07-18-2015, 09:20 PM
Johnny and I are laying in bed, he's still asleep. I've not been sleeping long since I hurt my head. Johnny, he falls asleep, but it takes a while since he tries to watch over me. He's always trying to look out for me. I get to my feet, and silently shuffle to the bathroom. My head has started hurting a little, so I take two of the pills the doctor prescribed. They taste funny. I do not like the taste of these pills. I will let Johnny know in the morning, but for now I will sit. I sit down in the bathtub, it's empty, and I decide adding water is a bad idea, so I lean my head against the cold porcelain. The blood from before was cleaned up by housekeeping, so I don't have to worry about that.
The Porcelain feels good against my head, I can feel the staples, and it's odd. I stare up at the shower head, and wonder where the water goes when I turn it off. My eyes get heavy, and I fall asleep. I dream odd dreams, and get awoken by the sounds of Johnny shouting.
I'm laying there, and trying to wake up. He shouts and stomps around some more. I hear him throw stuff around. I want to go hug him, but I am having trouble moving my legs. I hear the sound of a phone hitting a wall. I try and shout, but I don't think he hears me.
I hear him stomping around the room, shouting some more. He did not hear my cry. I try and move my legs, but they do not work. I scream for my Johnny again, as loud as I possibly can.
It still is quiet. I feel weak. I start crying actual tears. My sobs don't seem very loud, but my face is wet. I hear the bathroom door kick open, and Johnny comes running in. He sees me laying there, and he rushes over to me. His arms wrap around me, and I try to talk to him.
I tried to call you. You didn't hear me.
He cradles my head and kisses all over it, careful to not touch the staples.
You weren't there when I woke up. I was terrified something happened to you. Oh my god, baby, I'd be lost without you.
I feel water hitting the top of my head. I can't look up, but I think he's crying.
I needed to take some pills. Then I got sleepy, and wanted to nap.
In the bathtub?
I nod my head. It hurts to talk.
You adorable dork. Can you stand?
He releases me, and I try to stand up. My legs don't cooperate with me. I shake my head.
Johnny lifts me to my feet, and I wobble, but he holds me up right. My legs feel all staticy. I shout to make sure Johnny can hear me.
I think my legs are still napping. I need a drink.
Johnny helps me out of the tub, and to the toilet, where I sit while he gets me a glass of water. When he hands it to me, in the cute little plastic cups they give you with the hotel name and logo on it, I drink it. My throat feels better.
Thank you, cutie. I need to wake my toesies up. They're not cold, though. That's good. I slept with my socks on.
I point to my cow socks that I slept in. They're white with little black spots like a cow on them. Johnny shakes his head and then kisses me on the lips while I try and move my toes. While his tongue tickles my teeth my big toe actually wiggles some. I pull back and squeal with joy.
I do not think yelling in his ear is a bad thing considering I got my toe to move. He must not agree because he pulls his head back and holds his ear.
That's great, babe. But I think I'm deaf in that ear now.
I force myself up, and kiss his ear. I hurt it, I kiss it. That's my rule when it comes to Johnny.
Sorry, sweetie. I'm just excited. I can stand now. You want to shower and get breakfast?
He nods and we undress to shower. Johnny helps wash my hair, so as to not hurt my staples. We get clean, and dressed. I put on a green romper. It's got cute little legs that stop about halfway down my thigh, and short sleeves that stop a little past my shoulder, the belt in the middle to separate its halves it gold. I look so adorable I squeal as I look at myself in the mirror while tying my ribbon in. I put on a pair of black trainers and my sushi socks.
Johnny walks out wearing a pair of black jeans and a black embossed button up shirt. He's trying to be American. I giggle and pretend to tilt my cowboy hat at him. He walks over, and helps me to my feet. I leave a note apologising for the mess, with $100 in it on the bed for the maid, and then Johnny and I head out to go get breakfast. We walk down the street until we find this small little mom and pop looking place, and go in. They have a bar like seating, so we sit and look in on the kitchen. The waitress comes over, and talks with a thick Chicago accent, and chewing gum. She's about 50, and has bright red hair, it's obviously dyed, and freshly. She still has some dried dye on her ear.
What can I getcha?
I'm excited, I'm in an American Diner, like out of a film or something.
Yay! America! Can I get an order of scrambled eggs, and an orange juice please? Light pulp?
She pops her gum.
You must be English, sweetie. I'll get that for ya. And what about you, honey?
She looks at Johnny as she writes my order down.
I'm actually the English one, she's Scottish. I'll have a mug of tea, and a plate of eggs, fried, with an order of sausage, if you have it. Not the Yankee Breakfast sausage, I mean a real sausage.
How many eggs?
Two, please.
All right, honey. I'll get those right up.
She turns to face the fat man in the back of the kitchen, he's wearing a shirt that looks as if it was once plain white, now the stains of years worth of cooking have turned it a multitude of colours. None of them resemble its original appearance.
Hey, Carl. Get your ass back to the stove. We got an ordera Scramble, two fried, and a real sausage, not that Yankee Breakfast Sausage, a real one. And throw on some tea. We got the Redcoats!
Carl, the man in the back scratches his belly before washing his hands and making our food for us. It was delicious. We ate and spoke with the Waitress, Shirley, about all sorts of things. She told us about how when she was younger she went to Liverpool once, it was the year Lennon died, she was actually in Liverpool when Lennon was shot. She said the whole town put up memorials, and that it was one of the most amazing nights of her life. I told her about my head injury, and how America was fun, but I kept getting hurt. She asked if it was our first time here. I said no, I'm here every few days, and Johnny told her how he once came to America as a lad with his parents, before his dad died of cancer. He never told me his dad died before. I just thought he didn't speak to them.
We finish our meal, and Shirley refuses to bill us. A peace offering between the countries after so long, she called it. I left a $200 tip on the bar for her. She seemed like she could use the money, and Carl could use a new shirt. We walk down the street, and spend the morning taking the Mid Western morning air in while watching people rush to work, or day care, wherever they head off to. It was nice. We even watched a couple get engaged. Right there on the kerb, at the corner. It was super sweet, and romantic. Johnny kisses me, and lifts me into the air. He whispers in my ear.
If I ever ask, and you say no, I'll die.
I blush, and then he puts me down. We skip, yes skip, back to the hotel, to find it perfectly cleaned and fixed up. The maid leaves a note thanking me for the kindness of leaving her a note. She even drew a smiley face on it for me. I pull out the laptop and check's the website to see if either Dim or Ethan had posted a promo for me; Dim did. I watch it, and shake my head. My head hurts. I set up the camera to record my response.
Dim, I apologise if you think me calling you a meanie is mean, and slander, but it's not really. I mean, you did chain Trax up and whip him. You also have spouted off really racist stuff, a lot. And you call everyone a mean name for gay men. That's not nice. You're encouraging hatred, and I don't support that. Encouraging hatred is just mean. I don't like it, I like people feeling loved and supported. No matter their race, gender, or sexuality.
You know Women can do a lot more than cook, and clean, yeah? I can do a lot more, I'm also a talented wrestler, and I'm good at signing, unless you ask my brother. I can also take care of people really well. There are a lot of very talented women, who can do much more than you give them credit for. You need to start looking at the world differently, and more friendly to everyone.
Well, Dim, I did not know you were married. I'm sorry for your loss. I can understand the pain. I've lost people very close to me as well. Do you want a hug? I'm really good at hugs. You just have to promise not to rape me. I'm glad you have friends, but, Dim, do they really respect you for who you are, or are they only friends with you because you share their racist views? Do they care about the Dim that goes home hurt and sad at the loss of his wife? Because, I'd be that friend for you. If you'd let me. I have made friends here, Robbie Bourbon is my friend. He's even gone around protecting me from people who are mean. He promises to give people a really strong neck hug if they're mean. Calls it a Neck Wrecker. He's so sweet. Plus, Roxy and I are friends. Her, Tiff, and I are gonna have a girls night out when Vinnie wakes up. I think Peter and I are friends. I want us to be friends, Dim. I even defended you against Trax when he was being mean about you and Ellis. I just wish you guys would accept me, and be nicer to everyone. I don't know DeVille, is he nice and sweet?
Dim, I don't understand why you think you're better than someone. No one is better than anyone. Why can't men do the cooking for women? Gordon Ramsay cooks for his wife. Maybe Americans are weird like that, but here, we all do it equally. We even have a female leader. I voted to stay in the United Kingdom, coz I didn't wanna lose her. Dim, people did go after you when you had the title, and then you had one match to defend it. You lost the match because you were too tired, or hurt, or something to kick out at the three. You weren't able to beat Trax, and then you went and did dirty things with the match with Carson Waters. You did stuff that even I don't do. And, I don't even own one of the things you did it to. And then you couldn't even climb out of the cage as fast as a man in a bunny suit. Dim, you're losing it.
You're not what you used to be. You are right, Dim, I lost my title in my second defense of it. I lost it to Drew Archyle, in his debut match. He is a talented fighter, and I don't think of it as a bad thing that I lost one single match. My entire record holds one loss, Dim. That's pretty good for a stupid little girl who can't tell the difference between a Llama and a Goat. If I have a say in any of my matches, no one will be allowed to be mean, Dim. I don't like meanness. I want us to be nice to each other. I don't know if Vinnie is becoming a woman or not, but we've seen plenty of footage of him in a coma. Not that it matters, he'll still be back soon, and he'll still be Vinnie Lane, and I'll still try and be his friend. Unless he does become a her, then I'll try and be her friend. Because being friends is the best way to be. Will you be my friend?
I'm not being mean by not making you a steak, if you would ask in a respectful manner, I would invite you and your lady friend over for a nice steak dinner. But you have to dress nice, and be respectful. The best way to be.
Dim, I do have a few final questions, though. You said that I look like your friend, Maggie, and then you said I look like a man, and you said that Maggie is a "nice piece of" and I won't say the last part, but it was a sort of compliment, I think. And you have made sexual passes at me before. Now, you're saying that I look like a man. Dim, do I look like a man, and if so, why do you want to sleep with me? Also, if I look like a man, and I look like Maggie, does that mean Maggie looks like a man? If so, why did you sleep with her? Does that make you gay?
I close my laptop and set it on the bed before taking a nap with Johnny cuddling me.
<3 Gator <3