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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Fontanna...More like Bitchtanna
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Morbid Angel Offline
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Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-19-2015, 06:56 PM

As the day draws near there can only be one that will walk out, the other will be dead or near so and claiming cheat but that is the future so how can we already have such bold claims.

Morbid Angel vs the horrid Fontanna in a Volcano Death match where only the strongest will survive and it is believed to be first of a kind here in the XWF

The original was between Morbid Angel and Phantom but Fontanna got involved and then Phantom jumped out of the match to go after the slacker Peter Gilmour because that holds a much higher chance of pulling a victory for him than against Morbid Angel.

Fontanna believes that Morbid Angel is just some run of the mill fighter with no real idea of who and what he brings to the table. To Fontanna Morbid Angel is an old man who's only talent is penis but he'd be greatly mistaken.

To many their craft is like an art, for example a chef uses many different ingredients in his art to make it come true.

Morbid Angel's art is death. Known to all as a man of focus when it comes to violence and no matter the jokes that come across him, he is not known for being an easy target and there has never been a man that waltzed through him to get what they want.

Fontanna wants to be something that is just too far out of reach and that's fine. Most people try and grasp things that are just out of the reach of their fingertips. Human nature is to excel until there is no where to go but down, everyone claws to their highest only to fall the hardest from the top and in the end, we all lose to death. Young or old, death will capture us all!

Fontanna we will say is a middle ground, young but not too young and yet still stupid in believing this is still a game and that he had any bit of a lingering chance of victory.

On the bright side, Fontanna was raised from the Monday madness for beginners and now resides as a headliner because of Morbid Angel, not because of talent.

Many men here in the XWF can thank Morbid Angel for the jump in their careers and some had gone so high that not even he could see them in the distance but that's not saying he couldn't if he tried.

Doctor Louis D'ville was a man who seemed couldn't catch a break until a fateful Pay per View brought them to team together and at that moment Morbid Angel brought D'ville to new heights and now he resides as the Universal champion.

If you ask Morbid Angel about his thoughts on D'ville he would reply that it is a shame that such a man could still be holding the Universal Title considering his lack of defending. Seems that no one wants to go up against this old man champion and the ones that do are turned down by the Doctor himself.

At first glance you can notice that he is a weak champion because a real champion would defend at least once a month but, Peter digresses.

Commonly there is always going to be two versions of every story and it's up to the people paying attention to deduce what is truth and what is fiction. D'ville wants you to believe he is worthy of holding such a title but in reality he is not and the proof is in what we know and not to believe the lies of those trying to shade our eyes from the truth.

Today is one of those rare occurrences where we get the opportunity to see Morbid Angel preparing for his trip to Honolulu, Hawaii for his Volcano Death match. He was ever so excited and Steve Sayers was with him to to talk about this auspicious occasion with him.

As Morbid rushes around the room stuffing his Louis Vuitton luggage full of his morbid goodies he raves about the match and what he would do in it to Steve Sayers.

Steve Sayers and Morbid Angel go way back to the beginning of his XWF career and their relationship has always been a weird one. Steve Sayers always had to be weird.

Fuckin' Shit! I am going to jump down into that volcano like a fucking boss and own that fucking match like it was Peter Gilmours' dick and money!

Steve Sayers looks at Morbid Angel confused and not really sure if it was his accent and broken English causing misspoken words or if he actually planned to jump 50 feet into a volcano and planned to survive.

Jump into the ring? It's like 50 feet. You can't survive that fall. No one can.

Morbid Angel chuckles as he reaches into the top drawer of his dresser and pulls out a small black bit of fabric.

HA, You wouldn't survive but I will! I'm Morbid fuckin' Angel, motherfucker!

He holds up the fabric and gives it a quick stretch revealing a skimpy speedo that surely won't hide what Morbid Angel is packing.

After the match I am going to take a victory swim in the lava! FOR VICTORY!

He then jams the speedo into his luggage as Steve Sayers looks on confused with a scoff.

You can't swim in lava. You'd melt in seconds and die!

Morbid Angel laughs as he grabs some burn cream from the table side and shakes it at Sayers before tossing it into his bag.

You can't swim in lava but I can! I'M MORBID FUCKIN' ANGEL! God extraordinaire!

Sayers rubs his eyes in frustration. At this point he thinks Morbid may be believing he was in fact a god.

No, no. It's impossible to swim in lava! You would actually, seriously die.

Morbid grins like a madman as he zips up his bag and heads for the door. Sayers follows, he was there not for the joyous company of Morbid Angel, he came at the request of the XWF to interview him.

This is not up for discussion, I will swim in that Volcano and I will fucking live because I said so!

Sayers doesn't say a word and lets Morbid say what he wants because; just because there is no winning when it comes to Morbid Angel. He leaves the house with the camera and Sayers following him to his 2015 Lincoln Navigator and Morbid turns on his monitor to play a short and very uneventful Fontanna promo!

I guess I should say a few things about Fontanna...a word or two.

Quote:Have you ever been accused that you've lost your mind? That you might just be a little bit twisted?

...No...Never...I am the most stable person I've ever met...true story.

Quote:That the rest of society are the normal ones and you are just the outcast that likes killing kittens with razor blades? Well welcome to my world!

Yes, you are super crazy. I mean how can I even live up to your hype! You are so crazy...we're talking super crazy! So crazy I bet you eat a lot of penis! All the crazies are doing it now! Dinning on some dismembered cock!...not me though...I'm not crazy at all...nope.

Quote:For 15 fucking years I've busted my ass in Japan!

Who gives a flying shit about Japan! Every punk bitch here has been to Japan! Except me because I hate that chink stink if you know what I mean. If I hear another new cunt come in here talking about how they busted their ass in motherfucking Japan and they think their a bad ass. It is not bad ass! its fucking Japan! Full of little people and pedophiles! Oh yeah! I went there! You and Peter Gilmour went there to touch little girl peepee's!

Quote:I have and will continue to bleed buckets for this business!

Do you know how much blood you'd have to lose to fill a bucket? A lot! Well, OK...Hows this, there are many bucket sizes but the most common bucket holds about a gallon of water so lets say you bled 2 gallons of blood and that should be buckets. Lets now take a look at your flesh and do you know what we can't see? Scars! FRAUD! You can't play me! I am not a fucking fiddle you fucking twat! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT TRYING TO SOUND SO BAD ASS!

Quote:Morbid Angel...I have wanted this fight since I signed my fucking contract to be in this company. The great and xtreme Morbid Angel!

A match with me? Really?...are you gay? You called me great? Why would you do that? you might as well stick your head in the lava for me and call it a day! Do you think you will walk out a winner? Give me a fucking break! Flattery won't get you far with someone like me.

Quote:You said you wanted a match that was so Xtreme it would make people puke at the finish! Well, you got your wish!

I never said I wanted people to puke at the finish. I said I wanted a match that was so hardcore it will make people puke. Puking at the finish does nothing for me, I mean I could die and never see the puke! If you quote me at least quote me right.

Quote:We will be suspended high above an active volcano! The only way to win this match is to throw your opponent off the platform and to there fiery death!

It's not a fiery death, so you know. lava isn't fire it's molten, there is actually very little fire in a volcano. That's science!

Quote:The day is getting closer...the moment of truth is almost upon us!

The day is getting closer. There is no truth, only VICTORY! Not that you'll ever know what that feels like.

Quote:Is Fontanna the new face of Hardcore or is The Most Xtreme wrestler to ever lace up a pair of boots Morbid Angel! Only time will tell...

You are not the new face of Hardcore and there is no "Or" when it comes to Morbid Angel! I've never lost a hardcore match in my career here in the XWF, I've defeated people you aren't even worthy enough to polish their fucking boots so don't even ask if there is a chance for you to leave that ring alive!

Quote:but I'm here to tell you to bring me your best!

What do you want from me? Like a Goulash? I'm not much of a cook but its normally what I make when I don't feel like eating out.

Quote:I want the beast...I want the Fucking Legend!!!!

You couldn't handle a beast or legend...I'm already regretting accepting this match because I don't think YOU are ready for a beast OR a fucking legend. You need to show ME you can dance with the devil and hold your own because right now you are looking like a fucking hack trying to play with the big boys.

Quote:Because when I beat you and toss your fucking ass off that platform and murder you on national television...there will be no doubt who is the most dangerous guy in the XWF!

I am so afraid of you right now. I mean, can you hear the fear in my voice as I tremble? I think I just pissed my asshole...or something...I'm not use to pretending to be afraid so bare with me...OK, hows this...OOOOHHHH NOOOOOOOOO! FFFFFFFontannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!!!!!

Quote:So I hope you have all your lose ends closed up and Kissed your family goodbye.

Hmm, someone doesn't do much research very well apparently. Do me a favor and tell me a bit about my family. Who should I kiss? Your mother's pussy?

Quote:because in just a few short days I WILL KILL YOU!!!!

And to think you just spent the last few minutes sucking my dick and telling me how awesome I am and not you are going to try and be a bad ass now? Right...Coming from the only man to ever lose to Tommy Wish twice in a row. Goddamn shame!

Morbid puts the SUV in drive and
The Scene fades to a Blood Red!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
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Won at War Games 2014
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