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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
1. The Fucktastic Four
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St. Diabolicus Offline
Existence is Futile

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-18-2015, 02:41 PM

Holy shit, I'm in a Fatal Four way next week.

LeStrange unscrews the cap to his camera, which is already recording.

First of all I just want to say, Frodo, I told ya bitch, I'm still here, still standing and still flapping my gums. I am far from done with you, but for now I'll put you on hold.

Now on to business. Thunderbolt XYZ, Bucko, and Krazy Klown, interesting lineup. One eats roids like candy corn on Halloween, one hasn't been heard or seen since he walked through those doors, and the other is a promising young lad who recently quit his job as a Birthday clown. Nice. But there's a big problem here. The way I see it, neither of you are even close to being prepared for this match. This is a fatal four way, it's a no DQ free for all fuck em up fest. A match like this favors those without care. I could give a fuck less about you three kiddies. This means I could electrocute Bucko with a gas powered generator if I wanted. I could cut strips of Krazy Klown's skin off and make wontons with them. I could even crucify WCW Thunder just like the savior he pretends to be and get away with it.

Poor Bucko, him being thrusted into this match. What misfortune does that kid from Mexico must possess. Sorry you have to here this bud, Ven Lunes , tu culo está siendo enviado a casa para ir cajas como para llevar chino. Pero no te preocupes, voy a enviar su dinero a los niños a cubrir los gastos del funeral . Hasta pronto.

And Krazy Klown, where do I begin with you ninja. I wanna like you kid, I really do, but the Shaggy paint is too mainstream. Everyone wants to be 2 Dope, how come Jay, or Jumpsteady, or fuck, even The R.O.C. get some love. But I give you props, Takes balls being here, seemingly though they don't care for juggalos much. Don't let this fool you, your ass isn't safe from the royal ass kicking that you better say your prayers before you receive. Hell, might as well get used to being at the bottom rung kid,with the rest of us dipshits.

Oh, and I didn't forget you T-Bolt, here's a quarter, call someone who cares.

Random Guy: You know they don't make payphones anymore right?

Well shit, looks like your up Shit's Creek in a sinking canoe tiger. Where should I even begin with you? You're a mentally defective John Cena clone, and he's special ed to start with. You pimp yourself out like a desperate hooker on a street corner in New Orleans, and to be Gilmore's partner? That's the most I have ever seen anyone call attention to themselves. I hope Ol' Pete picks Ghekre just so I can take a snapshot of the disappointment on your face. No wonder the other Thunderbolts aren't around anymore, they got sick of your shit and left. And check out those balloons you call muscles. Were you so gay for Mark E. Mark, you had to get saline implants. Shame. shame. shame on you boy-o. I should bring a needle just to pop your ass and reveal just how fake you are to the world.

[Image: 303820731_640.jpg]

So to my opponents, I wish you luck in your endeavors. But on Monday, I'm gonna make each of you a promise. Bucko be warned, you're gonna bleed...a lot. KK, your gonna be in pain...a lot. And Dunder Mifflin, you gonna be in regret for opting in, for the rest of your career.

The trademark smile grows on his face and he shuts the camera off.


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[Image: tumblr_m7vr7yeOvT1rpjb1po1_500.jpg]
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