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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Christmas in August
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-05-2015, 10:43 PM

[Image: christmas-lights-tumblr-snow-rtotimoi.jpg]

The snow is falling as the Midwest winter is in full effect. All the houses in the neighborhood are decked out in their Christmas glory. Some where so covered in lights it looked like Santa threw up all over them, but one house was dark. That house belonged to Michael and Cheryl Fontanna, well DID belong to Michael and Cheryl Fontanna.

It's been six months since Michael Fontanna walked out on his family. Six long months since he looked his young son in the eye's, patted him on the back, and said
"Sorry son, but me and your mother are getting a divorce." He then walked out the front door never to be seen again!

Young Freddy Fontanna could hear his heart break as he watched his father climb into his car. It felt like his heart was made of glass as it shattered into a million pieces. Sure his family wasn't perfect, but when his mom got to drinking his father was the only one that could stop her warpath. Now here we are Christmas Eve 1991...

Cheryl Fontanna was passed out drunk on the couch in the living room. Freddy was sitting Indian style on the floor in front of the TV. It was a hand me down from his aunt , half the buttons didn't work, but it did the trick. Freddy waited all year to watch Frosty the Snowman on network TV and tonight was the night he had been waiting for.

In past years the family would sit down with a bowl of freshly popped popcorn and watch it together. Their house would be the brightest on the block and their tree would be bursting with presents. Not this year though. This year his mother had been drinking since she woke up. Freddy had cooked her a TV dinner that sits cold and untouched in front of her passed out body. Half emptied glass of brandy still dangling in her hand.

Freddy turns on the ancient dinosaur of a TV. He shuddered as the neon glow floods the room, fearing the light would wake up his mother. God he prayed she wouldn't wake up, because God only knows what she would do to him if she did. He grabs a pair of pliers off the coffee table and turns down the broken volume knob.

The opening credits begin to play as a smile show's on Fontanna's face. He hasn't had much happiness since what went down with Pastor Davies. Fontanna still had nightmares from that night. Seeing Mrs Davies blood spray from her throat, and Mr Davies demon red eye's staring at him. But at this moment he didn't have to remember any of that, all he had were the good memories of better times while watching Frosty the Snowman. All this was ruined however with the sound of broken glass against the wall!

episode 628
Hosted by: Indie Mike

Indie Mike- Ladies and Geeks welcome to episode 628 of Geek TV. You all know me, I'm your fearful host Indie Mike! I'm joined on the show today by a living deathmatch legend and XWF superstar Fontanna! How the hell are you?

Fontanna- I'm doing good Mike. Thanks for having me on!

IM- Well most of my fan base know that I'm a huge fan of pro wrestling. So I'm very excited to have you on the show today. This past week the XWF had a huge three day PPV spectacular called Relentless...

Fontanna- Yes was a great night. I mean Loverboy Vinnie Lane won the freaking world title on day 3!

IM- But you had a pretty controversial match on night 2 correct?

Fontanna- I'm glad you brought that up Mike. I fought a scrub by the name of Thunderbolt X in an Ultra Violent I Quit match.

IM- The man who claims to never surrender, never say quit?

Fontanna- Yeah that !

IM- Now I know what happened but go a head and explain it to the folks at home.

Fontanna- Ok gladly! I'm going to break kayfabe for a moment! So Jacob, who plays TBX, approached me a few days before the show. He had some stupid finish about him getting knocked out and carted off making the match a no contest. He didn't want to do the job! So I approached management and told them about TBX unwillingness to do business the right way. They agreed what was best for business was for me to shoot on TBX and make him scream I quit for real! So that's what I did...I kicked his ass seven days from Sunday and made him squeal like a bitch! He is a phoney just like I fucking told everyone!

IM- Wow!! So I bet TBX wasn't to happy after that?

Fontanna- Nope he was pretty pissed off actually. He threatened to sue me and the XWF but he didn't realize the joke was on him! You see the jackoff was in breach of contract over a money issue already. Then turns around a pisses dirty for the gas and boom his lawsuit is null and void HAHAHAHA!

IM- So what's next for the new face of hardcore?

Fontanna- Well as we build towards our next PPV War Games, management has tossed me into the middle of some stable war between The Dangerous Dildos or something like that vs The Dope Show. Now the only reason I'm in this match is to even up the odds.

IM- I seen a video where Frodo Smackins had some interesting things to say about you!

Fontanna- Yeah I seen that hack job attempt to cut a freaking promo. This dildo hasn't been around in forever and now he wants to dust off his mic and use me as his target! I'm going to give him the same amount of time that he gave me...Fuck off you mark.

IM- Well I think that's all we have time for. I want to thank my guest Fontanna for stopping by and sharing some awesome stuff with us. Tune in every Monday Night Madness and catch Fontanna tearing up the ring. Until next time make sure to Geek Up your Life!

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