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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Continuing to "Train"
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Mr. Oz Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-15-2015, 10:58 PM

The video open with Ghost Tank yawning as he had finished cutting a promo, but now he had to edit it, but taking time out from the tedious process by heading to his walk-in refrigerators in the massive kitchen. He grabbed a loaf of bread, then grabbed deli bags full of over-roasted turkey, Krakkus ham, brown sugar chicken. He pulled out a couple bags of cheeses and a head of lettuce. To finish his grab bag of ingredients, he pulled out some maple brown sugar bacon he'd made earlier the day and the only condiment he wanted to use: Hellman's Mayonnaise. With all of it in hand, he exited the walk-in, closed it with his massive shoulder, then threw the food items upon the giant island installed in his kitchen, which is used mostly for the ease of baking things, needing an area that allows dough to be worked on. He grabbed an uncut Italian loaf, which he then cut at a thirty degree angle and not completely through side-to-side. He then turned on the faucet, ran the head of lettuce under the stream, getting it clean. He brought it back to the island, slammed the knot into the marble counter-top and yanked the loosened knot out from the middle of the head.

He then pulled a chef knife from the drawer under the island, and began to chop the head. What is left is good chunks for sandwiches. He opened the lid of the bread, and began to load up the sandwich with pre-sliced cheeses, white american cheese, cheddar, swiss, and provolone. Enough to fill the bottom up. He then followed it up with meats, folding the slices in half and placing them in the small well of the bread and on top of the cheeses. He alternated the meat until it was a thick amount on the sandwich, and followed the meats with more cheese. With the meat and cheese done, he would heat the bacon in the microwave for about thirty seconds, then put the very hot strips, at least twenty, on the sandwich. He put a thick layer of mayo on the sandwich, then a generous amount of lettuce and then closed the "lid" of the sandwich. Now he put the meat, the cheese, and put left over lettuce which is put into plastic bags, away into the refrigerator. He then walked out of the walk-in, pulling a gallon sized container of water on his way out.

He went to the island, pulling himself up onto it, sitting beside his monster of a food creation, and began to chow down as the video faded to black as a bit of lettuce and mayo dripped out the side of his sandwich that is opposite where he was eating and onto the scorched marble floor.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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