by the people stepping into that ring against me? to the person who has to fight alongside me? I hope they are smart enough to understand. I wouldn't be sitting here now, wouldn't have signed on if I didn't plan on taking this match as seriously as possible. It doesn't really make a difference to me what kind of match it is, tag match, good enough I suppose. Stepping into the ring for the first time alongside a man I know nothing about. All I can hope for is that he can hold up his end, with a name like Bloody Murray I like to think that he takes himself pretty seriously.

I can't say I know much about who these people are, what they stand for or what their motives for joining the XWF actually are. Whether its to get themselves up the latter, onto bigger and better things. Or to actually stay, and make something of themselves. Last year, I overheard a conversation, and it said that alot of people that go into this line of work, are only driven by a fleeting interest. Whether its to satisfy some type of issue they are having with their pride, their self esteem, or their need for adrenaline. Some people just get into this line of work for the moment, and never really make anything out of it. I can say that the business has seen its share of wishy washy people. How many can each of you name? Which is why it makes it so much more gratifying to have been able to stay, to be able to say that you never gave up, that you weren't just here for yourself, that you didn't just build people up to abandon them. Can I say that I see much of a future for any of the men stepping into that ring on Monday? I honestly dont know, but then again, I have no idea where my career is going to take me either, who really does?

If you asked a person like Vinny Lane, if the day he stepped into the XWF if he knew he would be who he is today, he would arrogantly say Yes. What person in the right mind wouldn't. But behind every single one of us there is a bit of doubt, and the only way to overcome it is to step into that ring and put it to the back of your mind. You have to want it, you have to become. I can say that I've changed more since turning 18 than I like to admit, and my time here with the XWF will no doubt change me more than I could possibly imagine. The only question that stands to be answered is if I'm ready to make the change, make the commitment to myself, to this company, to my future. We will find out, come Monday evening I start the charge, towards whatever the future holds. Whether that be fame, gold, recognition. Or the sting of defeat, but not at the hands of any man or woman who could step into that ring. If I am defeated it will be at my own hands. And I will have to live with that feeling. For many, that would be like living in a special type of hell. So whatever the outcome might be, I stand here at the edge, stepping into the future.
I hope by the time this is over,

You All Remember My Name.

[Image: Hannah1_zpslgz24bqo.png]

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