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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2
I will go sailing no more
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-29-2015, 09:52 PM


You may remember just a couple of weeks ago, XWF'S Resident had an interesting session with his psychologist, Dr. Bentley. No not a Frodo raping Gilmour sort of session. Skull needs to overcome his fear of heights, so Dr. Bentley thought he would try and get Scully to do a skydive. After all, why mess around? Just get the man to jump and he won't be afraid any more, right?

When XWF Official revealed Skull's hiatus, that was when we first met Dr. Bentley. It also came to our attention that XWF being the amazing employer's that they are, were indeed trying to help the XWF Champion overcome his fear. Let's remind you what Dr. Bentley said when XWF reporters first caught up with him.

What the doc Said:Dr. Bentley:"Believe it or not, a lot of psychologists will tell you that the correct answer to that is Yes. The technique is called 'flooding', and it has a solid base in behavioral therapy. The underlying theory behind flooding is that a phobia is a learned fear, and needs to be unlearned by exposure to the thing that you fear.

The doctor attempted this strategy but failed and what happened afterwards was insane. No not Justin Sane, just insane. Dr. Bentley should, probably have been upfront with Scully and told him what was going to happen but he didn't. Therefore when he persuaded Scully to enter the plane with a 'Choco Treasure', Skull was too intrigued in the chocolate egg that when he realised what was happening, he went crazy. Luckily, Greg had his gear on otherwise he would have fell to his death.

Scully is determined to overcome his fear now. He wants to be able to fly again. At XWF pay-per-view Relentless, he will be in an triple threat Xtreme Championship match against challenger, Morbid Angel and Champion, Trax. But it won't be just an ordinary match. It will be in a cage of death match and everyone knows the cage is pretty high. Skull doesn't want his fear to cost him a title like it did against the Brick Squad. He had an opportunity against them to grab the tag-team championships but he choked and his team lost.

Skull knows that if his fear hadn't come back to hit him hard, in the balls, he would be a two time tag-team champion. YOLO, life goes on, can't dwell on the past, just gotta do what ya gotta do to overcome your fears. Scully has pledged to himself not to make the same mistake again.

Wednesday 29th July
Miami, Florida

Here we are on the streets of Miami, Florida. The rain is falling from the skies, where else would it come from?! Still a blonde woman takes a stroll in a skimpy outfit, looking all sexy. Another woman tries to pull it off too but she just looks trashy. A couple of pensioners walk side by side, gas bagging(gossiping) with their shopping trolleys in tow. Ewww, look at that woman with hardly any teeth. Yeah that one, smoking a cigarette. A group of three muscular men thinking their names are Heman, Hercules and Hulk. Oh and that other guy riding the bicycle, yeah he better watch where he's going, nearly crashing in to that lamp post. Would of been funny though right? Youngsters, children of all ages, dogs, maybe a cat? Oh wait, no cats, my bad. It's very busy near the beach in Miami. Hey wait, who's that?

Is that who I think it is? Why he is dressed like that? Here he comes, sunlight shining down on him and doing some sort of aeroplane motion. The shower of rain had stopped. XWF'S Resident comes walking down the pavement looking like he's early for Halloween. Everyone is looking at the Scull Meister like he's a weirdo. Skull just laughs at the people passing by giving him funny looks, he has a grin nearly as big as the jokers.

Scully enters some automatic doors on a fairly large building. He approaches the reception desk. The receptionist, a lady in her mid thirties, is on the phone. She notices Skull and raises her eyebrows as she see's him coming towards her. She ends the phone call quite quickly and makes an effort to drink her mug of coffee. Still staring at the bizarre Scully, she accidentally spills a little coffee on her dress. She tuts in annoyance at the accident and Skull reaches the desk. She looks up, still trying to figure Scully out.

Receptionist:"Hello how may I help you Mr. Scully?"

"Hey Diana.. I have an ointment with Dr. Bentley?"

Diana:"You mean appointment?"

"Yeah that's what I said, didn't I?"

Diana:"Okay one moment, sir."

The receptionist picks up the phone and dials the number 3.

Diana:"Mr. Scully here to see you."

The receptionist puts the phone down and smiles at Skull.

Diana:"He said go straight in."

"Okay thank you."

Scully makes his way down the corridor as Diana still stares at him strangely. Skull stops door number 3 and is invited in. He opens the door and enters the room. Dr. Bentley is shocked at Skull's appearance.

Dr. Bentley:"What the hell do you look like?"

"I look cool don't I?"

Dr. Bentley:"You look even more special than you normally do."

"Awww thanks Doc."

Dr. Bentley:"It wasn't a compliment. Anyway are you ready to go?"

"I am, doc."

Dr. Bentley:"Well you'll need to apologise to Greg. He isn't happy because you obviously pushed him from the plane last time. That's if Greg wants to see you."

"I will say I'm sorry."

Dr. Bentley:"You'll also need to apologise to Bruce. You knocked the poor guy out."

"I will."

Dr. Bentley:"Good lad, let's go!"

Doctor Bentley grabs his leather jacket and puts it on. He and Skull exit the docs room to make their way down the corridor. Diana smiles at the doc and Skull as they walk past her, towards the door.

Dr. Bentley:"I'm glad the XWF are paying me good money to help you, I couldn't walk with you otherwise."

They exit the doors as the docs black 2014 Buick LaCrosse awaits. The sky is mostly blue and only a few clouds, hovering by. They both enter the back of the vehicle, Bentley nods at his driver and they are away. For the first few minutes they don't speak to each other, Dr. Bentley is trying to swallow his pride and say something to Skull. He eventually comes out with it.

Dr. Bentley:"Look Scully, I apologise for tricking you last time. You had every reason to be upset with me. I should have been upfront with you."

"That's okay doc. You were just trying to help me."

Dr. Bentley:"So why you dressed like that Skull?"

"It makes me feel ready to fly like a bird in the sky, flying flying, really high."

Dr. Bentley:"You're still Scully though, you do know that? You're not a superhero."

"I am the Scullanator. I'm a sophisticated sex robot, sent back in time to change the future for one lucky lady."

The doc shrugs, not knowing how to respond to that. He finds it a little awkward. They eventually arrive at Skydive Miami. Both men get out of the car and the doc lights up a cigar. They are approached by the same three men as last time, Bruce, Jeremy and of course, Greg. Greg looks a little wary after last time and Bruce, well he kinda hides behind Jeremy. They all question in there minds, what the hell does Scully looks like? Skull breaks the silence.

"Don't fear, the Scullanator is here!
I want to apollo-jizz for my alter lego, Scully. Greg, he says he is sorry. You're a good Citroën."

Dr. Bentley:"I think he means citizen."

The doc shrugs and then whispers to Greg.

Dr. Bentley:"Just go along with it."

Greg:"Apology accepted on behalf of your alter ego.

Scully or shall we say Scullanator, turns to Bruce.

"Scully apollo-jizzes to you too, Bruce. He didn't in-ten to hurt you."

Bruce nods, not really making any eye contact.

Greg:"Are you ready... Scullanator?"

"I was born ready, I think. Now let's do this, I have to learn to fly like a donkey...."

Greg:"Donkey's can't fly."

"No wonder you were pushed by XWF'S Resident when you don't believe Donkey's can fly. Have you ever seen Shrek?"

Greg:"I have and it's just a...."

Dr. Bentley:"Ssshhh... Don't say it. You'll upset him."

Greg:"Come on, Superhero."

The Scullanator runs off to the plane, he is very excited as the other men follow. They enter the door at the back. The pilot starts the engine and the plane begins to drive down the runway. After picking up some speed, the plane takes off. The four men and Scully, all put their gear on. Skull looks a little sad because he has to cover his costume. After they are good to go, Bruce refuses to join on to Skull because of the incident last time. Jeremy steps forward but Skull shakes his head.

"I want to jump by myself."

Greg:"Are you sure?"

Skull nods his head and notices Bruce wearing some kind of camera on his head. Skull looks amazed.

"What's that on your head?"

Bruce looks scared. After he got headbutted last time and k.o'd for his troubles, he is unsure about Scully. Skull tries to grab the camera but Bruce backs off.

Jeremy:"Just let the lad have a go."

Bruce:"It's MY Go Pro!"


Bruce looks around at everyone looking at him and making him feel bad. Scully smiles at Bruce and flickers his eyelids in a sweet, feminine way. Bruce sighs and take it off his head, gesturing for Skull to borrow it.

Bruce:"Please don't break it. I'll let you use it, for the jump."

A big grin emerges on Scully's face and he hugs Bruce to everyone's amusement. Bruce ties it on Skulls head for him.

Greg:"Are you ready to jump Skull?"

"Let's all jump together!"

Skull suddenly charges at Greg and they both fall together. Bruce, Jeremy and Dr. Bentley jump too. It's amazing footage on the Go Pro as the men are spread out, falling from the sky. Suddenly everyone apart from Skull pull their parachute. Skull is too busy enjoying himself. Luckily though the chute automatically works. Skull is floating as he notices someone familiar waving at him in the distance. It's XWF'S Drew Archyle, who has a huge smile on his face and is now giving Skull the thumbs up. Scully waves back.

Skull lands on the ground. He is a little confused as Drew is nowhere in sight. However, he is so happy he did it. He sees Greg, Jeremy, Bruce and Dr. Bentley have also landed. The next bit is like a scene from a movie. Scully runs towards Dr. Bentley, if only it was in slow motion. He then trips over the parachute, the other men find this hilarious. Skull gets back up and continues to run towards Doc. 'RUN FOREST, RUN!' Skull gets to doc and gives him a great big hug.
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