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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-31-2015, 12:25 PM

Power Can Corrupt Us All

Backstory: Ricky Desmond used to be Steve Davids manager. After Steve lost his championship Ricky gave up all hope on Steve. He abandoned him and did not try to find him. He decided it was high time he got back in the ring. His business, Desmond Towers, was thriving.

Now Davids is waking up, after ending up at his Godfather’s house. Following his defeat to John Samuels at the hands of Theo Pryce, Steve has been plotting revenge on those who have wronged him.

Two weeks later.

First Person Switch – Perspective: Steve Davids

I paced up and down the room as Clive and Ambrose showed me more clips of Ricky claiming that I was nothing without him. That he was the reason I became the Universal Champion. What a load of codswallop. I won the briefcase and I took the opportunity to cash in on Theo Pryce. He did nothing but watch. I stood amongst the flames and instead of burning to a crisp I walked out, unscathed and defeated Theo Pryce for the championship. Finally, I had climbed to the top of the mountain.

“Steve. I know you do not care for me but he has become a massive problem. He is taking businesses all across London down. Playing us one by one. He needs putting in his place before it gets out of his hand. I know my business will be fine, but seeing my friends crumble in front of me, begging me for help… desperate of a way out… it’s just the most awful thing.”

I thought of Blaine, my dead uncle. What would he have done? I have no doubt he would have helped Clive. Why had I never been told about Clive though…? My own Godfather. It was slightly suspicious to say the least, but I’m not sure it mattered at this point. I spoke this week of Vengeance.

Ricky needed to feel my vengeance, and if I got to help people in the process then that was an excellent bonus.

“I’m sure it’s awful for you Clive, but what the fuck do you want me to do about it?”

“I want you to shake him up. Shit him up.”

So I did.

For weeks on end I haunted him. Appeared where he didn’t expect. Caused trouble across his building and simply tried to freak him out.

I would go into detail but that story has already been told before by Ricky Desmond and how scared that coward was.

Until this point. Although I had scared him… I was yet to actually encounter him, one to one for a conversation. It only seem prudent that I explain what I was doing…. I mean, I’m not like Glisten. I don’t pretend to be all that mysterious.

I arrived at Desmond towers. The building was closed and I knew there would only be two people left. His trusted security guard and him. It was easy enough to get in though, if you knew Ricky well enough.

His security guard left before him under Ricky’s orders, and as he did I grabbed the guard from behind and choked him out until he was out cold. I didn’t kill him, which would be needlessly excessive. I took the key and entered the building. Then I took the lift to Ricky’s floor, the one below the bar, of course.

Ricky saw the lights changing above the elevator and stood staring at it, his hand slowly reached towards the baseball bat below his desk. As the doors opened I emerged, thunder in my eyes. Sweat trickled down Ricky’s face, he was immediately terrified. I would be too if a man who has been haunting you for weeks emerged from nothing.


“It doesn’t matter how Rick. What matters is what you’ve been doing. What you have done to other local businessmen and more importantly their employees. I do not care for greedy men like you. I do not care for money myself. But when innocent men are suffering at your hands, that’s when I have a problem. Oh and by the way isn’t it cute that you’re happy to stand by me while I am at the top but as soon as I fall you jump ship. You’ve always been a coward but this, this, well now, this another level. You scared of a bit of competition aye Rick? Well listen to me and listen well. If you do not stop putting people out of work, I will be back. You won’t know when, you won’t know why, you won’t know where. Just heed this. Wherever you go, my storm will follow you.”

“Yes? And what of my storm Steve? I am not scared of you anymore. You’re a shell of a man I have no doubt. That title meant too much to you.”

“Ha. You seem to have forgotten your own words Ricky. What did you say as that lid shut down? As you walked away from me. You turned your back on me but you said ‘Steve Davids Always Comes Back… Stronger.’ Well Now I am back and you were not wrong. I am stronger than ever.”

“And let me guess, you’re going to crawl back to the XWF?”

“You’re god damn right I am going back. I won’t be crawling though. I will go with my head held high. My reign was nothing to be ashamed of. Most people don’t even get the opportunity to hold the belt. You for example, you’ll never hold that title and you know it. In fact, I doubt you’ll ever hold any title. Now Rick, I don’t think you’ve quite understood the purpose of me being here. Are you going to stop shutting down local businesses or are you going to continue to strive to total power? I swear you would take over the world if you could!”

“Evil has never been my intentions Steve. People try to take me on, so I take them down. Sure, a few times I may have instigated it myself but that’s what wise businessmen do.”

“Yes, well I’m not a businessman and I do not give a fuck. Anyway, it would be pretty shit if I didn’t get even a little bit of revenge.”

I rushed at him, he went low with the baseball bat but I leaped over it and took him down with a clothesline. I grabbed the bat from him as he quickly got to his feet.

“Now Rick, do we have to make this difficult? I mean, you’ve got such a pretty face. It would be such a shame if something bad were to happen to it. Those teeth, they’re so white and pearly. What if a few of them were to go missing?”

“GET OUT OF MY OFFICE STEVE. Or I swear I will call the police.”

“You have far too much pride to call the police Rick, you always did and you always will.”

He knew I had got him. He slowly moved backwards and I knew he was looking for another weapon so I skipped towards him and swiped his legs out then held the bat to his throat.


I grabbed him by his tie and pulled him to his feet before flinging him across the room to the floor. He was by the elevator and pressed the button. He tried to escape by getting into it but as it was about to shut I managed to swipe the bat in between the rapidly closing doors.

Ricky took advantage though and kicked be in the bollocks before planting me with a DDT between the elevator doors. He stepped out and pressed close so that the doors would shut on my head but I rolled forwards just in time. As he ran at me I scooped him into the air and lifted him over my shoulder. He landed on his back. As he got up I kicked him in the stomach then planted him with the Game Over (Praying Mantis Bomb).

He roared out in pain. I stood over him

“You see Rick, I really didn’t want to have to send a message that way. I hope you have learnt your lesson because next time I won’t be so forgiving do you understand.”

He looked up, lifeless. No response.


He nodded slowly, a bit of sweat fell into his eyes.


I kicked him one last time. Then picked up the baseball bat and smashed the frame his degree was in to pieces before launching the baseball bat through his window and leaving.

Probably didn’t need to the last bit but it felt good.

I took a deep breath and left, returning to my employer.

“Is it done?” Clive asked as I entered the room. He and Ambrose were suited up drinking whisky. This was my kinda evening.

So I suited up and joined them before answering his question.

“I SAID… Is it done?”

“It should be. If he goes out of line again, let me know. Next time I’ll fuck things up a little worse.”

“Okay good… He’s a slimy man and I know this certainly isn’t the end.”

“Amen to that.” Ambrose joined in, raising his glass.

We all raised our glasses and drunk.

“Now, how about you get back in the ring?” Clive asked and winked at me.

“I am already scheduled for a match at the pay-per-view against Glisten and Drew Archyle.”

“Good you already know. Well don’t let me down… I have big money on you.”

“Woah, that’s not cool Clive.”

“Relax, go enjoy yourself.”

I sighed and left the room shaking my head.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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