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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The doberman is back in its kennel.
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Chester Brock Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-08-2015, 10:03 PM

Today’s players:
Chester Brock (CB)
“Dirty” Frank Malone (DF)

A dark, sweltering room.

An unyielding, cold sweat.

-{Chester Brock sits at the edge of the bed, staring mindlessly at the beeping alarm clock on the television stand. His hands shake nervously as they cup his dismayed face, almost as if to hold back a scream of terror.}-

CB: “Where-”
CB: “Where am I?”

-{Chester’s hands frantically search the bare nightstand, looking for any clues to his whereabouts. He pulls open the drawer with force, revealing nothing but a mass-produced copy of the Bible. He slams the drawer shut and notices a small, pink matchbook laying half underneath the nightstand. He nearly flings himself to the floor to retrieve the object. His eyes squint in the darkness, focusing on the name scrawled across the box}-

CB: “The Pink Poodle Adult Theater?”

-{The beeping from the alarm clock stops. Chester looks up at the diminutive figure standing next to it, the glow from the alarm’s red numbers illuminating the disgusted face of Dirty Frank.}-

DF: “You fucking mind, kid? Its too early for all this goddamn yapping, I still smell like Cinnamon’s delicious little asshole and I’d like to wallow in that for as long as I can.”

CB: “Put some fucking clothes on, I can see your dick. Where the fuck are we?”

-{Frank sighs; he knows how this conversation goes. He does it every day.}-

DF: “San Jose”

-{Frank throws his hands up as, predictably, Chester leaps out of bed in search of his pants. As he locates his jeans and stumbles back into bed while attempting to squeeze his legs in. Frank shakes his head and sits back down onto the other bed.}-

CB: “What the fuck Frank!? I have a match in Toronto! I’m never going to make it.”

DF: “Yeah, about that. You already had your match in Toronto.”

CB: “Come again?”

DF: “You had your match already.”
DF: “Five years ago.”

-{The light flicks on and Chester looks over; Frank is standing up again in between the beds with a look of sadness. His penis still exposed. Chester looks over to him, then away in disgust, before continuing to struggle with his pants.}-

CB: “Real fucking funny. How the Hell did we even get here? What’d you give me?”

DF: “Calm down, kid. This ain’t no joke.”
DF: “Its over. Its done. That fucking moron… he dropped you right on your head.”
DF: “You ain’t been right since.”

-{Chester stops fiddling with his pants.}-

CB: “Is your dick still out?”

DF: “No.”

-{Chester turns his head toward Frank. His penis, however, is still out.}-

CB: “You fuck!”

DF: (With a laugh) “Sorry, sorry. There, the Doberman is back in its kennel.”

CB: “What did you mean. Dropped on my head?”

DF: “Look man, I’m going to give you the short of it because we do this every damn morning and frankly I don’t have the energy today. Toronto, your match with that unprofessional British fuck. The guy went for a powerbomb off the top rope and he slipped, dropped you right on the crown of your head. You flopped around like a dying fish for a couple minutes, you were hospitalized. You suffered some brain damage or some shit, I don’t know. But here’s the meat of it: Everything that happened up until that day, you seem to be able to remember. Everything since and you’ve got the memory of a goldfish. And your personality isn’t much better, but that was never your strong suit to begin with.”

CB: “You’re fucking with me. What kind of idiot do you think I am? You really think I’d believe my life has become something that sounds like a terrible movie featuring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore?”

DF: “Hey, don’t take my word for it, you asshole. Look for yourself.”

-{Frank walks over to the door and grabs the newspaper sitting half underneath the door. He walks back and throws the newspaper into Chester’s face. Chester looks down skeptically as his eyes survey the pages.}-

CB: “What the…”

DF: “Told you so. And while you let that settle in, do me a favor and get ready to hit the gym. You’ve got a match later on.”

CB: “What? How do I have a match?”

DF: “Oh you got cleared a long time ago. I kept you on the circuit, you’re still pretty damn good. You’re in the XWF. We made a quick stop here a while back, you literally ate shit, and we bounced. But we’re doubling back, I got a very interesting call from an old friend of mine who works there. Figured we’d come back and see how it went.”

CB: “What the fuck is going on right now? You tell me I’m one step above being a fucking vegetable, tell me I’m still wrestling, and tell me to prepare for a match while I’m trying to piece together the last five years of my life? This is fucking stupid.”

DF: “Don’t bother kid, you try to jog your memory every time I tell you about this. It never works.”

CB: “And yet you keep me wrestling?”

DF: “Well kid, let’s be real: You were just some scrub barely scraping enough together to survive before all this shit happened. You think doctors can fix this shit for free? I’ve kept you moving, kept the money coming in. I think this XWF place is our golden ticket. There’s so many shit-for-brains asshats running around here claiming to be the best that all you have to do is show up and actually -be- the best, and you’re gonna be on top. Being on top means fame. Fame means money. Money gets that fucked up brain of yours running like a Swiss watch again, and gets me into a stripclub that has one of those classy lunch buffets. Come on junior, have I ever steered you wrong?”


DF: “Then lets see some goddamn gumption! You’re in a tag team match this coming Monday for your re-debut. You’ve got some masked guy and what I assume is his girlfriend. Your partner’s name is Ghost Tank.”

CB: “Ghost Tank? Sounds tough.”

DF: “Sounds like it, right? Well sadly, he’s not. He’s a giant vagina. He just cut a promo where his fiancee pretty much fucked him in the ass with a dildo then ordered him to go dress shopping for her. What a fucking pussy. I mean I’ve had my fair share of pegging incidents, but I’m the size of a normal man’s penis so I pretty much have to take what I can get, but this guy? He submits faster to his manbitch than a mutt begging for piece of sausage. Given her rather pronounced jawline I’m not too sure that that isn’t exactly what he’s doing, to be honest with you."

CB: “Sounds like a bitch.”

DF: “You’re goddamn right, that’s why you need to be on top of your game. This asshole ain’t going to carry you through the match, hell he can’t even carry the illusion that he’s a straight male marrying a straight female. Pretty sure that bitch used to be a guy. The masked guy piped up too, for about 12 seconds, talking about how he’s some legend or something. Who fucking cares, everyone wants to think they’re someone. You’re the only one in this match with any actual talent to speak of."

CB: “I can do this. No problem.”

DF: “Excellent! We’re off to the right direction. Now, the next bit of business: your gimmick.”

CB: “What? I need a gimmick?”

DF: “We all need gimmicks.”

CB: “Well, what were you thinking?”

-{With a smile, Frank reaches into the suitcase next to his bed and holds it up for Chester to see.}-

DF: “How do you feel about being a male cheerleader?”

CB: “...Shit.”

-{The scene comes to and end.}-

Who am I??
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