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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Quickie with LeStrange
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St. Diabolicus Offline
Existence is Futile

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-13-2015, 06:05 PM

The Scene opens in a Hospital room, a battered LeStrange limps through the door and makes his way towards the exit with the camera folling behind him. He reaches the check-out and signs his release forms, gathers his prescriptions, and goes on his way. Upon exiting, he is approached by a journalist for Underground Wrestling Weekly.

Journalist: LeStrange right? I was wondering if I could get an interview following you first match in the XWF. Would that be alright with you?

"Yeah, I guess so. Whats your name?"

Journalist: I'm Brad Merryweather, I'm with UWW, Underground Wrestling Weekly.

"Ok, well...lets do the damn thing."

BM: Firstly, what is the deal with the face paint? Is it something meaningful, something inspired, or just something?

"The facepaint is something that was a big part of growing up for me, umm, I wasn't exactly popular gorwing up, I never really had a dad around, and my moms was a heroin junky. When I was about 14 years old, I discovered this rap group called the Insane Clown Posse, ICP for short, and other fans of theirs took me in like they haven't seen my in forever. I had just met these guys, and these fuckers were like, all huggin and dappin. It was crazy, but I liked it, they made me feel special. So I started wearing the paint as a tribute to the people who showed me love for the first time."

BM: Sounds like you had a pretty rough time then? I know juggalos aren't particularly liked in a lot of places.

" we're not, but I became used to the idea of being picked on at an early age, so I knew I could handle anything throughout my teen years. But again, the love I got from other juggalos, helped me overcome."

BM: Nice, now on to wrestling related questions. With your first match done and passed, how do you find the competition in XWF?

" They're a tough bunch. Vanessa surprised me with her skill and threw me off a bit, I'm not done with her yet, I still love her, and one day I am going to bash her brains out and it will be glorious. She tried to rip my nuts off with bolt cutters, fucking brutal. As for as now I have to focus on Monday."

BM: That is a good Segway for my next question. How do you think your match with Frodo Smackins is going to go down?

"He is a top competitor in XWF. And the match in itself is a loopy one. Its a Fags of Death match. One where if I lose I could either die or be put on the shelf or just be crippled severely to the point I don't fully recover. But that's the kind of brutality I am looking for. The kind of lunacy I thrive off of. It's the crème de la crème of ultra-violence I crave."

BM: Alright, last question. Saying you survive this match coming up on Monday, what's next? What XWF star do you wish to in your own word "murderlize"?

"I don't know yet, after I destroy Frodo, I think i'll go ahead and start cutting the rest of the Dangerous Alliance. I don't like the way they smile, I wanna put a better one, a crooked one on each of their faces."

BM: Welp LeStrange, thank you for your time, and I hope good fortune in your future.

"May I ask you a quick question?"

BM: Sure.

"Who you going for on Monday?"

BM: To be honest, I hope Frodo demolishes you.

"You motha fucka..."

He grabs the journalist and drags him to his car. He opens the trunk and throws the journalist inside.

"Looks like my buddies at home get a new friend to play with."

LeStrange faces the camera with his trademark grin.

And Frodo, you're lucky enough to be next."

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[Image: tumblr_m7vr7yeOvT1rpjb1po1_500.jpg]
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