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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
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Darren Dangerous Offline
The Lord Of Ultra-Violence

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08-08-2015, 08:16 AM

After returning from a much overdue vacation before his return match in XWF, Darren Dangerous sets at his laptop reading news on the XWF website. What interests him the most are all the rumors flying around the campfire that he has "taken his ball and went home". These comments amuse Darren very much. If the writers, fans, and even the talent show such interest in the whereabouts of Darren Dangerous, what does this say about his popularity? Darren shuts his laptop and cracks his knuckles as he slides his chair away from the desk and stands. He walks to the television and sits on his beer, wine, and bodily fluid stained couch. There were many stains on his couch not limited to urine, various types of female DNA and many types of other female fluids. He reaches for the tv remote and flips it on. He changes through the channels until he comes to Sports Center where a young male reporter is speaking of XWF. The company's logo appears in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Darren turns up the volume.

" With Monday Madness only days away, the wrestling community is in complete disarray after famed pro wrestler, Darren Dangerous, has appeared to vanish. No one knows where the self proclaimed "Lord of Ultra-Violence" has went. Could this affect the outcome of his highly anticipated return match this Monday at Madness?"

Darren smirks

"We welcome your comments on Twitter as to the location of Darren Dangerous and if you think you have seen him please respond the with hashtag, "#IseeDD". We will have more on this story as it unfolds."

The television is switched off as Darren's smirk becomes full blown laughter.

"These people are leaches. Can't a man go to New Zealand for a few days without the world ending"

Darren stands and stretches. He walks to his kitchen and reaches inside his fidge and retrieves a slice of pizza.

"I mean really, don't these jokers have anything else better to do than jerk off to me? This so called "group" will get their asse handed to them soon enough. Patience is a virtue, but bloodshed will be mine for the taking and the alliance will take what is ours."

Darren eats the pizza and tosses away the crust in the trash. Suddenly there is a knock on his apartment door.

"Who the fuck could that be?"

Darren goes to the door, still in his boxers. He opens it to see a quick flash and then he sees a man with a camera running away.

"...the fuck?"

Darren shuts the door.

"Fucking tabloids, I guess the secret is out, I am back."

[Image: dd_zpsbyxex51n.jpg]
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