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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
A Hero hits the Big Time(1)
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Alexander Aries Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-12-2015, 05:15 AM

As the scene fades in, the very first thing we see it...

[Image: front_flat_copy__74215_zoom.JPG]

This pair of the Hitman's shades was a collector's item. This pair of shades had been bathed in the essence of the "Best there is, was, or ever will be". As with everything there was a story behind these shades.

The ambience is quiet as we see a reflection of Double A looking thoughtful as he stares at his prized collectible. He remained quiet for a few moments before the camera panned upwards to focus on the British Canadian Hero himself. He smiles nostalgically as he thinks back.

So many people got into this business for so many reasons. Fortune, fame, glory, even some owners, they got into this business to have the feeling of being...well, powerful.

Do you know why I got into this business, ladies and gents?

He stops right there. Generally people didn't care to hear long drawn out stories, but this he knows is different. As far as most people know, Double A is just a trash talking young man uploading videos to the "Fight Section" of the Xwf Network. He holds the glasses up for the camera to see.

Any wrestling fan worth his or her salt knows what these are. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past thirty some odd years, then you know that the Legendary Hitman used to wear these to the ring and he would give them to some lucky young man or lady. Boy or girl. That particular fan would witness first hand what a hero should be. Needless to say, going into this match against two other "no names" like myself gives me that first stepping stone on my road to being known. Now I know this isn't some big money title match but it's a big money match to me. For about ten years now I have wrestled all over the world in the "indies". No man's land. No televised matches mind you. Won a regional strap here and there but no big gold. Some blokes know what that's like.

He chuckles.

"Some no name getting put in his place. I'm gonna sit and eat popcorn while that happens."

That's the general consensus in this company.

Some guy around here has held the Xtreme Championship for over a month. He thinks that makes him better than everyone else, but it appears to me that he has forgotten that he was in this same position ten matches ago. Ten matches and he thinks he's Hulk Fuckin' Hogan, folks. Once again, my five year old Adam said it best. "Whoopeedeedoo.".

Even Hulk Hogan was a no name. Even Ric Flair was a no name. Even Bret Hart was a no name. The list goes on and on of men who built this business who started from nothing. People discounted these men as well, and they turned out to become legends.

He shrugs his shoulders and stands. As he does we get a good look at his surroundings. The hotel room is nothing to write home to one's mother about. Just the basics. He walks over to a black minifridge and opens it up. We see the basics in there as well. All natural fruit juices, bottled waters, lean red meat. Organic. No beer or alcohol of any kind. He cracks open a bottled water and continues.

This Monday night I make my debut and that means the opportunity to prove what I've been saying over on the Network. I am just simply better. I don't do drugs, I don't drink. Wrestling and my family is my life. My wife realizes this and has no problem with my spending time on the road to put food on the table for our family. But lil Adam, the lad knows that daddy's t-shirts are gonna sell. He knows that what daddy does is for him and mommy but that daddy will become a bonafide legend one day.

Now there are two other people in this contest that no doubt disagree with me. First there's a glorified Asian prostitute named Oni who is too busy on some karate kid demon bullshit to actually think about the match. Yeah, I've got no qualms about tapping a bitch out. Again, I want to be the best and whoever I must go through I will. No doubt.

He sips his water again.

Then there's Giuseppe Jones who honestly presents no problem in that he doesn't even open his mouth or make a public appearance. A lazy worker. One of those men destined to be "enhancement" talent, if you catch my drift.

But you can rest assured that Double A, The Assassin Alexander Aries will make even this joke look serious. Rest assured that the assassinations begin Monday night.

-Fade to Black-

[Image: Vct9GC9.jpg]
Win-Loss: 5-0
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