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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Now I think I understand (RP #1 for battle royal)
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The Reverend Tholomew Plague Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-18-2015, 09:00 PM

So I see I have an opponent that actually isn't afraid to open their mouth this week, or rather three opponents that opened their mouth this week. I still had one that seems to be keeping his mouth shut, but I shall deal with him after the match is said and done rest assure.

All I need to notify you guys is Darren Dangerous put in his two week notice and is quitting the federation because he is a whiny little bitch, who couldn't keep control of his faction and when he got kicked out decided to run like a little pussy, with his only reason being here still is he was already booked for these events and is expected to attend or will suffer the loss of a paycheck. Personally I think we all know that he is just going to try to walk out but that means nothing to me, the match is over when I say it is over, you don't get to just walk out and expect to not get the shit kicked out of you in return for it...with this said on to more important matters.

Abigail....dear sweet Abigail, we have common goals you and I, to clean this place of all of it's utter trash, however, I don't consider myself a coward for not backing a federation I just signed a contract with less than a month ago, and I don't consider myself a coward for not picking a side, I'm sorry to inform you Abigail but even when it isn't two federations colliding there are always two sides to everything, if even it is something as simple as that lying asshole Thunderbolt and Shane . There are ALWAYS sides, and no right or wrong answer. The simple fact of matters is I don't see a desperate need to take a side for this absolute and most certainly brutal war that is about to take place, you can hide behind the firm belief that has everything under control, but the simple truth is that just when you think someone has everything under control, your plan gets thrown out of wack, an intricate to anarchy and chaos is implemented and everything goes to hell. Do you still think you are still safe, that all of 's issues will simply vanish from existence, if you do you are the most naive person on this planet, and that is fine, I know many naive people in my life, but this line of employment generally isn't for them in this case.

All alone you claim, my dear I have never had more allies in the back in my entire career in wrestling.

Code Red is it...intriguing words my friend, suicidal...hardly, I'll give you depressed with a slight liking to alcohol but suicidal, no. Should've hung himself at the age of one, I want to know if someone could even make the decision to hang themselves at that age, I'm sure they could without realizing what they are doing but I doubt anyone at that age wakes up and goes....


at that age, please, the way you sound you must have the mental capacity of a five year old, where everything bad thing that happens to someone results in them getting pissed or wishing they were dead, here is a bit of advice for you Red, and this piece of advice is called.....

GET OVER YOURSELF, maybe learn to shut the fuck up and learn that not everyone can be as perfect as you bud, seriously there has got to be a line, and telling someone they should kill themselves, is crossing, even to somebody like me, who just crucified and fried with pyro the now deceased Anthony Steele that is cold, however I guess everyone is entitled to what they say, just understand it can and WILL have a major consequence tomorrow when we fight in that ring.

Jesus Christ, who does that leave us with now.....

thinking, thinking


Reeve Gordon, the man who couldn't even finish a match for the Hart Championship, honestly you can't tell me I am the only one that sat back and watched that match and thought,


Enough ranting though, I am sure you are still pretty bruised up from your previous match not even two days ago so I am going to make quick work of you my friend, however glad to know you decided to cut an entire promo on this match about how you are butthurt about the no contest title match with Maverick, honestly don't even bring up your future opponents up once why don't you, completely disrespectful, look at me I even brought up Darren Dangerous during this one and he is quitting for fucks sake. I don't understand why you would waste a promo for THIS MATCH, on one that already happened, completely and utterly pointless and like I previously stated I am going to make VERY quick work of you, I don't take kindly to dumb fucks who seem to forget they HAVE A MATCH in less then a day.

See you all tomorrow I am done wasting my day away on you...

[Image: udr4SEL.jpg.]

[Image: 1309562639969_f.jpg]

Win/Loss record:2-3

Accomplishments: 1x Xtreme Champ (8/23/2015-9/2/2015(aired on 9/4/2015) Length:11 Days)

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